Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Selectman's Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... February 3, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Mick Garrold, Doug Goudey and Jorja Marsden Mick Garrold of MIIA and Doug Goudey of Wheeler and Taylor reviewed the insurance for the Town (worker's comp, property and liability) and insurance for Police and Fire. Mr. Garrold stated that the cost to insure the Plain School building when it reverts back to the Town would be approximately $2323. A discussion began comparing options for the Police and Fire Insurance. It was decided to increase their coverage to the maximum provided. The next meeting for Feb. 3 was the Budget Meeting at 4 p.m. Jean Rousseau, Keith Raftery, Jim McMenamy, John Morse, Craig Berger, Joe Ruggio, Rosie Schneyer, Stephanie Adler, Ned Baldwin, Rob Clausen, Linda Jackson and Greg Pilling arrived. The following budgets were reviewed: Collector, Library, Building Inspector, Wire Inspector, Historical Commission and Plumbing and Gas Inspector. At 6:00 p.m. the Plain School Task Force members arrived: Jack Spencer, David McCarthy, Joe Kellogg, Mary Flynn, Tim Geller, Chuck Gillett, David McCarthy, Eva Sheridan, Laurie Norton-Moffatt, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden Cris welcomed everyone. In response to an email received from David McCarthy, the architect firm, Tuthill and Wells of Avon Ct will work on giving us a more concrete number to redo the present Town Offices which would include the basement and a figure with an addition. Cris also stated that Principal Assessor Michael Blay gave an estimated average tax at today's rate for 30 condos costing approximately $230,000 each to be $48,900. Cris continued by saying that he had contacted Bob Berle of Elm Court who stated that per function the Town could ask between $1000 to $2000. Deb stated that the Red Lion couldn't handle large functions. Joe Kellogg informed the group that in Chester, the school has on an average of one function per month. Jack Spencer stated that his group had spoken with Peter Lafayette regarding possible housing with the building as it stated in their report. Mary Flynn quoted from "The Geography of Nowhere" by James Consultor. "Keep What We Have". We should keep the Plain School. No apartments should be developed in the school building. Mary suggested moving the Police into the center of Town, possibly to the Plain School and leave the Town Offices where they are now. Tim Geller questioned not looking into Affordable Housing at the Plain School. He also questioned the estimated cost of doing housing as he thought it was wrong. Just quickly doing some figures in his head, the cost was less than what the architect stated in his draft report. The concern from the Committee is the cloud in the title and whether it could be just housing in the building. The Committee will take a tour of the Plain School on February 15 at 6:00 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: February 7, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Clover Swann, Carl Sprague and Peter Williams, Bill Markham, Edgar Chamarro-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Deb opened the meeting as Cris had a family commitment. Clover Swann of Monument Mountain Road came before the Board to seek permission to use "Burns Road" (the driveway into the landfill) to remove timber from property owned by her family. The timber cutting is for selective cutting to improve the forest. The land is Classified Forest. There is no road leading into the property. There a small strip between Cardillo's and Markham's that belongs to them however a road would have to be built. Ms. Swann stated they have done logging before by using access from the landfill drive. George was concerned where the trees would be logged as we have monitoring wells on the landfill, and it wouldn't be good for the trucks to drive on the landfill property to turn around. Deb asked if Ms. Swann would be willing to come to next weeks meeting after the Selectmen check with Town Counsel regarding the road/Town land leading into the landfill. Ms. Swann will be on the agenda for next week's meeting. Carl Sprague and Peter Williams came before the Selectmen to update them on a bylaw revision that has been in the works for two years. They are part of the Historic Preservation Task Force which was formed to look at Historic Districts and preservations of the Town stemming from concerns that people are buying houses, tearing them down, and putting up new ones which may or may not be good for Stockbridge. Carl would like the Selectmen to authorize a mailing informing everyone that a public meeting will be held at the Stockbridge Library on March 11 at 6:30 to discuss the proposal that the Task Force wants to place on the Town Meeting Warrant in May. The proposed Historic Preservation Bylaw will beef up the present "Demolition Bylaw". The basic changes would protect the landmark buildings. Changes would shift responsibility to the Planning Board, include major renovations that may change the character of the building and neighborhoods, and the one-year delay would be replaced with a hardship clause. A few other changes include clearer definitions and realistic deadlines. Carl stated that the Historic Commission would still have a role within the bylaw but the Planning Board would be the decision maker. George asked if Planning was informed of the proposed changes. Carl stated that Bob Bartle had come to their last meeting and reported nothing negative from the Planning Board. Deb like the idea of the Planning Board overseeing this as they are elected and the Historic Commission is appointed. Carl did state that Town Counsel would like to see a few items within the draft bylaw be clearer and Town Counsel is working on that. Deb and George thanked Carl, Peter and the committee for their work. George announced that the Red Sox Trophy was at the Norman Rockwell Museum on February 2. On the original date there was a snowstorm therefore the date was moved to Feb. 2. George stated that there were approximately 2000 people who passed through the door to see the trophy. George continued that at one point the line was out to the parking lot. A good time was had by all. A thank you was extended to Laurie and the staff. George moved the meeting adjourn at 7:40 p.m. Deb seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: February 10, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Cara Davis, Ernie Lowell, Peter Curtin and members of the Finance Committee George Shippey took minutes as Jorja was unable to attend. Budgets discussed were IT/GIS again, Board of Health, Tree Warden and Executive Secretary. A true copy, ATTEST: February 14, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Clover Swann, Bill Markham, Bruce Kaden-CTSB and Jorja Marsden. Deb was out of town. Happy Valentine's Day. From time to time when two Selectmen are not available, a vote is needed to allow Jorja to act on their behalf. Deb and George will be out of town at the same time, therefore George made the following motion: "I move that the Executive Secretary be authorized to act by and for the two Selectmen who will be absent from the Town during the period February 24, 2005 to March 6, 2005 in any matter relating to the administration of the affairs of the Town that would ordinarily require the approval of a majority of the Board, provided that the Chairman determines that it is necessary to act prior to March 7. A second was received. The motion passed unanimously. Cris announced the display presentation boards for the proposed Austen Riggs Master Plan at the Stockbridge Library. He encouraged everyone to stop by and see them. Austen Riggs Laven Center (Puritan House) had been renovated. In the spring they will repair the lawn in front and the Town's green strip. Cris continued by saying that he is sad to announce two losses to the Town of Stockbridge this week. Edward Oppermann, Sr. worked for the Town over for 20 years at the compactor. He was a terrific person and a fixture at the compactor. Donald Oakes, a wonderful, wonderful man. He was former headmaster at BCD, author, and minister. George added that Donald had great accomplishments and dedications to education, as he knew him from Lenox School. George wanted to thank Smitty and the Norman Rockwell Museum for arranging for the Red Sox trophy to be at the museum. Clover Swann came regarding using the driveway, right of way to the landfill for taking the logs from her family's property. The Selectmen agreed to allow the use of the drive with the condition that the Town receives an insurance certificate from the logger, and the logger does not enter the main property of the landfill. Another concern was the sensitivity to the neighbors and the timing for this project. Clover felt that the logger would be working from 8 until 4, 5 days a week and would hopefully start later in February and be out by the first of April. Cris stated that permission is given subject to Conservation Commission's permission. Clover stated that she knew that the State Forester had signed off and thought Conservation had signed off. George announced that residents needed to be more diligent when separating then garbage, paper, bottles and cans. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: February 17, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, John Morse, Jean Rousseau, Jim McMenamy, Mary Hart, Bob Flower and Phil Heller, Sally Underwood-Miller and Jorja Marsden Parks and Recreation, Conservation Commission, Selectmen, Town Hall and Town Counsel Budgets reviewed. A true copy, ATTEST: February 24, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Jean Rousseau, John Morse, Peter Kolodziej, and Jorja Marsden The Tri-Town Health Department budget was reviewed. The next joint meeting will be on March 24, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: