Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2004-04-26 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version April 26, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Craig Berger, Cara Davis, Marilyn Wightman, Tim Geller, Bob Berle, Luke McBrian-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the meeting by saying that after coming from visiting his father in California he spoke to Town Counsel about speed bumps for Elm and Maple Streets. The bumps would meet all State specs and if done to their specs the liability would be less. Deb and George felt that it was definitely worth pursuing. Craig Berger, Alternate Representative to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission came to give a review of the Commission for the last six months or so. Most of the business of the Commission has covered the North Berkshires and Lee, however several items concerning Stockbridge need action prior to June 1. Craig announced that the Stockbridge Assessment will go up $12.00 for next year to $1369.00. A presentation had taken place at one of the meetings on Municipal lighting –types of lighting and light which doesn’t pollute the air. The Selectmen were interested on the lighting specifically for Ice Glen Road replacing the antique street lighting and Main Street –trying to illuminate the street better. Brian Bouchen of BRPC will have the results of the traffic study for South, Maple and Elm by June. The commission is forming a Hazard Mitigation Group of which Craig had a few questions to ask. 1. Who are the Representatives of Technical Advisory Committee for Stockbridge – ans. Arthur Dutil and Chief Richard Wilcox; 2. Does Stockbridge take part in the National Flood Insurance Program-ans. Yes; and 3. Did Stockbridge apply for Federal Funding from the December 6 and 7 Snowstorm-ans. Yes. Craig will set up a presentation regarding the lighting and with Brian Bochen regarding the results of the traffic study. A thank you was extended to Craig. Bob Berle, Elm Court, came before the Board to update everyone regarding the project and also to ask advice of a possible tweaking of the plans for the estate. The Inn is in operation with 4 Bed and Breakfast rooms and events are planned. Since the special permit was issued under 6.6, the commercial florist has closed. Sonja and Bob are reassessing the florist business and possibly will do a wholesale business in the 20,000 square feet of greenhouse space. The main fountain in the courtyard is working. Another fountain in the main greenhouse is close to working, and the third fountain in the rear of the Greenhouse has one crack in the bowl which they hope will be working. The café will be opening soon hopefully in partnership with someone. There were to be five rental rooms in the Butler’s House, four rentable rooms in the Gardener’s Cottage, however after cosmetic work on the outside and inside, the Berles’ felt the houses were really nice houses and to tear them apart to sprinkler etc., to make them up to code, would destroy them. The thought was to possibly move seven rooms to the Main Inn and have two units – one in the Butler House and one in the Gardener’s Cottage would be ideal. Bob continued with his presentation by saying that there would be no change in use or the number of rental units. Also, the Berles have stated that some people want to be on the first floor and in the Main Inn building. The Main Inn is partially sprinkled and if allowed to move the seven rooms into the main building, the whole building would be sprinkled. Bob showed where the seven rooms would be in the main Inn – another added to the first floor making it five rooms and on the second floor would be four rooms/suites. The Selectmen could rule that the proposal is not significantly different than originally presented. There will still be nine rentable units, and the use will not change. The five findings were reviewed and noted as follows: a. the request is not a change in purpose, therefore it complies with the bylaw and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; b. nothing is changing that would make it undesirable to the public at that location, the request is to move the guest rooms into the Main Inn farther away from the highway; c. the use is staying the same; d. it will not recreate undue traffic, as the parking for these rooms will be closer to the main Inn rather than near the garden; e. and the change will not alter the utilities. The Selectmen were concerned about the Building Inspector’s thoughts regarding this request. Bob stated that he has been and will continue to be in constant communication with Ned. George made a motion to allow for the transfer of seven rooms from the two cottages (Butler and Gardener) as the prior conditions are satisfied. A second was received from Deb. The vote was unanimous. Cara Davis, Marilyn Wightman and Tim Geller came to give an update and ask for continued support of the Affordable Housing Project – Pine Woods. Cara extended a thank you for the proactive support the Selectmen have shown during the last two years for housing. Cara continued to say that funding for the Pine Woods project which will be managed by Marilyn Wightman-Stockbridge Housing, has been committed to date (except CPA monies which will be voted at the May Town Meeting) a. $2.7 million in Federal Low Income Tax Credit Equity, b. $716,000 Federal HOME Funds, c. $450,000 Mass. Affordable Housing Trust Fund, d. $282,000 Federal Home Loan Bank Direct Subsidy, e. $300,000 Federal Home Loan Bank Interest Rate Subsidy (for a $1 million Berkshire Bank permanent mortgage) and f. $50,000 Stockbridge CPA 2003. There will be two articles on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting that will affect the project – 1. CPA funding of $100,000 and a second for a non-binding resolution to fund the CPA funds 2006 - $50,000, 2007 and 2008 for $25,000 each. The Selectmen stated that they support both articles. Marilyn Wightman stated that she has been involved in many grant requests and have never seen the dollars requested be received. However in this case the dollars requested will be received and this is owed to Tim Geller and the quality of the project. The final design and value engineering are nearly complete with the cost estimates running about 14% above original estimates. The largest factor in the escalated cost is the existing house rehabilitation. The preliminary cost to rehab the house were under $550,000, however after engineering and specifications were completed and submitted for cost estimates, the rehab cost doubled. Originally the estimate to rehab came in at $110. sq. feet and the cost to renovate now is over $200 sq ft. Construct who is owner of the property is reviewing the financial feasibility of rehabbing the existing building or tearing it down. If they decide to tear down the building, a new one would have a modular core with stick building. Cris stated that he feels the building should be saved, and the units around it should be built to make it look like a village. Cara stated that a new building would be more energy efficient and less expensive to keep it well maintained. Cris also mentioned what will happen to the CHAPA grant that was received on the condition of keeping the building. Tim responded by saying that the grant of $10,000 is not much when the budget is $6 million. Tim continued by saying that other aspects of Smart Growth have been met. The group hopes to break ground in 12 to 15 months. Cara stated that she would send minutes of the project meetings to keep the Board up to date, and she will ask to be placed on the agenda for updates at periodic intervals. Cara concluded by saying that if the building needs to be torn down, they will need the Selectmen’s support when going before Mass. Historical. The following announcements were made: The Selectmen are looking for a candidate for School Committee to replace Caroline Irsfeld The last date to register for the Town Elections and Town Meeting is April 27 – Town Clerk’s Office will be open from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. May 10 at 6:30 p.m. is the Baby Town Meeting May 17 from 8:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. voting in the Town Elections at Town Hall May 17 at 6:30 p.m. Annual Town Meeting at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club May 31 beginning at 12 Noon Memorial Day Parade followed by the program and then the Community Picnic on the Green With no other business, George made a motion to close the meeting at 8:02 p.m. A second was received from Deb. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: