Mon, Apr 22, 2002 2:45 PM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: 2002-01-28 January 28, 2002 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, Martin Terrien, Gary Kleinerman, Thomas Stokes, Kate Fletcher, Frances Antoniazzi, Rosalin Levitt, Waldo Baker, Bob Bugley, Derek Gentile-Berk. Eagle, Nick Nadorff, Ken and Ruth Marrillo, Dick Lindsey-WSBS, Jon Gray, Mark Jenny, Don Schneyer, Stephanie Cohen-Berk. Record, Lisa Schneyer, Patty Cahill, Rick Wilcox, David Hellman, Brian Shaw, David Hellman, Bruce and Joan Cohen and Becker Winston-Architect, Bob-CTSB, and Jorja Marsden Cris announced the resignation of Kenneth Shearn from the Sewer and Water Commission. It is a real thankless job with long hours. Deb made a motion to accept Ken's resignation. Martin seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Deb made a motion to appoint Don Schneyer to fill Ken's vacancy. Martin seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The Selectmen welcomed Don back to the Sewer and Water Commission. Robert Bugley, Chairman of the Sewer and Water Commission appeared before the Selectmen with a presentation regarding the proposed Sewer project. Mr. Bugley began by stating the scope of the project would be to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant and extend the sewer line to four new areas of Stockbridge. The projected total would be $9,310,000. The status of the project is that it has been approved by Mass DEP for a low-interest 2% loan from the State Revolving Fund. The design is underway. Options for the loan pay back is being developed with input from townspeople and review from Boards and Committees. An explanation of how the plant works was given. It was noted that the plant would have to be upgraded whether or not the expansion is approved at special Town Meeting at a date to be determined. The process of selection of the expansion was narrowed from 12 areas to selecting four, came from the highest need as determined by DEP criteria. It was pointed out that the scope of project could not be changed without loss of the State low-interest funding. Cris Irsfeld stated that the project would need a two-thirds vote at the meeting. Cris stated he will not get sewer, but the town will be better. Also given to the Selectmen was an amendment #2 for Weston and Sampson. The amendment is to have the engineers look at Goodrich Street/Glendale East closer. Deb made a motion to amend the contract. A second was made by Martin. The vote was unanimous. Tom Stokes, Katie Fletcher, Gary Kleinerman, Chief Richard Wilcox and Officer Brian Shaw came to talk about a possible harbormaster at Stockbridge Bowl. The Stockbridge Bowl Town Bylaw states that the Selectmen can appoint a harbormaster. Tom Stokes is suggesting an initial outlay of $1000.00 for the summer of 2002. Officer Shaw, as in the past, is interested. Tom explained that it would be about 50 hours for the season. At the present, Gary Kleinerman puts up markers. Possibly the harbormaster would place them. One concern of the Selectmen was if there were problems. Chief Wilcox explained that boats were available through grants. It would cost the Town only for the registration and trailer. Another problem was mentioned on where the boat would be stored. Katie Fletcher stated that the concerns range from speeding and swimmers, with boats going the wrong way or too close to the swim area. She stated just the presence would help with safety. Deb asked if this would be considered overtime. Chief explained that it really would be two separate jobs, therefore the harbormaster would be at straight time. Martin asked if the position would be under the Police and concerns with the Union. The Chiefs response was yes to both. Brian is President of the Police Union. Gary Kleinerman thought that the Stockbridge Bowl Assoc. might be able to help with dollars over the $1000.00. (Deb asked the Chief's opinion). Cris stated we would have to call our insurance company and also check with the Union. Chief Wilcox stated he would do some homework regarding the boat, union, and insurance. Tom Stokes stated we were fortunate to have Brian Shaw willing to do this. Tom continued by saying these were all good questions asked and appreciated the Selectmen looking into this matter. Cris opened the Levitt special permit with the reading of the legal notice, which appeared in the Berkshire Eagle. It was noted that Mrs. Levett had a special permit application in October, which she was granted. Mrs. Levett stated that once the wall was erected it made the space very small and she wished an additional two feet to the rear to meet the deck. Cris mentioned to Mrs. Levett that he questioned her regarding this while she was going through the previous permit. The Selectmen agreed that this 2-foot addition would not be detrimental to the neighborhood and not further encroaching upon the setback. Deb made a motion to approve the request, Martin seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The special permit hearing for Bruce and Joan Cohen of 84 Interlaken Road was next. Cris began by reading the legal notice. Attorney David N. Hellman began by describing the project to the Selectmen. The Cohens would like to renovate and add on to the existing house, move the existing septic field, remove the deck, install trees and shrubs. Attorney Hellman stated that they had gone through Conservation Commission and have received approval. The present driveway infringes on the Deno's property; therefore moving of the driveway is an important aspect of this project. Landscape and plantings proposed will keep the runoff from going into the lake. The Selectmen requested that a benchmark be established to make sure that the height of 35 ft. is adhered to. Deb made a motion to recommend to the Planning Board approval of this application under 6.5-Lake and Pond Overlay. Martin seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Deb made a second motion to close the public comment of the hearing and to hold the record open for the recommendation of the Planning Board. A second was received by Martin. The vote was unanimous. The Selectmen announced that we have a vacancy on the Housatonic River Restoration Committee. David Hellman stated that he might be interested. He will let us know. Announcement was also made that we officially have a National Historic Main Street. Martin made a motion to adjourn at 8:50. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: