Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Select Board Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: May, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version May 4, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Eva Sheridan, Jack Spencer, Jim McMenamy, Chuck Gillette, Joe Kellogg, David McCarthy, Tim Geller and Jorja Marsden Joe Kellogg opened the meeting by saying that everyone of the committee would state their concerns, wishes and views regarding the Town Hall and Plain School. George felt that the Plain School was problematic without a prime tenant. He wanted to know when the lease was up for the post office. He felt that the post office or the school could be on the second floor, with the elevator to the third floor. Also, a concern was the dollars for renovating Town Hall. A question was raised by George regarding holding the town meetings at the Monument Mountain High School. Deb would like to see the Town Offices move to the school with the Southern Berkshire Collaborative. Very concerned about Berkshire Hills coming and felt it might be falling apart, and thinks mid range condos upstairs would be useful, however not sure of viability. Deb likes the idea of a community building, possibly post office, police station, town offices and condos on the second floor. Jack feels that the Plain School is a vibrant building. He goes back and forth with moving offices, however concerned that the Town Hall would be used enough. He likes police, town offices and community use to bring people to the building. He has decided that he doesn’t like housing as it would be limited with the number of people. Jim feels the Town Offices should be moved to the Plain School. There is a place for community center, police, and senior center and there should be another tenant-Post Office or Housing. He is concerned with the timing and financial burden. He hopes for private funds and felt the Town Hall should wait. Chuck felt it was early in the process. He has more knowledge. However, he isn’t sure what he wants. We have building too small and one too large. His concern is that the present building won’t be used enough. The cost is another concern. David’s concern was the way the Town is heading. He wants to have maximum space used, a mixed use and is concerned with the under use of the buildings and wants to see maximum use. Eva would like to see mixed use, and maintain history of the Plain School and Town Hall. She said we should market the large space in Town Hall. As there is not enough large spaces to rent in Town, the Town Hall would be perfect. She felt the idea of a prime tenant is important. Cris is not sure if BHRSD would be a tenant. If they want to build their own space on their campus, the Towns won’t vote for them to bond the project. If the Post Office came it is possible to put them in the wing, then police on first floor and Town Offices on second. He is concerned that if condos, then there would be only 16 units. He feels it is important for the Town to own the building. He is all for a community center, senior center, keeping the kitchen and gym. David made a motion for open comments from the floor. Jack seconded the motion. The vote was 3 to 5. The next meeting will be May 11 at 6:00 p.m. Joe Kellogg will bring alternatives to the table. The meeting ended at 7:15 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: May 9, 2005 Baby Town Meeting runs by the Finance Committee May 11, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg, Laurie Norton-Moffatt, Chuck Gillette, Eva Sheridan, David McCarthy and Jorja Marsden Joe Kellogg gave out a summary of project alternatives with estimated cost for Alternative 1, 1A, and 2, 2A . Joe estimated the costs by taking the figures that have been estimated and adjusted them so that the comparison is apple to apples. It was mentioned that if private donations were used then we don’t need the prevailing wage rates. George would like to know when the lease is up with the Post Office. It was decided that all options would be reviewed one by one at future meetings. A true copy, ATTEST: May 16, 2005 Annual Town Meeting May 19, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, Sarah Stiner, Attorney David Hellman and Jorja Marsden. George Shippey was unable to attend. Sarah Stiner of Stockbridge Coffee came with her Attorney regarding the shop. She would like to sell pastries, fruit and prepackaged sandwiches. Cris stated that the original license is retail to sell coffee and coffee equipment. That was the primary business. The shop has changed to just coffee. Attorney Hellman stated that it won’t be fast food as the primary business will be selling specialized coffee, tea and equipment-French press or Mr. Coffee and the food will be incidental. Deb stated that it was important not to use the kitchen. Cris stated that parking is a problem. Sarah stated she would remove the existing table and apply for a new license. A true copy, ATTEST: May 23, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Attorney Philip Heller, Marshall White-White Engineering, Kiko DeSouza, Larry Kurber, Dick Lindsey-WSBS, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the meeting by thanking everyone as this was his last year as chairman; he believes that the chairman should be shared by all. Cris continued by nominating Deb as chairman. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for Deb to be the chairman for the year. Deb thanked them for their vote of confidence. Cris nominated George to continue being the clerk. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for George to continue being the clerk. Kiko DeSouza, a student at Lancaster Bible College, works his way through school by selling books door to door for Southwestern Company. He is living at a host family’s home in Pittsfield, and would like to go door to door in Stockbridge. Deb told him that the Town was very much uneasy after the very recent homicide. Residents are not answering their doors and are very cautious with strangers and parked cars on the street. George stated that he was not in favor of the door to door sales after what just happened. The timing is not good. Cris said he knows that the law/statue states that you can solicit, however this is not a good time. Kiko thanked the Board and decided he would not go door to door. The Selectmen stated that if the alleged homicide is solved or more information is available and he wanted to come back and ask later in the summer, they would agree to review the situation. Attorney Philip Heller and Marshall White of White Engineering came to review a Lake and Pond Overlay special permit application for Robert and Elisabeth Daley at 4 Cove Road. Attorney Heller informed the Selectmen that the Daley’s are proposing to replace the existing concrete pile foundation of their cottage with a full foundation and to construct a seasonal dock on the east side of the property within 150’ of the mean high water mark of Stockbridge Bowl. Marshall White of White Engineering pointed out the erosion control around the work area on the plan, and stated that an Order of Conditions had been issued for the property. Cris made a motion to recommend approval per zoning 6.5-Lake and Pond Overlay. George seconded the motion. The vote to recommend approval was unanimous. Next, Attorney Heller and Mr. White reviewed the Donald and Barbara Shack Lake and Pond Overlay special permit application. The Shack’s property is located at 9 Mahkeenac Road. Attorney Heller stated the Shacks wish to alter an existing nonconforming dwelling by constructing a 31’-8”x22’ addition onto the first floor of the dwelling within 150’ of the mean high water mark of Stockbridge Bowl. Mr. White reviewed the Conservation issues. It was noted that an Order of Conditions was issued by Conservation for this property. George made a motion to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Board. A second was received from Cris. The vote to recommend approval to the Planning Board was unanimous. Deb showed the audience the Town Flag which was unveiled at the Town Meeting. She stated Stockbridge will now be able to have a flag in the Hall of Flags at the State House. Also mentioned was the meeting that was held at Austen Riggs on Thursday. Austen Riggs offered to hold a meeting to allow residents to sort through their feelings in regard to the homicide which occurred in Stockbridge on May 1. One item that did come out of the meeting was to send letters of sympathy to the family of the victim and to the host family, that letter will be in the library within a few days so people can add their names and, if they wish, messages. The Stockbridge Memorial Day parade will be May 30, with the ceremony to follow, and after that everyone is asked to join in the potluck picnic on the front lawn of Town Hall. George moved to adjourn the meeting, and to go into Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. to discuss litigation matters. No decisions will be made. A second was received from Cris. The vote to close the regular meeting and to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Executive Session closed at 8:05 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: May 25, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg, David McCarthy, Peter Lafayette, Jack Spencer, Chuck Gillette, Jim McMenamy, Laurie Norton-Moffatt, Tim Geller, Cara Davis and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the meeting by saying he spoke to John Olver’s Office regarding the packet that was sent to him regarding renovations to the present Town Hall. The staff stated that their office will hopefully ask for appropriations in August, 2005 for the 2007 budget. Peter Lafayette, Berkshire Housing, gave a presentation regarding housing in regard to the Plain School. Peter Lafayette stated that it was practical for 8 to 10 units in the building. He also stated that his firm does manage buildings. The next meeting will be June 9, 2005. A true copy, ATTEST: