Thu, Aug 23, 2007 7:44 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: July 2, 2007 July 2, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Robert Flower, Attorney Philip Heller, Architect Pam Sandler, Frank and Linda Russell, Rob Levesque, Lacy Good, Leonard Snyderman, Karin Passmore-CTSB and Jorja Marsden George welcomed everyone to the Selectmen’s meeting. Deb made a motion to approve the minutes of June 18 and 21 meetings. Bobby seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes was unanimous. First on the agenda was a special permit for Frank and Linda Russell of 2 Maple Lane. George read the legal notice. The Russells wish to demolish the existing single-family dwelling and replace it with a new two story, three bedroom single family dwelling 32.5 feet in height. Attorney Philip Heller stated that the property is located in the R-2 zone and the application is made under section 6.1.2. Attorney Heller stated that the cottage would be demolished and rebuilt on the same foot print. The property is pre-existing and non-conforming with respect to minimum lot size, frontage and side setbacks. The present ratio of combined floor area is 11.22%, with the addition the ratio will increase to 18.89% which is less than the maximum allowed of 20%. Attorney Heller continued saying that the construction is conforming to Section 6.3.6 of the zoning bylaws. Architect Pam Sandler stated that the Russells wanted to reconstruct their single story home into a two story Victorian farm house resembling their present cottage. George read the favorable recommendation from the Planning Board and stated that Conservation had issued an Order of Conditions. Favorable letters of recommendation from the following abutters were read: The Mandels, Agars, Scarrows, Harriet Barry and Mrs. Florin. Mrs. Florin had a concern with the dirt being disturbed and that it might affect her property; however her only concern regarding the project was the drainage problem that might occur. The Selectmen made the following findings: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; and b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; and c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; and d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; and e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. Deb had a concern regarding Mrs. Florin’s letter and the potential drainage on her property. George stated he had checked and felt that the necessary precautions will be taken. Deb made a motion to approve the application as presented. Bobby seconded the motion. The application was unanimously approved. George opened the special permit hearing for Leonard Snyderman and Lucy Good of 94 East Main Street by reading the legal notice as it appeared in the Berkshire Eagle. Rob Levesque of R. Levesque Associates, Inc. stated that the owners wish to perform interior and exterior rehabilitation of the existing single family home, the construction of the 486 square foot new addition off the southwestern side of the existing structure, and the abandonment of the existing failed septic system in the existing lawn area along the eastern side of the home. The application is made under section 6.4 Conservancy District. George read the favorable recommendation made by the Planning Board. An Order of Conditions has been issued by the Conservation Commission. Mr. Snyderman stated that they want to put a dormer in front and leave the new extension to the back. The roof will have the same line, and the interior will be made more open with windows in rear for the view. The Selectmen made the following findings: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; and b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; and c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; and d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; and e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. Deb made a motion to approve the application as presented. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to approve the application as presented was unanimous. Pat Flinn of Park Street came before the Board regarding traffic issues on Park Street and at the Convenience Store. Pat outlined the issues as follows: 1.) patrons don’t look left when they drive into Park Street from the pump plaza or the rear of the Convenience Store; 2.) if no pumps are open, patrons just stop and stack up along the garden, waiting and blocking Park Street; and 3.) patrons and delivery trucks park in the street either along side the store or along side the garden at work. Pat submitted a picture with suggestions to stripe Park Street from South Street to the end of the Convenience Store property, have the Convenience Store delivery trucks park in the rear lot, and have the Police site illegally parked patrons. The Selectmen thanked Pat and appreciated her coming in and will look into her suggestions. Roy and Lauren Komack of 3 Interlaken Crossroad came before the Selectmen to request permission to position their seasonal rolling dock (24 feet long and about 6 feet wide) in a location that is on land owned by the Town that abuts their property. The lake frontage that they own is at the extreme opposite end of their land from the house, across the pipeline right-of-way and surrounded by very marshy terrain. It is hard to access. The Selectmen felt that it would set a precedent to allow them permission to place their dock on Town property. The Komack’s understood but didn’t know unless they asked. They had a question regarding who they speak to regarding buildable lots. They have been before the ZBA and Conservation to delineate the wetlands. George stated that the buildable area may be small, but that Shannon had given a map with the delineation and suggested they come before Conservation with the map to talk to the Commission. The Komack’s stated they will speak to Denise regarding the Conservation Commission meeting of July 10. Deb wished everyone a happy and safe 4th. Bobby said to enjoy the fireworks. George announced the Stockbridge Bowl Day planned for July 7 with a rain date of July 8 at the public beach, and the Second Homeowners meeting July 14 at 10 am at the First Congregational Church. Jorja stated that the website is under construction. Bobby made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Deb seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn the meeting was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: July 5, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Robert Flower, Karen Williams-Treasurer, Clinton Schneyer- Highway Superintendent and Jorja Marsden Karen and the Selectmen discussed the “Health Policy”; some qualification requirements were left out of the Health Insurance Policy when changed in 2003. Deb made a motion to re-instate a qualifier of $2,800 for elected officials which was left out of the 2003 Health Policy. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Deb made another motion to allow elected officials who do not meet the qualifier of $2,800 but do receive a stipend from $1.00 to $2,799.99 the option of joining the Town’s health insurance and dental plan, with the elected official paying 100% of the premium(s). Bobby seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Karen confirmed with the Selectmen that Stockbridge does in fact have a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan in place for the employees. The Selectmen with Clint Schneyer, Highway Superintendent, reviewed a scope of work to close the landfill from Berkshire Engineering. Weston and Sampson had issued a scope of work at the cost of $127,400 and Berkshire Engineering’s cost was $41,000. Bobby made a motion to accept the scope of work from Berkshire Engineering at the cost of $41,000. A second was received from Deb. The motion to accept Berkshire Engineering’s quote of $41,000 was unanimous. The Selectmen asked Clint about stenciling “no parking” along both sides of the street near the Convenience Store and to place a yellow strip down the middle of the street. Clint stated that the line painter will be coming to Town soon and Clint will place Park Street on the list. A letter of agreement was signed with Howard Siegel from Bug Busters to help us with the Town’s computer needs. Other items discussed were setting a meeting with Council on Aging, draft contract for the Town Administrator, and job descriptions for a new position of Facilities Manager. Bobby made a motion to adjourn at 4:00 p.m. Deb seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: July 12, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden Joe Kellogg explained that the RFP for the rental space at the new Town Offices will be a qualitative bid process. The project is on time. The bell tower is in poor shape. However, Crocker Architects will fix and secure the tower. Thursday, July 26 was the date set to go to the office furniture store to look at the options. It was suggested to ask Peter Curtin, the Tree Warden, to have the arborist look at the trees in front of the building. The Board accepted Bobby Flower’s letter of resignation from Parks and Recreation. A letter from Phil Heller of the Parks and Recreation was received recommending that the Board of Selectmen appoint Barbara Cohen-Hobbs until the next annual Town election to fill Bobby’s unexpired term. Bobby made a motion to appoint Barbara Cohen-Hobbs to Parks and Recreation. George seconded the motion. The motion to appoint Barbara was two for the appointment and one abstention. George asked what was happening with the Stockbridge Industrial Park. Bobby stated that the Stockbridge Land Trust and Community Preservation were looking at the area. They are looking for a consortium to take over. Bobby said he would share the minutes of the Community Preservation meeting with the Land Trust with the Selectmen. George stated that he had sent a letter to Dr. Mimi Silbert of Delancey Street Foundation requesting a meeting to discuss Delancey Street Foundations intentions as the Town is concerned. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: July 14, 2007 The Second Homeowners Meeting began at 10:00 a.m. at the First Congregational Church with approximately 50 people in attendance. Jack Spencer representing the library thanked the second homeowners for their support. Questions ranged from: concerns regarding the Old Corner House and the Delancey Street Foundation; Mahkeenac Heights regarding the triangle not prepared as it was since the sewer system was installed, to improper signage. The entrance to Mahkeenac Heights is one way. There is a small sign and people do not see it. They would like property signage up and down the exit road (these are Town roads.) Another concern in Mahkeenac Heights is a culvert along the exit road that has created a gully, and there is concern of a car going into the gully; more attention to the weeds at the north side of the lake with a suggestion to start earlier. To questions regarding what is happening to the DeSisto property and the Kripalu expansion. Mahkeenac Shores has a hole or the paving is uneven from the sewer project; people walking on the side of the streets where there are no sidewalks, to stripping is needed along Route 183, and the concern regarding geese and bears around the lake area. The lateness of the beach bringing prepared – no ropes up or floats until late last week to the idea of bringing more attention of the Second Homeowners Meeting with possibly a part of the website designated for the Second Homeowners. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. as another group needed to use the space. A true copy, ATTEST: July 20, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Barbara Zanetti, Doug Goudey and Jorja Marsden Barbara and Doug came before the Selectmen to discuss the monies appropriated by the 2001 Town Meeting to promote tourism. Doug stated that the cost to build out the space that they would like to rent at the new Town Offices has been estimated at about $15,000. The Chamber of Commerce request using $10,000 from the monies appropriated to promote tourism to help with the build out. Discussion followed as to whether it was the intended purpose of the monies appropriated. Doug and Barbara started that their mission has changed as it will be more a walk-in information Chamber especially with the public restrooms in the new building. The Bluebird Committee had mentioned using some of the monies for the Bluebird Information Booth expansion and renovations. It was noted that the Chamber of Commerce and The Bluebird Committee are two separate entities. Doug thought that the balance might be used for the Bluebird. The Selectmen supported the idea. The applications for the Assistant’s position were reviewed. The Council on Aging Director and Committee will be asked to come before the Board at their August 20th meeting to discuss their plans for the new Senior Center-Council on Aging at the new Town Offices. Deb made a motion to appoint Joan Nimmo to the Five Town Cable Committee. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to appoint Joan Nimmo to the Five Town Cable Committee was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: July 25, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clinton Schneyer and Jorja Marsden Items of concern from the Second Homeowners Meeting that need attention from the Highway Department were discussed with Clint. The Selectmen finalized the Town Administrator’s contract. Deb made the following motion: I move that the following rooms located in the Stockbridge Town Offices Building, 50 Main Street, are not needed for Town purposes and be declared surplus for disposition through leasing in accordance with Chapter 30B of the General Laws: Room 001, containing 640 square feet Room 001A, containing 550 square feet Room 004, containing 618 square feet Room 006, containing 554 square feet Room 019, containing 903 square feet Room 018, containing 531 square feet Bobby seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous. The Selectmen will look at the large trees in front of the school to see if they should be trimmed or removed. The yews will be removed by Clint. A true copy, ATTEST: