Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Selectman's Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: December 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version December 6, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Erika Spritz-CTSB, Dr. Edward Shapiro, Betty Plant, Liz and David Resnik, Philip Smerling, John and Primm ffrench, Jeffrey and Aline Sosne, Brant and Jamie Keller, Attorney Elizabeth Goodman, D. Wiswesser, JoAnne Redding, Diane Wortis, Diane Benedict, Gloria Temple, Steve McMahon, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the meeting at Heaton Court thanking them for hosting the Selectmen's meeting. Representatives of Austen Riggs came before the Board to present modifications to the master plan. Dr. Edward Shapiro stated that after listening to the concerns of the neighbors, Austen Riggs wanted to point out the changes. Chauncey Collins of Austen Riggs gave some history regarding the presence of Austen Riggs within Stockbridge. Austen Riggs has been in Stockbridge for 85 years, along Main Street from Lavan Center (The Puritan House) to the Knoll. In the 1930's the Inn building was developed and then in the 1950's the Martin Inn was transformed to the Medical Building. The Austen Riggs campus has basically been unchanged since the 1950's. Austen Riggs is planning on developing the campus in stages. At present, they are working on the Lavan Center, and then move to the Inn to build a community center and reconfiguring the campus to be more open and creating a green space within the center, and move the parking out to the sides of the campus. The neighbors concerns regard traffic on Sergeant and Pine, and request the maintenance building be moved so as to eliminate traffic from employees and maintenance trucks using Sergeant Street. They suggested the entrance and exit be off the Main Street. Austen Riggs is suggesting parking on either side to be screened and the Pine Street side would be lowered and a berm created. Representatives from Austen Riggs continued to say that they would like to create a concept in the back of the property near the wetlands so that the patients could experience exploration and create a meeting place. The parking lots would be lighted by 14'to 12' lighting focused downward. George asked about the service entrance and building - if it could be screened. It was explained that the access on Sergeant would be gated and not for public or employee use. The gated access would be used for maintenance vehicles and plows. Philip Smerling of Sergeant Street felt that the maintenance building could be angled and the drive out changed so as to eliminate the lights shining into his home. He took exception to putting the parking lower toward Pine Street and said it would be flooded. He also wanted to know about the screening material. Mrs. Primm ffrench asked about parking and if there would be enough parking spaces when a conference was going on. Mr. and Mrs. Brant Keller questioned why they would even have to use the Sergeant Street access; why couldn't it be blocked and just use the Main Street entrances. Concerns were raised by the Benedicts of Sergeant Street about the cars parked along Sergeant Street. Cars park there and leave a rut which then becomes filled with water and breeds mosquitoes. It was noted that the cars parking there are from the several rentals with not enough parking for the Mission House employees. Dr. Shapiro concluded by saying the plans will be on display at the library and that Austen Riggs will look into the driveway. Cris announced the Special Town Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Stockbridge Sportsmen's Club on January 24, 2005. Deb moved the meeting adjourn at 8:00 p.m. A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: December 20, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Marshall White-White Engineering, Attorney Kevin M. Kinne-Austen Riggs, Chauncey Collins-Austen Riggs, Dan McCarthy-Austen Riggs, Jack A. Barbara-Bradley Architects-Austen Riggs, Sarah Stiner-Stockbridge Coffee, Roman Montano-Cohen Property, Bruce and Joan Cohen, Attorney David Hellman-Cohen Property, Linda Shatiroff-Stockbridge Coffee, Jeremy Crowle-CTSB, and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the public hearing for Austen Riggs by reading the public notice which was published in the Berkshire Eagle. Austen Riggs, 1 Pine Street, wishes to change the use from residential to office use of the Elms Cottage Building. The property is in an R-C. Application is made under 6.1.2. Austen Riggs explained that they wish to make the breezeway between the house and the garage part of the office, eliminate the garage and make that part of the office space also. Architect Jack Barber stated that the roof line will be maintained, an addition of 110 square feet will be added in the back, there will be two windows showing from the Pine Street side, and the entrance to the building will be from the Main Campus of Austen Riggs. The proposal calls for three offices on the first floor and two on the second floor. The breezeway will be used as a waiting room and the floor will be raised to meet the existing house level. Austen Riggs will have their parking within the campus and will not have parking on the street. Cris stated that he didn't think there was a problem with the change in use, however the Board would like a recommendation from the Planning Board. Attorney Kevin Kinne stated that they would contact the Planning Board to have a review of their request. The Selectmen made the following findings: 1. The proposed use of the Elms Cottage building located at 1 Pine Street ("Elms Cottage") for office use is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of the Bylaw and in harmony with its general intent and purpose and will not be in greater nonconformity with open space, yard and off-street parking requirements or any other requirement of the Bylaw. 2. The proposed conversion of Elms Cottage from residential to office use is desirable to the public convenience and welfare at the proposed location, as it will allow for access to Elms Cottage from the Austen Riggs campus, will eliminate the roadside entryway and will enhance the appearance of Elms Cottage from both Pine and Elm Streets. 3. The conversion of Elms Cottage from residential to office use will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood in that other office uses exist in the neighborhood along Pine Street. In addition, the entrance to the proposed Elms Cottage office space would be accessed from inside Austen Riggs campus so as not to cause any detrimental affect on adjacent uses or the neighborhood. 4. The conversion of Elms Cottage from residential to office use will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety because all access to the office use will come through the Austen Riggs campus. In fact, the proposed use of the office space will allow the Town to make the side yard more accessible for the public parking spaces that already are being used next to Elms Cottage. 5. The conversion of Elms Cottage from residential to office use will decrease its overall hours of occupancy and therefore will not overload any public water, drainage or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use or any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or the general welfare. A motion was made by George to continue the hearing until we receive a recommendation from the Planning Board. A second was received from Deb. The vote to continue the hearing until after receiving the Planning Board's recommendation was unanimous. The public hearing for Bruce and Joan Cohen, 84 Interlaken Road was opened with the reading of the legal notice. The Cohens' wish to renovate the existing boathouse without any change to the footprint or height. New siding, railings, windows, doors and roof shingles will be installed. The property is in an R-2 and R-4. The Planning Board voted unanimously that the application as submitted appears to not be more detrimental to the neighborhood and therefore recommends approval to the Selectmen. A concern from the Planning Board was the amount of temporary decking which over hangs the lake. The decking issue has been discussed with the Conservation Commission. The Conservation Commission is comfortable with what the applicant will be doing to protect the lake while the decking is up. The boathouse is not going to have a bedroom, however does have plumbing which was added to the plans when developing the septic system. A motion to approve the application to amend the special permit previously granted on June 2, 2003 to renovate the existing boathouse without any change to the footprint or height was made by George Shippey. A second was made by Deb. The vote was unanimous. Sarah Stiner and Linda Shatiroff came before the Board to see if they could add a luncheon menu at their Coffee Shop at 6 Elm Street. They would like to create a kitchen that could produce a sandwich; salad and soup for take out. The concern from the Selectmen were the number of parking spaces available to the occupancy of the building and how many spaces would be required by the zoning bylaws. Sarah and Linda were told to review the spaces, the bylaws and go to the Planning Board regarding the use. The following announcements were made: Community Preservation Request for Proposal applications is available in the Selectmen's Office. Proposals should be in by 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 2005. Also the Community Preservation will hold a public hearing at Town Hall on January 19, 2005 at 7:00p.m. December 28, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey and Jorja Marsden A question has been raised as to what is needed to have a floating dock on Stockbridge Bowl. George will contact Bob Race regarding Onoto Lake in Pittsfield and how they handle floating docks. The Selectmen will ask for funding from Community Preservation for historic preservation of both the Town Hall and Plain School. At the next Selectmen's meeting they will remind everyone that there is no parking over night on any streets in Town and if anyone does park over night their vehicles will be towed. After hearing complaints from neighbors on Park Street, the Selectmen will ask Chief of Police to write letters to everyone on Park Street stating that there is no over night parking. Deb made a motion to authorize an article on the Special Town Meeting Warrant to request funds to be taken from the Stockbridge Bowl Fund for funding up to a half the amount needed to pay expenses associated with the permitting activities in connection with Stockbridge Bowl. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. George stated that Stockbridge Bowl Association in conjunction with the Town would like to file with DEP documents to allow for hydro-raking around the island and outlet and then up to a 5 ½ foot drawdown. Ken Wagner of ENRS will be drawing up the documents along with Tom Harrington at Pickett, Miyares and Harrington. With no other business, the meeting adjourned. A true copy, ATTEST: