Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Selectman's Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: October 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version October 4, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, Bruce Gventer, and Jorja Marsden. George Shippey was absent because of dental surgery. Bruce Gventer came before the Board to request use of the Plain School for an Antique Book Fair on July 8 and 9, 2005. The Plain School will be reverting back to the Town as of July 1, 2005. Mr. Gventer explained that in the past he has donated $1000.00 for a reading program through the PTO. He explained that on Friday, July 8 he would be open from 10 a.m. until 6 and on July 9 he would be open from 7 a.m. and out by 7:00 p.m. He would only be using the Cafeteria and the Gym. He would be responsible to clean up and would add the Town on to his insurance. It was decided that Mr. Gventer would donate $1000.00 to the Town, and add us to his insurance for the two days. Mr. Gventer will contact the Town closer to the date to make sure that the door is open. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: October 13, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jack Spencer, Peter Wells and Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden Peter Wells, architect for Tuthill and Wells of Avon, CT, came to give an overview of the Town Hall building. The Selectmen had hired the firm to look at the space needs within the Town Hall for the offices. Peter explained that at the present he felt that the needs would be another 6,000 square feet. Jack Spencer asked if 16,000 square feet would be adequate. Peter said that you should look out at least 20 years and that possibly 16,000 square feet may not be adequate in the next 20 years. Pete also continued by saying that there is structural problems over the police and assessor's office space. He also stated that there is asbestos, lead paint and PCB within the building. Jack asked a what if question….make offices on the 2nd floor as well as the first floor and have Town Meetings somewhere else. Cris stated that we were looking a way to save the school. Peter Wells stated that by placing offices upstairs and have a meeting room downstairs, that there would not be a cost savings. Cris also stated that if we added to the building, it would be difficult because the First Congregational Church owns the land upon which the Town Hall sits. However the Selectmen will be going before the First Congregational Church members on Sunday, October 17 to just ask questions and what if we were to build out or down. Peter Wells stated that esthetically to add to the building you would need to go in an L shape not go straight. Peter Wells estimated that a rough cost might be $3 million for renovations including the basement. A true copy, ATTEST: October 18, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Georgeanne Rousseau, Eric Egan, Robert and Scott Singleton, Ray Levesque, Attorney Philip Heller, Christina Alsop, Gregory Juskalian, Attorney Ken Shearn, Ryan Keiper, Gene and Shirley Talbot, Erika Spritz-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the continuation of the Alsop special permit hearing by reading a letter from Joyce Hovey requesting that her opposition to the Alsop special permit be withdrawn. Ms. Hovey had a conversation with Christina Alsop and her questions were answered. Also read was a recommendation from the Planning Board regarding the modified plan. The Planning Board voted to recommend the following: that upon review of the 6.1.2 special permit application of Alsop, the Board had some concern with the precedent it sets for dwellings in accessory structures, and believes it should be reviewed under Section 4.4 of the bylaws. However, the Board would be inclined to recommend approval it the exterior integrity of the barn/mill is maintained. Attorney Heller reviewed the new modification of the special permit which stated the following: The applicant hereby modifies the Special Permit Application dated June 21, 2004 by requesting that the Board of Selectmen approve so much of the Special Permit Permit Application that requests one (1) apartment on the west side in the Mill building (barn), to contain three (3) rooms in accordance with the floor plan, conditions and restrictions as per the following: SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SPECIAL PERMIT 1. The property subject to the special permit shall not be subdivided or condominiumized. This restriction shall be binding on the heirs and assigns of the applicant. This restriction shall inure for the benefit of property now or formerly owned by Borie, which property is located contiguous to the westerly line of the applicant's property. This restriction shall be incorporated into the deed of the applicant and recorded in the Berkshire Middle District Registry of Deeds. 2. The Mill building (barn) shall never be used as any part of any Bed and Breakfast operation as defined by the Stockbridge Zoning Bylaw. 3. The Bed and Breakfast operation shall be conducted only in the Main House, which Main House is located on the property. The operators of the Bed and Breakfast shall be the owners of the property and it shall be their principal legal residence, and they shall be in residence in the Main House at such times as rooms are rented, all in conformity with Section 4.11.B.3 of the Stockbridge Zoning Bylaw. 4. No deck or other external addition shall be constructed or alteration made to the Mill building (barn) other than for necessary repairs and maintenance. The historic architectural character of the Mill building (barn) will remain unchanged. 5. The area of the Mill building (barn) used for residential habitation of whatever nature, whether by owner or tenant, shall be permanently restricted to a three room apartment on the west side of the building as approved by the Board of Selectmen. 6. The applicant shall remove all improvements relating to the habitation of the Mill building (barn) that have been installed in that portion of the Mill building (barn) that does not include the three room apartment as approved by the special permit. The removal of the improvements shall include capping of water, removal of bathroom and kitchen fixtures and appliances, and removal of heating fixtures and built-in cabinets. The building inspector shall have oversight of this removal. 7. The five car parking area shall be set back thirty feet from the westerly sideline of the applicant's property, and shall be screened from the property of the abutter to the south of applicant's property. And The applicant's request is pursuant to Section 6.1.2 to change, alter and reconstruct a pre-existing, non-conforming structure, a two-story historic Mill building, to allow for the apartment use. The apartment use is consistent with a Special Permit granted to the applicant on September 24, 1990 and with a Building Permit dates July 18, 1992. The applicant also intends to operate a five (5) room Bed and Breakfast in the applicant's legal residence as a by-right use, pursuant to Section 4.1..1.B.3. George asked about the enforcement of the Mill building. Attorney Heller stated that the Enforcement Office should be used. Attorney Shearn representing the Davies stated that the conditions appeared to be fine with him and his clients, however he was concerned that the enforcement and supervision of the conditions be met. Also Attorney Shearn requested that a copy of the deed proposal be available before the 20 day appeal for his review. Attorney Heller agreed that he would send a copy of the proposed deed to Attorney Shearn prior to the 20 day appeal. The Selectmen voted the following findings: a. The applicant is compiling with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw; b. The applicant has met the concerns of the neighbors; c. The application brings the property in conformity with the use; d. The application improves the parking for the Bed and Breakfast and the apartment; e. The application reduces the number of bathrooms and will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. Deb made a motion to approve the application as modified on September 28, 2004 with the following seven conditions and a copy of the deed will be submitted prior to the 20 day appeal period: SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SPECIAL PERMIT 1. The property subject to the special permit shall not be subdivided or condominiumized. This restriction shall be binding on the heirs and assigns of the applicant. This restriction shall inure for the benefit of property now or formerly owned by Borie, which property is located contiguous to the westerly line of the applicant's property. This restriction shall be incorporated into the deed of the applicant and recorded in the Berkshire Middle District Registry of Deeds. 2. The Mill building (barn) shall never be used as any part of any Bed and Breakfast operation as defined by the Stockbridge Zoning Bylaw. 3. The Bed and Breakfast operation shall be conducted only in the Main House, which Main House is located on the property. The operators of the Bed and Breakfast shall be the owners of the property and it shall be their principal legal residence, and they shall be in residence in the Main House at such times as rooms are rented, all in conformity with Section 4.11.B.3 of the Stockbridge Zoning Bylaw. 4. No deck or other external addition shall be constructed or alteration made to the Mill building (barn) other than for necessary repairs and maintenance. The historic architectural character of the Mill building (barn) will remain unchanged. 5. The area of the Mill building (barn) used for residential habitation of whatever nature, whether by owner or tenant, shall be permanently restricted to a three room apartment on the west side of the building as approved by the Board of Selectmen. 6. The applicant shall remove all improvements relating to the habitation of the Mill building (barn) that have been installed in that portion of the Mill building (barn) that does not include the three room apartment as approved by the special permit. The removal of the improvements shall include capping of water, removal of bathroom and kitchen fixtures and appliances, and removal of heating fixtures and built-in cabinets. The building inspector shall have oversight of this removal. 7. The five car parking area shall be set back thirty feet from the westerly sideline of the applicant's property, and shall be screened from the property of the abutter to the south of applicant's property. A second was received from George. The vote approve the application of Christina Alsop with the conditions was unanimous. Ray Levesque of R Levesque Associates, LLC representing Stone Ridge Subdivision was next on the agenda. It was noted that Mr. Levesque had faxed a blasting impact evaluation report from Haley and Aldrich. However, the Selectmen have not had time to review the report before the meeting. Mr. Levesque stated that the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Board of Health and the Mohawk Preserve had received a copy and he knew that Ms. McMenamy wanted more information regarding the impact. Mr. Levesque highlighted some points within the report. Cris explained that Attorney Simon felt that the Board should be reviewing the whole project and that in speaking with Town Counsel after the last meeting, the Board of Selectmen should only concern themselves with the Lake and Pond Overlay Special Permit, not the whole subdivision. With the explanation from Town Counsel, Deb felt that she could make a recommendation to the Planning Board as our role is only recommending within the LPOD special permit. George made a motion to recommend approval of the LPOD to the Planning Board, Deb seconded the motion. The vote to recommend approval of the Lake and Pond Overlay Special Permit was unanimous. The Town decided to try something different this year when we purchased the new Police Cruiser. The cruiser was advertised to be sold by sealed bid, with a minimum of $6,000. The bids were received today at 10:00a.m., only one bid was received from Ronald Driscoll of Lee for $7,030.00. George made a motion to accept the bid of Ronald Driscoll of Lee for $7,030.00. A second was received from Deb. The vote to award the bid for the 2002 Ford Expedition was unanimous. A sign application for Bullard Woods, submitted by Haldor Reinholt representing the Stockbridge Bowl Association, was reviewed. The Planning Board had recommended approval of a 4 square foot sign, rather than the 4x6 sign that Mr. Reinholt had applied for in his application. Deb made a motion to approve the sign application for Bullard Woods with the dimensions of 4 square feet. A second was received from George. The vote to approve a 4 square foot sign for Bullard Woods was unanimous. Another sign permit application was reviewed for Linda Izzo-Heinrich for property at 24 East Street. George made a motion to approve the sign application for Kampoosa Crossing at 24 East Street. A second was received from Deb. The vote to approve the grandfathered sign was unanimous. Cris gave praises to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Waller for planning such a splendid Coaching Event. Over the Columbus Day weekend, carriage owners from all over came to Orleton Farm with their carriages and horses. The carriages went through Stockbridge to Lenox for two days, and through downtown Stockbridge to visit the Rockwell Museum. Hopefully, the Coaching event will come back in a few years. Also that weekend on Sunday, the 2nd annual Antique Fire Apparatus were setup at the Stockbridge Train Station for viewing and refreshments. Thank you again to both groups for a tremendous three day weekend. With no other business a motion was made by George to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. A second was received from Deb. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: October 26, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jim McMenamy, Charles Gillett, David McCarthy, Jack Spencer, Eva Sheridan, Joe Kellogg, Laurie Norton-Moffat, Karl Seidman, Eric Nakajima and Jorja Marsden Bay Area Economics, the marketing firm that was hired to look at the Stockbridge Plain School came to review their draft report. Eric Nakajima discussed the Residential Market Analysis draft. Eric discussed general demographic and economic data, population, age and household income for the area. Eric concluded his draft by saying that housing may be a feasible alternative for development of the Plain School. However, he also felt that the market was not good at this time and it may increase in the next 8 to 12 years. He also stated that the cost of renovating and financing mid-range housing units at the School will price the units above the market rate, thus making the demand less. Karl Seidman reviewed commercial and retail market analysis for the Plain School. He stated that the market exists however both office or retail development would not support the reuse of the Plain School. Office space would take several years to be filled and the retail potential is there but would be hard to attract given the current conditions and the building limitations at the Plain School. Mr. Seidman stated that the Berkshire Theatre showed interest in using some of the space at the Plain School. He continued to say that it was unlikely to attract a private developer for the school. He suggested that possibly private offices and leasing classroom space to the Berkshire Theatre into plans for town and school district offices would serve a diverse mix needs. David asked a question as to what the overall medium house taxes would be in a few years when we would be paying for the sewer project, school building, and Town Hall, and the Plain School. Cris stated that we would try to come up with a figure soon. Chuck Gillett was very concerned about the deadline of January 31. We have so much to accomplish and with the Architects being foreclosed by the Bank how will it be accomplished. If we do not have the complete report by than or know that we will not be able to obtain the information, we might have to call a meeting and explain to the Town our situation, and amend the warrant article to give us more time. Joe will try to arrange a meeting for the committee to go through the Plain School. He is also trying to work something out as far as the Architect Firm is concerned. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. A true copy, ATTET: