Mon, Apr 22, 2002 3:15 PM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: 2002-02-15 Feb. 15, 2002 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, Martin Terrien, Tom Stokes, Sally Underwood-Miller, and Jorja-Ann Marsden. Tom and Sally came before the Selectmen to request an article to set up a committee if the Community Preservation passes on the ballot. They realize that this is a bad year with the sewer expansion and the Town Hall renovation. The make up of the committee was discussed. It would consist of a member of the Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Parks & Recreation, Housing, Historical and the Selectmen. The Selectmen will pick a Finance Committee member and an assessor. Of concern, with the Selectmen was a handout that Tom would like to hand out to Town's people. A question was raised as to the affordable housing units. Tom said he would check it out with Tim Geller who had furnished the information to Tom. Deb stated to Tom that the harbormaster is more complicated than originally thought. Tom said that we will revisit it another year. Meeting adjourned. A true copy, ATTEST