Free-Form Document Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2004-01-06 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... January 6, 2004 Michael Garrold –MIIA and Doug Goudey –Wheeler and Taylor came to review the Town’s insurance for Property, Liability and Workers Compensation. A true copy, ATTEST: January 6, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jack and Maureen Sprano, Martin and Leona Cooperman, John Niedzielski-ECS Marlin, Jeremy Clowe, Leo Mahoney, cameraman and Jorja Marsden. The meeting was opened with the reading of a letter written by Jack and Maureen Sprano regarding Bean Hill Road. The letter stated that Bean Hill is part gravel and part paved, and designated a scenic road. However, large commercial vehicles regularly travel Bean Hill to avoid traveling Old Stockbridge Road which is a restricted road. The Spranos request that Bean Hill become a restricted road prohibiting heavy commercial vehicle traffic. The Coopermans were present to enforce the Sprano’s concerns and also stated if the road was paved it would become a road to speed on. The Spranos brought letters from other neighbors on Bean Hill, Phil and Florence Wallach, Henry and Henrietta Rosenberg, Audrey and Ralph Friedner. The Selectmen will speak to Chief Wilcox and Clinton Schneyer, Highway Superintendent, about speed limit signs and about moving a heavy commercial vehicle sign closer to Route 7 and putting them on Bean Hill Road. John Niedzielski of ECS Marlin came regarding O’Connell Oil placing a trailer with generator, compressor and blower to alleviate a problem caused when oil was delivered and seeped into the dirt. Mr. Niedzielski stated that the equipment noise level was measured, and would not create more noise than the traffic traveling on Route 7. The Selectmen stated that they and the neighbors objected to the site of the trailer and the noise 24 hours a day, 365 days. The Selectmen asked if there wasn’t another location that the trailer could be placed. They offered the property at Recreation Park or even along the Park Street side of the Convenience Store. Mr. Niedzielski stated that either of those options would involve property not owned by O’Connell, but by the Town, therefore he would need to speak to his office and the owners of O’Connell Oil. He stated he would get back to them and also to give them the measurements of the exact amount of coverage to accommodate the trailer and equipment. Cris Irsfeld stated that there has been a change by the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission which allows for package stores to sell liquor on Sundays year round. Each city or town must legally vote to allow this to happen. There are options that would allow each city or town to allow them to be open 7 days a week or 6 days a week which could have Sunday as a date, however, having the store close another day during the week. In Stockbridge at this time only two businesses are involved and both stated to Cris that they would like the option to be open seven days a week. Deb made a motion to allow the package stores to be open seven days a week with Sunday hours, 12:00 to 11:00 p.m. A second was made by George. The vote was unanimous. There will be a $15.00 charge for each store to obtain an amended license for the year 2004. George made a motion to appoint Harold French, Credentialed Alternative, to represent the Selectmen at the District Department of Veterans’ Service meetings on January 21. A second was received from Deb. The vote was unanimous. The Selectmen thanked St. Paul’s Church for their contribution of $500.00 in lieu of taxes. Deb complimented the Highway Department on an impressive job removing the snow off of our streets. George made a motion to adjourn. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: