Free-Form Document Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2003-10-20 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... October 20, 2003 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Scott Muir, Dan Weston, Derek Gentile-Berk. Eagle, Attorney Philip Heller, Anthony May, Brian Adams-Berk Record, Architect Pamela Sandler, Starbuck Smith, Jeremy Crowe-CTSB, Richard and Joanna Rothbard and Jorja-Ann Marsden Cris Irsfeld opened the meeting with some sad news. Bill Harris, long time member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, passed away. The Selectmen and Finance Committee have worked very hard together to review departmental budgets to come to an end that would keep the tax rate around $9.00. Of course, the final figure is determined from the Accountant and Assessor’s Offices, however when using the computer program for an estimated amount to be taken to lower the tax rate, the figure of $365,000 was plugged in twice. Therefore at the end the tax rate is $9.71 rather than around $9.00. Scott Muir and Dan Weston both EMTs with the Town of Stockbridge came before the Board to recruit new members. At this time we only have 4 EMTs from Stockbridge and last year they responded to 175 calls. The commitment is for 110 hours training, a written test and practical test, 24 hours refresher and 28 hours for continuing education. Karen Williams, Treasurer, came before the Selectmen with closing documents that needed to be voted in relationship to the sewer bonds. The Selectmen voted the Certificate of Vote for bonds for financing the construction of a sewer system expansion and update project, Signature, Award and No-Litigation Certificate, and the General Obligation Sewer Bond forms. Next on the agenda was the special permit hearing from Sydney and Judith Levine, 19 Beachwood Road which was submitted by Architect Pamela Sandler-Rota, to construct a 15’ by 13’ addition to the rear of the house. The property is non-conforming and with the addition will not be anymore non-conforming. The property is in an R-2 zone. Application is made under 6.1.2. The Architect stated that the new addition goes with the neighborhood, will be no closer than what is already in there, and will not encroach into Open Space. The volume of lot coverage will be increased from 11.22% to 12.18%. A motion was made by George to continue the hearing until 7 p.m. on November 3 at Heaton Court so as to receive a recommendation from the Planning Board. A second was received from Deb. The vote to continue was unanimous. Next on the agenda was the review of the restaurant at the corner of Maple and South Street called American Craftsmen’s Café. Mr. and Mrs. Rothbard came with their attorney Philip Heller to review the conditions set forth in the special permit. Attorney Heller stated that all the conditions have been met. Abutter Starbuck Smith thanked the Rothbards for a positive response to their concerns. Deb stated that she was pleased that the concerns of the Smith’s were accomplished by everyone working together. George stated that he also was pleased with the outcome. Attorney Heller stated that they are requesting a modification to the use of the building to add retail. As was explained in the beginning the furnishings will be for sale however to help the customer they are now wishing to sell from the restaurant and not having the customer go to the gallery next door. The use permit is going before the Planning Board prior to coming before the Selectmen. Cris stated that both buildings are beautiful, and that there is a process to go through for the special permits. Mr. Rothbard apologized to Cris for the upsetting phone call he had made to him. Mr. Rothbard continued by saying that the process for filing is correct and he was glad to follow the rules. A motion was made by Deb to allow the restaurant to continue on a permanent basis. A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. The Town was notified that for the period ending June 30, 2004, we are Housing Certified under Executive Order 418. The Town has worked very hard to develop affordable housing. Massachusetts Collectors and Treasurers Association advised the Selectmen that the Board of Certification of the organization has renewed for an additional period expiring December 31, 2008, the certification of Joseph P. Ruggio, Tax Collector. Trick or Treat will be from 5 until 7 on October 31. The Annual Chamber of Commerce Halloween Parade will be at 6:00 p.m. on October 31. A display of carved pumpkins will be placed on rocks on the Housatonic River between the Glendale Power Plant and Blue Moon Kennel on Route 183, weather permitting, on October 30 and 31. For questions please contact Mark Hungate, 274-6079. With no other business, Deb made a motion to adjourn at 7:43 p.m. A second was received from George. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: