Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Selectman's Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version January 4, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, John Hirbour- Auditor from Hirbour and Haynes, Karen Williams, Elaine Markham, Phil Heller, Bob Flower, Mary Hart and Jorja Marsden John Hirbour went over the audit for Stockbridge. The report differs from previous years as 2004 audit incorporates GASB 34. Mr. Hirbour stated that the Town is fiscally sound and well managed. The Selectmen thanked John for his report. The Selectmen met with Parks and Recreation regarding the Beach and Park Street parks. The Parks department has concerns about the maintenance of the gardens at Park Street and Stockbridge Town Beach. The department has spoken to Glen Pilling of Pilling Landscaping, Inc. regarding maintenance and plantings at both sites. After much discussion and thought, the Parks and Selectmen thought the new plants should be done, but the maintenance proposed by the firm will be done by summer staff. Also discussed was parking along Pine Street near the tennis courts. It was decided to take out curbing and provide parking near the courts. The beach building has possible water damage. Cris will ask for an opinion and a price for the fixing of the problem. An article will be placed on the Town Meeting Warrant. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: January 13, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jean Rousseau, Keith Raftery, Mary Bertocci, and Jorja Marsden The budget review process began. The Finance Committee and Board of Selectmen will meet weekly to review various budgets. Cris opened the continuation of the public hearing for Austen Riggs. The Planning Board's recommendation stated that the Board voted to recommend approval of the 6.1.2 special permit because the application appears to meet the standards of the bylaws. In addition, by moving the parking area to a lot within the interior of the property, the plan actually decreases the intensity of the use on Pine Street. George made a motion to approve the change in use for the Elms Cottage at 1 Pine Street. A second was received from Deb. The vote to approve the application of the change in use was unanimous. Budgets reviewed were IT/GIS Department with Ernie Lowell, Arthur Dutil for Emergency Management and Louis Peyron for the Fire Department. A true copy, ATTEST: January 18, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Eric Nakajima-Bay Area Economics, Ken Jodrie-Caolo and Bieniek, Jack Spencer, Charles Gillett, Jim McMenamy, David McCarthy, Laurie Norton-Moffatt and Jorja Marsden The Plain School Task Force met with marketing firm-Bay Area Economic and the architectural firm-Caolo and Bieniek. The architect firm's report was based on the findings of the marketing firm had done for the Plain School. The marketing firm has drafted three possible uses of the Plain School: 1. residential use, 2. commercial and 3. low-end commercial which would include the Town Offices. Mr. Jodrie will give estimated architectural financial costs for each of the uses. Mr. Nakajima and Mr. Jodrie will be at the Special Town Meeting, January 24, 2005 to review the options to the Town. A true copy, ATTEST: January 18, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Michael Roisman, Darlene Wellington, Jack and Sheila Faxon, Irene Bona Pizzi, Ken and Ruth Maurillo, Mary Bertocci, John and Gigi Kingston, Alex Glynn, William Bona, Mary Ann Bona, Tony and Mary Errichetto, Margaret Northrup, Ben Northrup, Joyce Schneider, Rachel Schnell, Casey Harrington, Lisa Thorne, Mark Baldridge, David Trudeau, Esti Kassovich, Susan Anderson, Alexandra Swann, Ray Drumm, Carolyn Jeffries, Marilyn Nejaime, Pam Sandler, Attorney Philip Heller, Laurie Norton-Moffatt, Jeremy Crowles-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Laurie Norton-Moffatt attended the Selectmen's meeting to announce that the Red Sox trophy will be at the Norman Rockwell Museum, Sunday, January 23, 2005 from 1:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to come; the museum will be open from 12:30 to 3 free of charge. The museum will take pictures of the public with the trophy. The pictures will be posted on the museum's website - Discussion followed with concerned citizens and the Selectmen regarding the Talbot Center For Good Stuff (Swap Shop). The Selectmen closed the Swap Shop temporarily as people outside of Stockbridge were using it, items were being left that were not "good stuff" and people were reselling and making a profit by selling items taken from the Swap Shop. The discussion from residents varied: they appreciated the center as it was a source for saving the environment, some saying if others could make a profit by taking items it was fine as it would be better than the items landing in a landfill somewhere or along the side of the road. Some stated that they took items and non-profits benefited, someone else stated that she now has a rebuilt computer from parts of computers taken from the Swap Shop. Other concerns from residents stated that some came several times during the day and took all the good items and that not everyone had a choice when they went. Other concerns raised were people coming into the compactor/recycling area without stickers. A suggestion was to place signage at the Swap Shop stating what is accepted and what is not accepted. A suggestion was made to form a citizens patrol that could keep an eye on what is brought in, and also keep it organized. Cris suggested people interested should call Town Hall and leave their names. Attorney Philip Heller came before the Selectmen on behalf of Nabih and Marilyn Nejaime for their property at 13 Park Street. Mr. Nejaime was ill and unable to come to the meeting. Attorney Heller stated that the Nejaimes were seeking a special permit with the Planning Board under section 4.11.A.4.1 to allow for an increase in apartment units in a multi-family dwelling. The increase from 4 apartments to 5 apartments is one more than was permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals in May, 1974. At the time of the variance, there was already a single family use, therefore the Nejaimes' thought that they had five units. The application requests a special permit to make the property conform to the bylaws. The Selectmen were concerned with the parking by the tenants in front of the building. They have received complaints from Town's people regarding the overnight parking in front of the apartment building and on Park Street. Marilyn Nejaime stated that on numerous occasions they have spoken with the tenants, and have told the tenants that if they do not park in the rear that they would evict them. Cris asked if all apartments had two means of egress. Architect Pam Sandler stated that all apartments meet code. She offered to go with Ned Baldwin, Building Inspector, to inspect the building. Attorney Philip Heller stated that the hearing before the Planning Board will be March 8 and that he would contact Ned prior to that time for a walk through. Deb made a motion to recommend approval to the Planning Board with the conditions that the property owner enforces no parking in the front of the building, on the street over night, and landscaping the front so that cars cannot park there, and that all apartments meet the building code. A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. Marilyn Nejaime and Carolyn Jeffries came before the Board for a recommendation on a special permit for the property at 11 Park Street where Nabih and Marilyn live. Marilyn and Carolyn propose to relocate their travel agency, VIP Travel, to one room of the Najaime's residence. The special permit application with the Planning Board is under 6.19.4, Type II, Home Occupation. Marilyn stated that they wish to move VIP Travel into one room in their home as the location they are at present is for sale, they have no lease or security. The room they will use has its own entrance and exit, a second exit and its own restroom. There will be no employees. Marilyn continued by saying that the business has changed; most business is through the telephone and computer, very little foot traffic. Marilyn and Carolyn even deliver to their clients. There would be no sign on the street. George made a motion to recommend approval. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Cris stated that he and Doug Stephenson, Selectman from Great Barrington, have been discussing the presence of the Pittsfield Police Department in the new Intermodel Building on North Street in Pittsfield. The Police Chief's office would be on the second floor. The Police Chief had stated that a grant would pay for the office. Chuck MacNeil, Administrator for BRTA has stated that the office would be paid by the surplus account. Cris feels that all towns and cities would be paying as some of their funds are put into that fund. Cris is planning on going to the next Board meeting to ask this question. The following announcements were made: Don't forget the Special Town Meeting, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stockbridge Sportsmen's Club. The main focus of this meeting will be presentations by the economic group-Bay Area Economics and the architectural group-Caolo & Bieniek regarding the Plain School. Deb said that we need a quorum of 50 registered voters to begin the meeting. If the quorum is not met by 6:30, the Police will pull the quorum from voters driving by. George reminded everyone to go to the Norman Rockwell Museum to see the Red Sox Trophy on January 23 from 1:30 until 3. Deb made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. George seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: January 20, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Jean Rousseau, John Morse, Craig Berger, Jim McMenamy, Michael Blay, Elaine Markham, Karen Williams, Linda Hunt, Rick Wilcox and Jorja Marsden Budgets reviewed were Assessors, Accountant, Treasurer, Clerk and Police. A true copy, ATTEST: January 24, 2005 Special Town Meeting January 27, 2005 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Clinton Schneyer, Don Schneyer, Tom Schuler, Joe Kellogg, Michael Buffoni, Anthony Campetti and Jorja Marsden Budgets reviewed were Highway, Water and Sewer. A true copy, ATTEST: