Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Ernie Lowell Description: Subject/Title: 2004-05-24 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version May 24, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Peter Hepler, Margaret Hepler, Philip Smerling, Attorney Kevin Kinne, Chauncey Collins, Sara Chaganti, Cecilia Killfoile, Allison Marchesi, Linda Dragat, Andrew Dragat, Richard Rothbard, Gail Garrett, Len Schiller, Joanna Rothbard, Kyu Sung Woo, Steve Lacker, Edward Shapiro, Diane Wortis, Douglas Reid, Donna Elmendorf, Tim Burks, William Johnson, Janet A. DeRita, David and Liz Resnik, John ffrench, Primm ffrench, Elizabeth C. Goodman, Jeffrey Sosne, Peter Comb, Paul Campbell, Phil Bergen, MA Historic Commission, Linda W. Jackson, Mary Dhules, Cathy Wilkerson, Dick Lindsey-WSBS, Brock Wilkerson, Steve McMahon, Jean Rousseau, Derek Gentile-Berk. Eagle, Jack Spencer, Betty Plant, Debbie Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Benedict, Fred Rutberg, Eric Plakun, Angelo Sonsini and Jorja Marsden. The first meeting after the elections, the Selectmen must reorganize. Deb made a motion to have Cris continue as chairman for another year. A second was received from George. Cris stated that he would only accept it if it was understood that someone else would take it next year. He continued by saying that he believed other Selectmen should be chairman. The votes to have Cris continue as Chairman was unanimous. Deb made a motion to have George Shippey continue as Clerk. The vote was unanimous. Philip Bergen of Massachusetts Historical explained what is a National Register District. Stockbridge is proposing another district along Elm, Maple and South Streets. Already the Main Street, Old Curtisville, and Shadowbrook are on the list of the National Register. Peggy Hepler narrated a slide show that she had created of the historic significance of each building along the street. The presentation will be made to the Massachusetts Historic Commission and then to the National Register. Cris opened the Cingular public hearing by reading the legal notice. Cingular wishes to mount antennas on an existing cell tower and equipment shelter at 30 East Street at the property of the Schillers. The property is in an R-1 zone. Application is made under section 6.25. Cingular will be the third carrier on the T-Mobile tower. Also on the pole is AT&T. The Planning Board recommended approval of this application. The following findings were voted by the Selectmen under 6.25: 1. The Cingular Repeater will satisfy all requirements of section 6.25. 2. The proposed repeater is a necessary component of a comprehensive scheme to ensure the provision of wireless services within Stockbridge. 3. The proposed repeater will have the means of providing service with the least intrusion on the neighborhood as the antennas will be inside the monopole. 4. This is the less intrusive placement as all antennas will be within the pole. 5. The applicant has implemented all reasonable measures to mitigate adverse impacts of the repeater on the Town, area, and neighborhood. and under Section 6.3.6: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of the Bylaw. b. It is essential and desirable to the public convenience and welfare at the proposed location. c. It will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood as it will not change anything. d. It will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. e. It does not apply to this section. George made a motion to approve Cingular Wireless to add three new antennas and six amplifiers to the interior of the T-Mobile monopole behind the Inn at Stockbridge and place a 12 foot by 20 foot pre-cast concrete equipment shelter within the existing fenced compound. A second was received from Deb. The Board unanimously approved this application. Austen Riggs came before the Board to give a general information overview on their long range plans for their property. Dr. Edward Shapiro, CEO, gave some background and Chauncey Collins, Director of Operations, addressed the needs of the facility. The plan which would take six to ten years to complete and includes additions to the two main buildings and configuration changes in the landscape. The wishes are to create a green space – community within the center of the property, adding a community center to the east side of The Inn and an addition to the Medical Building which would be for educational outreach which would include a library and conference space. The parking would be moved to the outer corners of the property. The parking proposal was what the neighbors objected to. Some neighbors were represented by Attorney Elisabeth Goodman, others spoke there own feelings. The concern from neighbors on Sergeant Street and on Pine Street was the added traffic on a dead end, already congested narrow street, the lights shining in the windows, and noise as the employees enter and exit at all times of day and night. The presentation was to bring the Town together, to listen, to hear what the Austin Riggs envision for the future and to listen and hear the concerns the Town may have regarding the project. The Board of Selectmen acting as the Licensing Board in accordance with Chapter 138 of the MGL, opened the public hearing for an All Alcoholic Liquor License for American Craftsman Café, Inc. at 7 South Street, Stockbridge, MA. Premise consists of first floor and porch locally managed by Richard Rothbard. Mr. Rothbard has requested the change from a Wine, Malt and Cordial to an All Alcoholic License as his patrons are requesting cocktails with their meals. George Shippey made a motion to grant the All Alcoholic Liquor License to American Craftsman Café. A second was received from Deb. The vote was unanimous. George made a motion to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. Deb seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: