Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2004-06-24 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version June 24, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Arthur Schwartz, Bruce Packard, Morgan Smith-Berk. Record, Derek Gentile-Berk. Eagle, Pam Sandler, David Rota, Craig Berger-Delegate-BRPC, David Kahlbaugh-Clough, Harbour & Associates, LLP, Peter Fachier-BRPC, Fred Bunger, Marilyn Wightman, Stefan Green, Chris Pizzichemi, Erica Sprizz-Cameraperson, and Jorja Marsden Deb made a motion to appoint the following offices for 2004: Police Chief Richard B. Wilcox for three years-2007 Highway Superintendent Clinton E. Schneyer, Jr. for one year – 2005 Executive Secretary Jorja-Ann P. Marsden for three years-2007 Veteran’s Agent Al Adams, District Director for one year – 2005 Board of Registrars Margaret N. Tracy for three years – 2007 Berkshire Regional Transit Authority John Cronson for one year – 2005 Zoning Board of Appeals John H. Spencer for five years – 2009 Berkshire Cty. Reg. Planning Craig Berger, Alternate for one year – 2005 Conservation Commission Joseph DeGiorgis, for three years-2007 Don W. Deno for three years- 2007 Council On Aging Lillian Bender for three years-2007 Virginia Schwartz for three years-2007 Community Preservation Thomas Stokes for one year – 2005 David McCarthy for one year – 2005 Wire Inspector Robert Clausen for one year – 2005 Cable Advisory Committee J. Cristopher Irsfeld – 2005 Neil Holden – 2005 Constables Richard B. Wilcox, 2007 Robert F. Nielson, 2007 Louis J. Peyron, Sergeant, 2007 Brian A. Shaw, 2007 Michael J. Stanton, 2007 Bruce J. Stringer, 2007 A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. The continuation of the Birnhak special permit application was opened with the reading of the favorable recommendation from the Board of Selectmen. The following findings were voted: The Board of Selectmen, acting as the special permit granting authority find that the proposed use: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; b. The application is regarding a residence therefore it is not essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; c. The application will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood as it will remain a residence; d. The application will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; e. The application will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. George made a motion to approve the special permit as submitted. A second was made by Deb. The vote to approve the special permit for the Birnhak’s was unanimous. George made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to the Planning Board under 6.5-Lake and Pond Overlay. Deb seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous. Next on the agenda was the public hearing for the Stockbridge Golf Club. Cris read the legal notice which appeared in the Berkshire Eagle on May 31 and June 7. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Selectmen, acting as a Special Permit Granting Authority, will hold a public hearing at Town Hall, 6 Main Street, Stockbridge, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 21, 2004 for Stockbridge Golf Club, 6A Main Street, which was submitted by Architect Arthur Schwartz. The Stockbridge Golf Club is proposing a kitchen addition and alternations to the northeast corner of the existing Club House and associated site work. The building addition and the majority of the site work is located outside of the 200’ riverfront area protected under the Massachusetts Rivers Protection Act. Minor regrading and repaving operations (located within the riverfront area) will not increase impervious surfaces and is incidental to the building addition. The property is in an R-2 zone. The Planning Board’s recommendation was read into the record which stated that the Selectmen could consider approval as long as 6.4 provisions were met especially 6.4.c.3. The Conservation Commission has issued an Order of Condition. Arthur Schwartz, architect, stated that there will be no permanent impacts as a result of this project. The floodplain impacts will be compensate by using existing and proposed compensation areas. The roof leaders are proposed to be piped to drywalls and overland drainage will be routed through grass swales. The alterations will make the building handicap accessible. The addition will be in harmony with the original building. The Board of Selectmen, acting as the special permit granting authority find that the proposed use: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; b. The application solves a problem with potential flooding in and around the Stockbridge Golf Clubhouse; c. The application will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood as it will remain a Clubhouse for the Stockbridge Golf Club; d. The application will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; e. The application will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. Deb made a motion to approve the application. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Craig Berger-Delegate-BRPC, David Kahlbaugh-Clough, Harbour & Associates, LLP, Peter Fachier-BRPC, Came to discuss the Traffic Study done by Clough, Harbour & Associates for the downtown area of Town. Peter Fachier, began by explaining the “Official Map” of the Town. There are several recommendations that should be voted at Town Meeting. Documents that were reviewed by the Berkshire Regional Planning to create this document were MassHighway, Berkshire Registry of Deeds and Town documents. The Selectmen will review the suggestions and speak with Town Counsel. David Kahlbaugh stated that his firm was to focus on the downtown congestion, speeding, and volume of traffic on Elm, Maple and South Streets. Suggestions were made as to speed bumps, and visual line painting to make the traveled way appear smaller. The bumps or humps which would have a gentler slope and are wider than the bump, could go along with the crosswalks that would go across and not perpendicular. One suggestion for the Main and South street intersect would be to place a fourth stop sign near St. Paul’s Church by bringing a bump out from the sidewalk toward the Main Street. The company thought that a roundabout may be an answer on Main Street. A roundabout is different than a typical rotary, however, this met with opposition with the Selectmen and the Police Chief. Mr. Kahlbaugh stated that he was just giving the Selectmen some options and was not an advocate for the roundabout. Fred Bunger, President of Construct, Marilyn Wightman, Housing Authority, and Stefan Green, Architect, came to update the Selectmen on the Pine Woods property and the main building. It has been determined that the main building on the property is very expensive to renovate and they will need to tear it down. Stefan Green stated that originally the building was to contain six housing units, a community space and meeting rooms. Fred Bunger stated that he has been in touch with the Zoning Board of Appeals as this may trigger a new hearing under the Comprehensive Permit Process. Cris stated that he took a look at the building over the weekend and changed his mind that the building should be preserved, to agreeing that it should be razed. George had felt that the building should be torn down from the beginning. The Selectmen agreed that the building should be torn down. The new plan for the building will be to construct a two story T-shaped building that would contain three units upstairs and three downstairs. Beside that building would be a single story building with meeting rooms and office space, along with a screened in porch. With no other business the meeting adjourned. A True Copy, ATTEST: