Thu, Dec 06, 2007 11:19 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: September, 2007 September 5, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clint Schneyer and Jorja Marsden It was decided that Clint will come into our weekly working meetings to give us updates of the Highway Department. Clint stated that the gas line is in at the new Town Offices, working on the landfill and a large tree was taken out of the lake. Mahkeenac Heights project has been started. The wing wall repair will be finished soon. Bobby will set up a committee to look into a “Green Program” for Stockbridge. With no other business the meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: September 6, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Attorney Raymond Miyares, Chris Heep from Miyares and Harrington, Jaimy Messana, Secretary to the Planning board and Planning Board members: Paul Coates, Bob Bartle, Bob Bujulski, Doug Rose and Gary Pitney, Attorney Art Kreiger and Jorja Marsden. Attorney Art Kreiger representing Richard Bernstein came with proposals for the Planning Board to consider. Bobby Flower made a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of pending litigation. Deb seconded the motion. The motion to go into Executive Session was voted: George-yes, Deb-yes and Bobby-yes. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Deb made a motion to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting was as follows: George-yes, Deb-yes and Bobby-yes. A true copy, ATTEST: September 12, 1007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clinton Schneyer, Carter White, Kate Maguire and Craig Okerstrom-Lane and Jorja Marsden Clint informed the Board that the wing wall is near completion, the road ways have been patched for the Josh Billings, the harvesters are out of the lake and the Mahkeenac Heights Project is making headway. The next project is the box culvert on Route 183. Representatives from the Berkshire Theatre came to outline their Master Plan proposal. The theatre will be coming to the Selectmen’s meeting on Monday to make a formal presentation. A true copy, ATTEST: September 14, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Scott Muir and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen interviewed and offered the job of Facilities Manager to Scott Muir. His duties will range from the appearance, maintenance and safety of the facilities, grounds and equipment at the new Town Offices and the Town Hall building. Scott thanked the Selectmen and stated that he would inform them of his decision soon. With no further business the meeting adjourned. A true copy, ATTEST: September 17, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deborah McMenamy, Robert Flower, Representatives from BTF: Edgar Rosenblum, Bob Joes, Donald Shapiro, Attorney Philip Heller, Victoria Gettler, Lee Matthews, Ryan Chittaphong, Liz Zeminski, Peter Durgin, Gina Hyams, Rob Hoogs-Foresight Land Services, Craig Okerstrom-Lang- landscape architect, Kate Maguire, Nick Diller-CTSB, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle and Jorja Marsden Kate Maguire, CEO of the Berkshire Theatre, along with other staff and Board members came before the Selectmen with a proposed Master Plan for the Main Stage and Unicorn. The theatre will be celebrating their 80th birthday next year. Craig Okerstrom-Lang outlined the project. The two theatres are separate within the acreages of the property which spans two streets-East Main Street with the Main Stage and East Street with the Unicorn. The driveway which goes through the property is proposed to become a walkway with benches along the way from the Unicorn to the Main Stage with just emergency vehicles being able to access the property from either street. The theatre would like to add amenities at the Unicorn. A café with light dining within a patio and gift shop are proposed at the Unicorn in hopes to have the Unicorn open year round. The Main Stage will remain seasonal. The theatre will apply to MassHighway to widen the entrance on Route 7. The parking at this time is rather difficult around the Unicorn as there are rock ledges protruding up within the grass areas. The thought is to blast away the out croppings and delineate the parking spaces with banners and lighting shining downward. The parking will be reduced from 281 to 215 spaces. Rain gardens would be created wherever the blasting would take place to accommodate for runoff. Rob Hoogs went over the drainage. There is an intermittent stream running through the property, and through the neighbors’ property into a culvert under Route 102, down Lincoln Lane into the river. George stated that there are conservation issues and drainage problems that affect the neighbor’s property. Mr. Hoogs thought that the extensive drainage plans and patterns proposed could improve the overall drain patterns. Mr. Hoog stated that the plan would not completely clear up the neighbors’ problem but could improve them. He continued by saying the site hasn’t changed over years, the wetlands are viewed in a 1973 aerial photos and in 1995. However, less of the surface is maintained since 1973. The proposed changes with grass slopes and rain gardens will capture runoff and swales and berms will be created to allow for the drainage not to be placed in one spot. The neighbors along East Main Street were not convinced that the plans would help their property in any way. Attorney Heller stated that along with the Master Plan, special permits must be obtained. The parking plan will need a permit from the Planning Board regarding the parking and a permit must be obtained for the amenities and to have the Unicorn season expanded. The theatre will go before the Conservation Commission tomorrow evening to present their proposed Master Plan. The applicant will apply to the Conservation Commission prior to asking for the special permits. Bobby Flower made a motion to appoint the following Constables for three years (2007-2010): Robert Nielson, Brian Shaw, Michael Stanton, Bruce Stringer, Adelheid Teutsch and Richard Wilcox. The motion was seconded by Deb. The vote to appoint the Constables was unanimous. George announced that Heidi (Adelheid) Teutsch has completed her academy training. Heidi was Vice President of her class and sang the National Anthem at the graduation ceremony held on September 14, 2007. George also informed the Town that the Board has appointed Stockbridge resident, Scott Muir as Facilities Manager of the new Town Offices and the Town Hall building. This is a win win situation for us as Scott is also and EMT. Therefore we will have our own EMT on duty during the day. Deb stated that the Town offices are moving along and that probably the offices will move before Christmas. The Selectmen will hold an Open House. The building when completed will be a Community Building that everyone can be proud of. The building is fully rented with tenants being Dr. Joseph Cooney, Riverbrook, Chamber of Commerce, Fitzpatrick Trust, and Sarah Horne on the ground floor and the school district offices occupying the second floor. With no other business, Bobby made a motion to adjourn at 8:13. Deb seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: September 19, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clint Schneyer, Michael Buffoni and Jorja Marsden Bobby made a motion to award the bid from Pete’s Ford for a 2006 Ford Van in the amount of $ 16,019.00 for the Council on Aging. Deb seconded the motion. The vote to award the bid to Pete’s in the amount of $16,019.00 for the COA van was unanimous. Michael Buffoni and Clint Schneyer were present to give the Selectmen an overview of the water and sewer alternatives being discussed between the Sewer and Water Commissioners and the prospected buyers of the former DeSisto property (Stockbridge Equestrian Resort). The proposed resort will need water and fire protection. The former DeSisto property has a pump station within the cul de sac of Old Tree Farm Road which is need of repair and upgrading. Our water tanks are old, one being at least 100 years old, and one thought is to have the prospected buyers of the DeSisto property pay for a new tank that would benefit their property but that would also benefit the Town. The Commissioners have been meeting with the Equestrian Resort people for months. The Commissioners would like to hire Weston & Sampson to review any plans on behalf of the Town at the expense of the Equestrian people. The water plant and sewer plants would both need to be upgraded to the tune of several million dollars. The talks have also suggested that the residents on Old Tree Farm Road could be hooked up to the Towns sewer and water if the Equestrian Resort did make the improvements necessary. George raised concern if the Equestrian Resort would consider such costs. Michael felt that this could be a win win situation even if the Town had to pay for part of it. The Selectmen decided that they should attend the Sewer and Water Commissioners meeting on October 2. Clint informed the Selectmen that Mike Kulig, engineer, is writing to the DEP regarding the material to cap the landfill. A proposal to mix paper pulp with sand could save the Town around $100,000. The mixture will need the approval of the local Board of Health as well as the DEP. The Stockbridge Board of Health will be meeting regarding this soon. The steel for the wing wall has been ordered. George complemented Clint and the Highway Department for all the preparation for the Josh Billings Runaground. Deb made a motion to approve the Senior Work Off Program rules and regulations. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to approve the final version of the Senior Work Off Program was unanimous. With no other business the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: September 25, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Arthur Dutil, Rick Wilcox, Scott Muir and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen met with Arthur, Rick, and Scott regarding Emergency Management Director. Arthur as Emergency Management Director and Rick Wilcox as Deputy had stated that they would like to step down from their posts. The Selectmen appointed Scott Director along with his added duties as Facilities Manager. Arthur and Rick will work with Scott to transition the position until the end of the year. Even though Stockbridge is part of the Southern Berkshire Emergency Management, Stockbridge must be prepared with their own plan. Arthur and Rick have been talking about a stipend for the position as it has become very involved. The Selectmen have decided to give Scott a stipend of $1500 from the Clerical line to start with and will review the salary for the next budget season. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: