Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Selectman's Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: November 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... November 1, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jeremy Cowles-CTSB, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle, and Jorja Marsden, Executive Secretary A thank you was extended to Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. for their most generous gift of $24,000 in lieu of taxes. The BSO maintains a wonderful relationship and partnership with the Town. George Shippey made a motion to allow Ludlow Construction to cross the Town's property so to extend the sewer line into the Stockbridge Train Station which is owned by the High Meadow Foundation. All expenses will be incurred by High Meadow. A second was received from Deb McMenamy. The vote was unanimous. George Shippey mentioned that the Conservation Commission has approved Order of Conditions for Mahkeenac Heights, Terrace and Shores area. Cris stated the Town was waiving the LPOD special permit with the Planning Board regarding the Sewer Project. There is an exemption within that section of the bylaws which allows for municipal projects such as the sewer project to be exempt. The treatment plant is almost done. Goodrich Street should be finished in the spring. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission informed us that the Pictometry software and images will be distributed in the near future. The Pictometry software and images allows Towns to view high-resolution digital color images (aerial photos) of a community from an oblique angle view. Mass Highway had entered into a licensed agreement with Pictometry Corporation to provide these high-resolution digital imagery and software tools for the communities within the Commonwealth. In order for us to receive the software, the chairman must sign the Authorized Subdivision User Agreement and complete a BRPC Pictometry Liaison Form to designate one person to act as the liaison for BRPC. It was decided that Ernie Lowell would be the liaison with BRPC. Compliments were extended to Ray Miyares, Town Counsel and Chief Richard Wilcox for being one of two municipalities within the Commonwealth to win an appeal regarding the racial profiling litigation. The Selectmen stated that the Plain School Reuse Committee has been meeting on a regular basis. The architect that had been hired, Alderman and MacNinch, has filed bankruptcy and the bank will not allow them to complete the contract with the Town. This firm was chosen with great references and even doing the new elementary school in Lee. The committee will be looking at options - to go out to bid for another architect firm or to offer it to the other firms interviewed. The marketing firm has given a preliminary review of their analysis which basically stated that condos or housing would be on the high end side, however very costly to construct. George gave an overview of the boat ramp. The pads were delivered (at no expense to the Town through the help of Smitty Pignattelli) and Clint will be beginning installing the pads at the boat ramp. The boat ramp will be closed for a week or so while the work is done. With no other business, Deb made a motion to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. A second was received from George and the vote to adjourn was unanimous. A True Copy, Attest: November 5, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Michael Blay and Jorja Marsden Michael Blay came to discuss the increase in value of properties in Stockbridge and the possible tax rate scenarios. A state mandate will now require the town to do an interim year adjustment using the property sales in the town on a yearly basis. This could mean a valuation change every year. Michael also stated that second homeowners relate to 64% of the total property owners and that 75% of the sales is over the assessed value. The receipts are going down…as we have received less in motor vehicles. Michael would like to hold the classification hearing at the November 29 meeting of the Board of Selectmen. A true copy, ATTEST: November 19, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg, Jack Spencer, Jim McMenamy, David McCarthy, Chuck Gillett, Laurie Norton-Moffatt and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen have been asked to nominate a member of the Lee Ambulance Squad to be placed on a committee to look for a new director. The former Director Ken LaBier has resigned. A motion was made by Deb McMenamy to have Scott Muir represent Stockbridge on search committee. A second was received from George Shippey. The vote to have Scott represent the Town on the Ambulance Search committee was unanimous. Cris discussed the Intermodel Building, the new transportation building on North Street in Pittsfield. It has come to his attention that the Police Chief in Pittsfield will be having an office on the 2nd floor so as to have a Police presence on North Street. Doug Stephenson, Selectman from Great Barrington and Cris are concerned as Chuck MacNeil has stated that the office will be paid by extraordinary reserve fund account as the Police have no such fund. Mayor Ruberto stated to Cris that he thought the space was going to be paid for by Federal grant monies. Cris continued by saying that if the space will be paid for by the extraordinary reserve fund, then all the towns will be paying for the office space which would not be right. BRTA has stated in the past that they do not have any extra monies for transportation. The Plain School Task Force came to discuss the situation of the architect. Since Alderman and MacNeish have filed for bankruptcy, Joe Kellogg spoke to the other two architect firms which were interviewed. Hill Engineering stated that they could not even look at the project until sometime in February, and Caolo & Bieniek stated that they could start work in the beginning of January. Deb McMenamy made a motion to ask Caolo & Bieniek to start working on our project as soon as possible. A second was received by Jack Spencer. The vote to hire Caolo & Bieniek was unanimous. Discussion followed regarding the dollar amount for the new architects. A motion was made by George to authorize payment up to $28,000. A second was made by David McCarthy. The vote to alot up to $28,000.00 for the new architect firm was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: November 29, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Michael Blay, Jeremy Crowles - CTSB and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the meeting with the introduction of Michael Blay, Principal Assessor, for Stockbridge. Michael stated that the Board of Assessors requests the Selectmen to keep a residential factor of 1, or a single tax rate. Deb commented that it is typical in Berkshire County of have one tax rate and Cris stated that our business area is very small. Deb made a motion to have one tax rate. A second was received from George. The vote to have one tax rate for both business and residential was unanimous. Michael continued to say that the tax rate may be set as early as next week as the State is behind. Therefore the tax bills may be going out the week of Christmas. Adelphia has requested the Selectmen reduce the performance bond for Adelphia from $25,000 to $10,000 per Article 7, License Administration, Section 7.3, Performance Bond and liquidated damages as per the completion of the plant bandwidth upgrade to 860 MHz. Deb made a motion to lower the bond. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Joe Ruggio, Tax Collector, requested the Selectmen make the following announcements: Aid to the Elderly and Disabled Taxation Fund which was approved at the May, 2003 Town Meeting will be available. An insert will be placed in every tax bill stating the qualifications, which are an applicant shall reside in and be owner and taxpayer of said residence of record, shall be at least 60 years of age or disabled, shall be within financial guidelines set forth by the committee, shall be awarded up to 50% of property taxes or $1,000 max per fiscal year, and this aid shall be made from available funds in this account only. Also, this will be the first time that taxpayers will be able to pay their taxes on line. A Reserve Fund Transfer has been requested by Fire Chief Louis Peyron in the amount of $14,182.00 for hose replacement. The Fire Department had a recent drill to check out the hoses on the trucks and during the drill approximately 3000 feet of hose was found to be old and dry and therefore the hose burst. The Chief had hoped that the hose would last until May's Annual Town Meeting. George made a motion to take $14,182 out of the Reserve Fund to replace the hose. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to transfer the funds. The Stockbridge Housing Authority, Executive Director, Jo Anne Redding sent a check in the amount of $838.80 as a contribution in lieu of taxes for FY04. It was announced that the next Selectmen's meeting on December 6 will be at Heaton Court. Also announced was an opening on the CTSB Board for Stockbridge residents. Anyone interested should contact the Selectmen's Office. A sign request has been received from Berkshire Counseling and Coaching Associates. They would like to place a 30" wide by 16" deep clear plastic sign on the door going upstairs to the Professional Building at 3 Elm Street. George made a motion to approve the sign request. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Arnold Sher, 8 Bean Hill Road would like to modify the plans regarding his special permit which was approved in August, 2004. The applicant would like to raise the chimney to be 29'and expand the roof in line with the hip roof. Deb made a motion that the changes requested to the special permit were not significant to warrant another special permit. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to allow the modification under the special permit. The Selectmen reminded everyone that the annual lighting of the Christmas tree will be at 5:30 p.m. on Friday. George announced that the slabs had arrived at the Boat Ramp. The drawdown has been ongoing, however with the rain that we have been getting, the DEP will allow the Conservation Commission to file an emergency order to drawdown the lake until December 10. Hopefully Clint and the Highway Department will be able to complete placing the slabs within the access ramp. Deb made a motion to adjourn at 7:22 p.m. George seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: