Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Selectman's Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version March 7, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Andy Moro-Osterman Propane, Peter Naventi, Sarah Stiner, Linda Schodoff, Judy Abdalla, Michael Abdalla, Ellen Lahr-Berkshire Eagle, Brian Connoy-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Welcome to the Stockbridge Selectmen's meeting from March 7th, 2005. We have a light agenda but some important things to discuss and so we will get right to it. CRIS Andy Moro is here representing Osterman Propane. Let me read a legal notice and then we will turn it over to Andy. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing at the Selectmen's Office, Stockbridge Town Hall, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 7, 2005 for Osterman Propane, Inc. to store 90,000 gallons of inflammable fluids at 9 Lee Road, Stockbridge. This was published in the Berkshire Eagle on February 21st and again on February 28 th. And a little brief history here is that Berkshire Gas sold the propane division of their company to Osterman Propane, Inc. and they took over this, I don't know what you would call it, a depot or storage. Andy Moro stated a distribution center. Cris continued with a distribution center. We have the trailing licenses for Berkshire Gas for the past two years but since there has been a change in ownership we felt that we should have a hearing and have Andy come on it. So I'll just turn it over to you and if you want to give us a background of what happens at this facility and what this 90,000 storage. ANDY Basically in 1981 Berkshire Gas Company installed two additional 30,000 tanks at this particular site for an increased storage with a permit from the Town of a total storage of 90,000 gallons. Basically there are three 30,000 storage tanks underground at that location. What Osterman Propane does is we go there with our propane trucks and that is where we park our trucks. We take the propane out of the tanks and distribute them to the customers in the field. This facility basically the storage facility, hasn't changed since 81, except we went and rebuilt the piping on the outside of the plant from the tanks, remodeled that last winter, and so it is more up to code and more efficient. But basically the storage has stayed the same since basically 1981. DEB Andy, 7 Lee Road, where is that can I see if when I drive by. ANDY 9 Lee Road. Basically you can see it if we replace the Town sign. DEB You mean the welcome to Stockbridge sign. ANDY Welcome to the Stockbridge Road Lee it's right there. DEB I have never have seen this, really CRIS On the left side of the road, there is a chain link fence around the area DEB I drive by there regularly ANDY You can't see it from the road and that is one of the good things DEB It is ANDY If you, we are the last property in Stockbridge and the next door neighbor is 900 Lee so our driveway is adjacent to his and right across from the Town signs where you see the signs. DEB Okay, okay GEORGE Where is- go ahead ANDY It is Dr. Brinker's old property up in the back there matter of fact it is set up a couple hundred feet off the main road. A fenced in facility, secured and we like it that way. GEORGE Where is the main facility of Osterman ANDY Whittensville, MA Osterman Propane has been established since approximately 1960 by Ernie Osterman. They are basically an all new England and a little into Maine They are one of the largest propane distributers in Massachusetts as far as trucks on the road and stuff. Well established and well respected in the industry. They turned around when Berkshire Gas was on strike, the natural gas part of the business and Berkshire Gas through Energy East wanted to separate their propane division from their natural. Because they were a natural gas electric company. E Osterman Propane first bought out their operation in the Greenfield area and then proceeded to buy out the other operation here. GEORGE Who are your customers are these… DEB Local people ANDY Local people GEORGE In other words you are selling right to the homeowners ANDY We are selling, we don't sell, the only gas we sell out of there is not to any customers. We don't come in there to fill barbeque grills or anything like that. We sell to Lee Oil. We allow him to come in and meter off and buy gas from our distribution but basically we fill our trucks there and we go to your home, or somebody else home or business in the area and we supply the propane from the storage facility tanks. Basically that plant is a storage facility where we are bringing a trailer truck and unload it and then we put it into a smaller trucks and bring it to distribution system. In reality the only thing that has changed there since 1981 is that we rebuilt the loading area and made it more efficient, more safety. GEORGE….But your trucks are there, they are garaged there ANDY..........There is no garage, they are parked outside there GEORGE How many are there ANDY Three propane trucks at this time and one crane truck. We have to go…there are three trucks there now. DEB So the reason you are here tonight because of the change of name of the business for the license CRIS Change of ownership ANDY That's what I understand.. As we were issued a permit to store but I guess we never had a hearing and that is why we are here tonight. CRIS Right We are just catching up DEB Under the new ownership, okay CRIS Any questions from the audience , Peter anything at all I just thought you were here for this. Nothing has changed this is exactly the same that has been going on there since the early 80's and it is basically just a name change which technically we have to have a public hearing DEB And it is an active business CRIS It is an active business. So can I get a motion to approve this GEORGE So moved DEB Second CRIS All those in favor DEB I, George I, CRIS I ANDY Thank you very much DEB Thank you for coming in CRIS Ok, Thanks Andy Thanks for coming in ANDY See you later Cris continued the meeting with the reading of a special permit application for Stockbridge Coffee LLC for property owned by Blackwater Realty Trust at 6 Elm Street in Stockbridge, which is located in the B Zone. The application is made under section 6.2.1.c of the Stockbridge zoning bylaws-Off street parking requirements in the business district. The applicant wishes to expand food selection from coffee and breakfast pastries to include soup, sandwiches and salads to go. This is an application to the Planning Board which will be heard tomorrow night March 8, 2005. And then you have come to us I guess to give us an update and let us know what is going and what you guys are up to. Sarah Stiner stated actually not an update just I believe we need your approval before we go before the Planning Board, is that correct? Cris said that we can or cannot send a recommendation it is their hearing. We have some abutter interest in here tonight from some neighbors. I think we had kinda this conversation before the part that concerns us, but the Planning Board has a better grasp of this then we do. It is the way this thing evolved. The Berkshire Roasting Company, is that what they call themselves. They came in under a retail business license to sell coffee beans, expresso machines and coffee parafinailia and to sell coffee to go. And they lasted such a short period of time, I think that they were gone in three or four months and then the owner of the buildings daughter Anna took the business over, and without anybody paying any attention all the retail stuff went away and it became a coffee shop. But it became a coffee shop under a retail license to sell coffee beans. Do you know what I am saying? Now you guys want to take the coffee business, the coffee shop and expand it into a full restaurant. Deb asked if they wanted to expand into food service. Sara stated that she didn't know. We are not even sure if the food would be made on site. Cris asked if you want to expand the food services, I think that would include a kitchen. I do not have anything here, someone says that there is a letter from Peter Kolodziej somewhere but I haven't seen that. Deb asked if they have talked to the Tri-Town Board of Health. Sarah and Linda said they had talked to Kathy. Sarah said that Tri-Town didn't have any problem with it and offered to get a copy for the Board. Cris continued by saying that you will need it for the Planning Board. But that is part of the problem here, I don't think that we have all the pieces of this thing I think what the concern is probably going to be tomorrow night, I am guessing and I think that we have expressed this concern to you, is the parking for the building. Sarah stated that they are really looking to expand the foot traffic through our coffee business. We are looking just for the people who come through to buy more stuff. That's our hope. It's not like we are going to have billboards. We are just hoping that they will buy something else while they are there. George asked if they were thinking of expanding into that vacant store next door. Sarah said no. George continued by saying- so your plan is to stay in the confines of what you already have. Sarah replied- exactly, we are not going to put in seating, we are not going to put an outside eatery in. Cris stated that again I am speaking more towards the Planning Board's business than ours, but what happens here is somewhere you cross a line from coffee shop to restaurant when you go through the bylaws. You know what I am saying. It's no longer when you start selling food, it moves from one bylaw to another which triggers different things. Sarah stated that we have always sold food. Cris answered that with "Well, that's the problem if you put this thing under a magnifying glass the business is being run on a retail license with an accessory use of selling a cup of coffee to go out the door. But the retail business has gone away. That is what I am saying." Sarah stated that we can certainly start selling coffee grinders out of there. Cris continued by saying this has gotten confused and we got a couple of these in Town that are like this, and it just…Sarah then stated that she didn't think we have a problem doing that. Cris continued by saying to Sarah and Linda that this is the kind of things that I think will come up tomorrow night. That's what I think will happen because if you interpret the bylaw as moving from a cup of coffee to serving food, that's what triggers the one and half parking space. Linda stated that they were just doing anything they could to keep their door open. Sarah continued by saying that wasn't Anna's permit to sell coffee and food. Cris, said No, it wasn't suppose to sell danishes it was to sell coffee to go. George asked a point of clarification, Did the original permit that was given for the coffee and Danish, did that require a parking places. Cris stated, as I went back and looked, it was permitted as a retail establishment which doesn't have that trigger. Deb did say that retail does have some parking requirements. But not like a restaurant said Cris. Cris continued by saying that the coffee to go was the incidental part of the business. There was never anything in the permit about selling danishes. George thought that we had asked for something from Peter Kolodziej the last time these ladies were here and we haven't seen anything. Cris stated that they have not asked for anything about a kitchen or anything, they are only asking the Planning Board tomorrow night to rule on the parking. Cris continued by saying that was when they were talking about expanding for a restaurant. Linda said that they are already involved. The Health Department already comes through and looks at their sinks and everything. Deb stated that they look at different things, depending on what you are serving. George continued by saying that the point is that we haven't seen anything from the Health Department and weren't we suppose to get some advise. Cris said they the Planning Board may have it all …..when you move through these bylaws, what will happen is that you will trigger different things like you will need handicap bathrooms, you need a fire wall and other things. That is where Peter Kolodziej gets more involved. Sarah began by saying that she believed the conversation she had with Kathy from Tri Town is that the permit that is on file with Tri-Town Health Department really doesn't restrict them from selling sandwiches to go. Jorja asked if she could address this issue? She stated that is where we have a problem and Tri-Town, Peter Kolodziej, knows that. What the Board of Health, Tri-Town say and what they allow people to do is one thing. What are zoning bylaws may say could be something different. It could be conflicting. So you can't go with the assumption I have this permit through the Tri-Town to sell food, you have to go by our zoning bylaws. You might be able to in their eyes but you may not be able to in the zoning of Stockbridge. I have had this conversation with him a lot recently because of not this but other issues. I told Peter we could be in conflict so you need let us know and we need to let you know when something of this nature may come up. Cris told them that we have run into this before. We had a big process when the Rockwell Museum wanted to sell sandwiches off their back patio. There original special permit didn't allow them to sell food, however, under the health department as long as you obey the sanitarian law they possible could have. They had one set of rules. But the Town had a different thing going on and we settled it by them work through the Red Lion and stuff is delivered out there. They do not touch it or make it out there, they don't do anything. So exactly what Jorja is saying, his rules and our rules don't always go together very well. George questioned Sarah and Linda - There will nothing made on site? Soup, sandwiches, salads. Sarah stated to go. George said "To go. All made somewhere else." Sarah stated " With a Board of Health approved kitchen, yes." Cris said that I think we are having a pre Planning Board meeting, again other than the fact that you asked Kolodziej it is the same thing we did a couple of months ago. I noticed that you have a couple of neighbors here why don't we open it up, if there are any questions from anybody. Judy Abdalla, Michael's Restaurant, asked "If you are saying that you are not going to have tables and chairs what is Fast Food in our Town. I understand that that is not allowed. I wanted to address our Board first. What is Fast Food? Deb said there is a bylaw about that. Judy Abdalla continued by saying " We are concerned about the parking issue because as everyone in Town knows our parking lot is used for every business on Elm Street . We are very concerned about the parking." Cris stated that is his concern and he thought the whole Board's concern, and this isn't pointed at you, but we have this problem all over Town because of the way the Town has grown up over last 300 years. There is very little parking for anybody in this Town. Our concern is that we take the sequence of what has happened. A retail coffee bean company comes in and morph into coffee and Danish which then wants to be permitted into coffee Danish, sandwiches and soups and then five years down the road when there is another Board or whatever, something else wants to be done. Maybe that corner space becomes available, someone else buys the building, or whatever and the problem that you run into is that you have a two story building that shares eight spots, and each time one of these permits gets changed the business gets bigger, we are probably close to the point that the building doesn't even pretend to get to where our bylaws say it should be. It isn't your business, it is not the bakery on Main Street, its over the years that each one of these things become something else and until you have an unworkable mess going where by the time the employees all park on the street for the early morning businesses, there is no room for anybody else. Linda replied by saying I think that one of the key things about us having eight parking spaces for four spaces in the building, there is enough parking in the back for the employees. Cris continued that that property really confuses me because that was Mrs. Franz's building and the home and Shanahans were all one piece of property. Finally they got broken up but they all share the same driveway and they all have parking back there for the three pieces of property. Linda answered by saying that if you look at the map it is very clear because our parking spaces are directly behind the building up until you hit the fence, and then the Elm Street Market is behind their building and what Mrs. Franz has her little sign that designates hers, but I mean that it is not a free for all back there, it is pretty much designated behind the buildings Cris read the definition of fast food from the zoning bylaws. Judy asked "So that goes under what they are applying for." Sarah said " I don't believe so. It's not going to be our primary business. We are going to stay as a coffee shop." Judy -- and you not going to be serving anything else but coffee. Sarah -- No I am not saying coffee is going to be our primary. We are not going to be Stockbridge Food and Coffee. It is still going to be Stockbridge Coffee Shop. Judy - So what you are saying is ….. Sarah- Its not going to be our primary, coffee is going to be our primary. Judy - the other stuff is fast food that is going out the door. Sarah- No, I am saying that our coffee is going to be our primary. Cris stated that this is what the discussion of tomorrow night will be. The Planning Board job is to interpret these bylaws. I think the two hurdles that you need to get over is this definition and the parking. Linda asked if anything that the Town of Stockbridge has done in the past set a precedence in anyway for other businesses and establishments. Cris answered by saying after we had our meeting the last time, I went and checked the other businesses that were similar to what you are doing. Shanahan's-Midge moved from where Fridays was-she had a biddy sandwich shop there-into the store and the way the Board before handled that, is Shanahan's is a retail permit just like your original permit was, and they allowed Midge to come into building as an accessory to the retail business. It was not a restaurant permit. She was an accessory to the retail business. So then I went and looked at the bakery on Main Street next to Minkler. The same thing. Retail Bakery, accessory selling sandwiches and soup. The market across the street was probably before the bylaws when it was Nejaimes. The same thing retail grocery business with accessory food counter. So, I wanted to see how close we were obeying our own bylaws. They do get confusing. That's what most similar business to you …. Linda We have to sell more retail and have our food as accessory. Cris continued that there are a couple of other spaces around Town that don't seem to match any of our laws. Once Upon A Table is a restaurant with no parking but it is there. The Town tries to tighten things up over years and they fix this write that whatever and sometimes things don't mesh and sometimes things have been there before the bylaws were written and they are grandfathered. On the surface you might be able to point to something and ask why can't I do that because other people can but it could be before the bylaws were written. Linda continued by saying that what it seems we are trying to do definitely is the retail with an accessory. Cris told them that discussion tomorrow night with the Planning Board will probably center on that type of thing. But I think that the hurdles you need are the parking and fast food definition. I do not know what my colleagues want to do. I would rather leave this up to the Planning Board because this has really gotten too confusing. They are in the business of interpreting this stuff. We can send a recommendation but I am at the point that I don't know what I would be recommending. So unless you guys have something you want to put in a form of motion to the Planning Board, I just as soon let them sort it out. Deb stated that she hasn't heard really clearly what it is exactly they want to do either. Linda said that they don't really know; we want to keep the doors open, that's what we want to do. And the way it is working right now it's not going to happen. So we are looking for a way to expand the business a little bit to have people that come through the door to buy a few more things. We don't want to spend a lot of money we don't want to put a kitchen in we don't want do that we have no interest in that. But we know that we need to do something. George stated that based on the what we just read, maybe the accessory use is the way to go. Cris told them to run it by them and see what they say. That is the way I read those other businesses. I don't know what their frame of mind is I just know that if you look at the application, they have parking problems and a fast food problem. Judy Abdalla then stated that " It is so sad to see that Stockbridge is turning into something like Barrington, nothing but eateries. We have no shops for the people to come and buy anything. The Town really needs to keep their foot down and say okay where are we going here. Will you have handicap parking? You are going to have food, you are going to sell something……I have a handicap parking spot." Michael Abdalla said that he spoke to Peter today and he told him he had issues. Cris informed Michael that the Planning Board may have a great big thing tomorrow night to bring up but we have seen nothing from Peter nor probably should we as it is not our meeting. This is what I was saying before, you cross a threshold you get into everything that Judy and Michael have to deal with. I remember when Midge had to put in that handicap bathroom in Shanahan's they didn't have room for two bathrooms, she went through six months of hearings in Boston just to get permission to build the one unisex handicap bathroom, but they had to put in a handicap accessible bathroom. A handicap parking spot would certainly come along with that. What I am saying is that when you pick up one leaf other things crawl out from under it… and there are other things you have to deal with. Which is partly why I would be happier to have the Planning Board who deals with all the time do this. George stated that was fine and Deb agreed. Cris continued by thanking the Manhatten Institute for Cancer Research which owns a condo at Oronoque on Prospect Hill. They are kind enough even though they are tax free to give the Town a donation of $2,500 in lieu of taxes. A thank you was extended to our Highway Department, while my two colleagues were in Florida sunning themselves, for the conditions of the roads and side walks. Also, if you have a chance, stop by the Library to look at the plans for Austen Riggs. With no other business George made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. A second was received from Deb. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: March 10, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey and Jorja Marsden Since George and Deb were away for several budget meetings, they were brought up to date on budgets and warrant articles. Cris also told them they he had spoke to Sandy at the Post Office. The Springfield Office said that the Selectmen have nothing to do with mail delivery, and that the person interested should contact them. A true copy, ATTEST: March 21, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Ernie Lowell, Peter Kolodziej, Richard Wilcox, Arthur Dutil, Graham Campbell-Liason of MEMA, Gary Miller, Sally Underwood-Miller, Edgar Chamorro-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Graham Campbell, state project manager for the Massachusetts Integrated Statewide Exercise Program, which is a shared effort by MA DPH and Executive Office of Public Safety. The program has 4 phases. Mr. Campbell would like to have Stockbridge host phase 3-Regional Public Health Partnerships which consists of holding a tabletop exercise. Phase 3 exercise centers around multi-jurisdictional collaboration. The premise is that a terrorist event - an infectious disease or food/borne waterborne nature occurs in our Town. The scenario would overwhelm the Town, therefore calling on Tri-Town Health with assistance from Lee and Lenox. The State is paying for the production of the exercise. Stockbridge would be responsible for identifying a place for the tabletop, 12 to 15 participants between the towns, and a date before July. The participants would be drawn from public health, emergency management, public safety/security, Federal agencies and neighboring states and local government. The intent of the exercise is to be a learning experience for everyone, a chance to test out existing plans and identify areas for improvement and a resource to our community. A date of May 4 was set for the tabletop from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. It was decided that the terrorist event would be infectious disease. The participants would be Arthur Dutil, Emergency Management Director, Police Chief Richard Wilcox, Fire Chief Louis Peyron, Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Tracy, Peter Kolodziej-Tri-Town Health, the Selectmen, Jorja Marsden, Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, hospitals, Lee Ambulance and with Highway, Water and Sewer observing. Also involved would be Lenox and Lee Fire Police, and Selectmen. Ernie Lowell, IT Director, reported that six responses were received to the Request For Proposal for digital mapping for the Town. Two bids were high and one was deemed non-responsive as we had asked for a complete cost. Ernie along with Michael Blay, Principal Assessor, reviewed the bids and recommend that the Selectmen accept the bid to Cartographic Associates, Inc. for $64,380. Deb made a motion to accept the bid of Cartographic Associates, Inc. in the amount of $64,380. A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous to award the digital mapping project to Cartographic Associates, Inc. for $64,380. Gary Miller of Prospect Hill Road came before the Selectmen to discuss the possibility of home delivery for the mail. Cris stated that the articles in the local paper have been misleading. Cris understands after speaking with the Post Master Sandy Tynan that there is a list of criteria for home delivery - growth in population and change in the amount of businesses. Cris asked her to have something in writing for the Selectmen. Her reply was that she couldn't, however, the Town could contact Springfield regarding home delivery. Gary stated that the article stated that everyone goes to the post office, however, there are some parts of Town that do have delivery from other Towns-Lee, Lenox, Housatonic, and West Stockbridge. Some people enjoy going to the Post Office so as to see and talk with people, however some do not like it and thought it would be interesting to see how people think about home delivery. Cris suggested that Gary draw up a ballot question. Deb made a motion to place a non-binding, public opinion question on the ballot regarding mail delivery. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Gary will bring a draft question in to the Selectmen's office. The Selectmen will have Town Counsel review the draft and the appropriate format will be placed on the Annual Town Election ballot. The Selectmen discussed several warrant articles regarding zoning issues. The first was the possibility of placing an article on the warrant for a moratorium of building for two years. George and Deb were not comfortable with the article. It would cause a hardship and not allow for new families to come to town. Cris felt it was restrictive, however in a case like DeSisto or other large parcels, it would hold off on development for two years. Deb made a motion not to recommend the moratorium article to the Planning Board. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The other warrant article will be brought before the Planning Board on March 22. However the Selectmen discussed it at this meeting. The article is to retain the services of a consultant to provide technical assistance in reviewing the zoning bylaws and subdivision regulations, to ensure that the provisions are necessary, and adequate to protect public safety, health and the environment. George made a motion to recommend to the Planning Board that the Selectmen support the article for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. A second was received from Deb. The motion was passed unanimously. Discussion followed regarding MA Product TakeBack Campaign. The campaign shifts the collecting and recycling of electronic products from municipalities and taxpayers to the manufacturers of these products. 149 cities and towns in Massachusetts have passed local government resolutions. George made a motion to adopt a resolution supporting producer take back of cathode ray tubes, electronics, and household hazardous products. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Ernie Lowell, IT Director, informed the Selectmen that Cartographic Associates, Inc. had sent a letter to him stating that if they were awarded the contract for digital mapping that the fly over could take place as early as this spring. The optimum time for the aerial photography for parcel mapping projects is in the spring after snow is gone and the leaves are not out. Cartographics is willing to do this knowing funding would not be approved until the May Town Meeting. They have stated that "if the funding is not approved, the Town will be out nothing." The Selectmen decided to have Ernie tell Cartographics that they will take them up on their offer. This way the company will be that much ahead in the digital mapping project. The Selectmen signed the annual estimated summer population form for the ABCC. The Selectmen supports the S.T.A.R. program - to make payments in lieu of taxes to reimburse the towns for the costs of providing services on the State-owned land. George made a motion to adopt the FY2006 PILOT Resolution. A second was received from Deb. The vote was unanimous. With no other business, Deb made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. George seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: March 22, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Police Chief Richard Wilcox, William DeSantis and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen interviewed Bill DeSantis for a position on our Police Department. The Selectmen unanimously welcomed Bill as full time officer effective July 1, 2005. A true copy, ATTEST: March 24, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jean Rousseau, John Morse, Craig Berger, Holly Rhind, Mary Bertocci, Jim McMenamy, Charles Murray, Martha Muir, Donna Moyer, Mr. Moyer, Lisa Schneyer, Matt Gillis and Jorja Marsden Cris welcomed everyone. Jean introduced Charles Murray the new alternate for the Finance Committee. Donna Moyer and Matt Gillis presented the school budget. Jean went over budget sheets and the levy limit. A true copy, ATTEST: March 30, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg, Chuck Gillett, Jack Spencer, David McCarthy. George took the minutes as Jorja was unable to attend. If the Plain School was sold, any profit would have to go for schools (our share of BHRSD). Town Counsel J. Raymond Miyares has stated that to clear the title it would cost $50,000 in legal costs over two years. The Town Hall space needs will fit on first floor of the Plain School. A true copy, ATTEST: