Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2003-08-11 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version August 11, 2003 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Scott Muir and Dan Weston-EMTs, Richard Seltzer, Attorney David Hellman, Luke-CTSB, Dick Lindsey-WSBS, Stephanie Cohen-Berk. Eagle, Don Schneyer, Chairman-Sewer and Water Commissioners, Nick Nadorff and Jorja Marsden, Ex. Secretary The meeting was opened with the announcement that a Special Town Meeting will take place on Monday, September 22, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club. Cris explained that a procedural error occurred at the July 22 Special Town Meeting with regard to the article regarding lowering the tax rate. Certified free cash is no longer as of June 30, 2003. Therefore the article to use $365,000 from free cash to lower the tax rate should not have been worded using free cash. At the Special Town Meeting on September 22, we will ask the voters to take the dollars from Stabilization. At the Annual Town Meeting in May, 2004, an article will be presented to take the money from free cash to replenish the Stabilization Fund. The Selectmen along Don Schneyer, Chairman of the Sewer and Water Commission were happy to award the contract bids for the Wastewater Treatment Upgrade, the Sewer line expansion and the grinder pumps. Three bids were received and opened on May 29, 2003 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project. The bids with alternate 1 are as follows: 1. J. J. Maxymillian, Inc-$2,005,236.16, 2. C.H. Nickerson & Co., Inc.-$2,009,638.00, 3. Waterline Industries, Inc.-$2,018,587.00. The Selectmen unanimously voted to award the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project to J. J. Maxymillian at $2,005,236.16. Six bids were received and opened on May 29, 2003 for the Sewer Collection Extension and Improvement Project. The three low bidders and their bids are as follows: 1. Ludlow Construction, Inc. - $3,325,228.19; F & J Inc. - $3,445,718.00; and Caracas Construction, Inc.-$3,848,973.00. The Selectmen unanimously voted to award the Sewer Collection Extension and Improvement Project to Ludlow Construction at the price of $3,325,228.19. Two bids were received and opened on August 7, 2003 for the grinder pumps for Stockbridge property owners who will be connecting to the sewer system. The two bids were F. H. Mahoney & Associates - $2,675.00 plus tax per pump and Emerson-Swan Inc - $3,600.00 plus tax per pump. The Selectmen unanimously voted to award the grinder pump bid to F. H. Mahoney & Associates at $2,675.00 plus tax. Cris stated that Scott Muir and Dan Weston both members of the Stockbridge Fire Department and EMTs were present however must have had an emergency call and had to leave. Scot and Dan were present to ask for volunteers from Stockbridge to become EMTs as they are very short handed. Cris suggested that anyone interested should call Scott or Dan or call Town Hall and we would relay the message. Cris read the legal notice for the special permit for Richard and Carol Seltzer. Attorney David Hellman submitted a special permit application to modify a special permit previously granted as there had been a design change and the footprint has changed slightly from the previously approved. This application (as the original application) is for the demolition and reconstruction of a single-family residence. The reconstruction will occur on the existing footprint except for the entry room, which is to the rear of the property looking at the house from the lake. A new foundation will be poured. The property is in an R-2 zone. The application is made under 6.1.2. The legal notice appeared in the Berkshire on July 28 and August 4, 2003. Attorney Hellman explained that it is a design change. The bedrooms will not change. The change represents an addition of an entry, which will be located away from the lake, and a jog will be taken out that faces the lake. The house is and will not be visible from the lake. The total lot coverage will be 1.89%. The house is less then 50 years old, therefore, it does not apply to the new proposed bylaw. The building will not come closer to the lake; a portion will actually be further away. Deb inquired about the siding. Mr. Seltzer stated it would be natural cedar. George stated the Conservation Commission wanted the trees to remain. Mr. Seltzer reassured the Selectmen that no trees would be taken down, as they actually liked the trees separating them from the lake. Attorney Hellman said that the Planning Board would be hearing the special permit at their meeting on Tuesday night for a recommendation on this permit. Town Counsel had informed Attorney Hellman that the Building Inspector would make a decision whether a new special permit under LOPD is required on this application. A motion to continue the hearing until Thursday, August 14 at 9:00 a.m. was made by Deb. A second was received from George. The vote to continue was unanimous. At the Town Meeting in May an article was passed to form a Historic Task Force. As of today, only one person ahs come forward. Anyone that would like to be on this committee which will create a five-year plan for preserving and protecting the Town’s historical assets, including any recommendations for additions or amendments to the Town’s Bylaws should call the Selectmen’s Office. Cris thanked everyone who helped with the horrific car accident in Stockbridge on Saturday. The Lenox and Lee Police stopped traffic going south on Route 7. We thank all the Towns around us for their continued cooperation in the time of need. Deb public ally recognized Marty Bullwinkel who walks her dog every day and picks up trash along their route. Deb also reminded everyone of the Laurel Hill’s anniversary celebration on August 16. Festivities begin at 11:30 at the cemetery grave of Mary Hopkins Goodrich, founder of Laurel Hill and will continue throughout the day, ending with a speech by Mary Flynn at the rostrum on Laurel Hill behind the Plain School. George made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. A second was received from Deb. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: