Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Select Board Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: September 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version September 1, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey and Jorja Marsden Cris made a motion to go into executive session regarding litigation. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Cris made a motion to go out of executive session. George seconded the motion. George vote yes, Cris vote yes, and Deb vote yes. A True Copy, ATTEST September 7, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg, Jim McMenamy, Jack Spencer, Laurie Norton-Moffatt, David McCarthy and Jorja Marsden The Plain School Task Force met to review logistics for Monday, September 12 and a possible agenda. Ken Jodrie of Caolo and Bieniek (Architect Firm), Anita Morrison from Bay Economics (Marketing Firm) will be in attendance. The handouts will be a design report from Caolo and Bieniek, marketing study by Bay Economics, cost analysis drawn by Joe Kellogg and FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions). There will be picture boards of the School and the Town Hall as a Hall or Offices. Laurie mentioned that someone should say how the committee was formed. It was decided that Cris would do it. A True Copy, ATTEST Sept. 12, 2005 Public Hearing and Tour of the Plain School. The Special Town Meeting will be moved to October 17, as October 3 is the beginning of a Jewish Holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Approximately 100 people came to the hearing. Many questions were asked. Concerns were raised regarding the costs, especially with the building of new schools and the installation of the new sewer lines. Positive remarks were made regarding keeping the gym for community use and for providing spaces for seniors and possibly for after school projects. The First Congregational Church representatives felt that the Town should go to them when renovating or with any use of the building. In the 1800’s the Church leased the land to the Town to build a Town Hall. The lease was revised in 1902. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. A True Copy, ATTEST September 13, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Eva Sheridan, LaurieNorton-Moffatt, Jack Spencer, David McCarthy, Chuck Gillette, Joe Kellogg, Tom Stokes and Jorja Marsden. The Plain School Task Force met to review the hearing of last night so as to place a definite recommendation to the public for the Town Meeting which is now set for October 17. It was decided that each member of the committee would share their views. Jack Spencer began by stating that he thinks a developer could do housing at the Plain School, he has a fear of housing. After seeing other proposals he feels the Town should keep the school, look for an anchor tenant and house both the Police and Town Offices in the school, keep the gym for community use. Therefore, on a scale of 1 to 10, Jack gives a 7/8 recommendation to keep the building and have Town Offices and Police and other community uses. Eva Sheridan gave a 9 for the Plain School to be used for Police and Town Offices. She feels that the Town needs to talk with the Church regarding Town Hall. Chuck Gillette is a 6 on the scale to keep the school. The Town Offices and Police should move there and he hopes the School District Offices come to the second floor and the lower level be used for a whole lot of groups, feels a danger with giving rooms for no rent to non-profits and is concerned about money. On the issue of Town Hall and Church, he is concerned there is no parking for Town Hall, different uses on Sunday and other dates when the Church is in use. The Town should have an agreement if it rents Town Hall for functions, they should check with the Church to prevent conflicts. David McCarthy feels concern over the change in community, wants to retain the character of community, and feels we need to do something for the elderly or young families as far as housing. He doesn’t want to move Town Offices to the school. The school is too large for offices for the Town. He voted not to recommend the Town Offices be moved to the school. Laurie Norton-Moffatt stated the Town Offices needs space, enough mixed use at the Plain School, housing, gym use, and affordable housing for those living in Town. She has concerns of the cost to operate two large buildings, and feels Town Hall might be empty 80% of the time; non-profits can’t afford to pay a lot of rent. She would like to see Town Meetings here. The historical preservation of the School is a concern. The cost is a concern on top of the sewers and new schools. She feels the Town Offices will help bring life back to the street without the school. She is comfortable with moving the Offices to the Plain School and gives it a 7. She also feels that the Town Hall building needs to be studied regarding function space. George Shippey supports the move of Town Offices, and keeping the building, and supports a Senior Center for our aging population. He feels that we need a prime anchor tenant. It looks like the Post Office is doubtful. There is a lack of public restrooms in the center of Town and there could be space at the Plain School. The gym could be used by the community. He feels that Town Offices is a greater need than housing, and that the Offices will revitalize the center of Town. With regard to the Town Hall building, he supports use for Town Meetings and other uses and feels that everything can be worked out with the Church. George continued by saying that he has spoken with Senator John Olver’s office and they are very excited about this building and is requesting funding for the Town Hall building. Therefore he gives an 8/9 to move the offices to the Plain School. Deb McMenamy feels that we need to maintain the character of the Town. She votes to move offices to Plain School, realizes we need housing and that the Pine Woods Project will add life. The best use of the Plain School is community, with Town offices. The Town would use the Town Hall and coordinate with the Church. We owe to the Town to keep the integrity. Cris Irsfeld feels that we should keep both buildings. The Town Hall does have uses, Tanglewood, BTF, and Red Lion Inn could use the space. Jim McMenamy, not being able to make the meeting, talked to Joe Kellogg and stated he is in favor of keeping the Plain School and moving Town Offices to the school. Tom Stokes was in attendance at the meeting. He stated he was pleased with the direction of the committee, however he hopes that it is not binding to move. He feels the question should not be binding to move to the Plain School. Laurie Norton-Moffatt stated that this committee has worked 18 months, have reviewed possibilities, heard what marketing and architectural companies have said, and noted that the committee voted 9 - 1 to move the offices. The Special Town Warrant Articles were discussed. A True Copy, ATTEST all building needs to bvHH : September 15, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Garrett Sarley-Kripalu, Attorney David Hellman and Jorja Marsden. Mr. Garrett Sarley began by saying that he wanted to keep communications opened as he stated in our tour of Kripalu. Kripalu is looking to add more housing on their campus. They would need to construct a new building prior to renovating the present building. Kripalu is a non-profit educational use. The idea is preliminary, however funding may be coming soon. There is a stream through the property, therefore Conservation Commission filings will be needed, and also they would need to upgrade their sewage treatment. Garrett asked if a crosswalk could be placed near their driveway on Rte. 183 to help make the guests walk to the lake safer. The Selectmen will speak to the Police Chief and the DPW Superintendent. The Selectmen met with John and Martha Peyron of Interlaken Road regarding some concerns they have with the Police Department. George made a motion that the Board of Selectmen vote to accept possession of the building known as the Plain School and described in a lease entered into on January 1, 1969 between the Berkshire Hills Regional School District and the Town of Stockbridge as: property situated on Main Street in Stockbridge and shown on the records as Assessor’s Map 26A, Lot #9 and having frontage of 370 feet on Main Street. The lease, having an original term of 20 years, was extended by letter dated September 26, 1988 from Edward L Sakal, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, to John A. Beacco, Jr. Chairman Stockbridge Board of Selectmen, for an additional 20-year term to end on December 31, 2008. By letter dated August 25, 2005 from Donna E. Moyer, Superintendent to Deborah McMenamy, Chair Stockbridge Board of Selectmen, the Berkshire Hills Regional School District seeks early termination of the lease, to be effective on September 19, 2005. By this vote, the Board of Selectmen agrees to such early termination. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to allow the Berkshire Hills Regional School District out of their lease on September 19, 2005 was unanimous. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. A True Copy, ATTEST September 19, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Gary Pitney, Barbara Cohen-Hobbs, Bob Bartle, Alan Blau, Eric Plakun, Jo Ann Redding, Kim Gosselin, Cara Davis, Derek Gentile, Peter Berle, Bruce Kakley and Jorja Marsden. The Selectmen met with the Planning Board and have begun the annual meetings with different Boards and Commissions to see how everything is going. The Planning Board members present stated that they have a concern with a quorum for meetings and/or conflict of interests. The Selectmen have stated that Conservation has the same issue and that the Selectmen will be placing an article on the Annual Town Meeting regarding alternates and they could add the Planning Board. The Selectmen will speak to Town Counsel. The conversation turned to the litigations involving the Town. Deb mentioned that she had talked to Kim Raftery, Secretary to the Planning Board. Kim states that she is dealing with lawyers and engineers and is concerned that the job description has changed. Kim has a degree in planning and also feels that she is not taken seriously. The Planning Board had other concerns; however, and the time had run out. The Selectmen will ask them to come another time. Cara Davis-Construct, JoAnn Redding and Kim Gosselin of the Stockbridge Housing Authority came to update the Selectmen on the Pine Woods Project. Stockbridge Housing Authority is managing the project. Kim Gosselin handed out a grid showing active and inactive applicants for the Pine Woods Project. Stockbridge and South County have preference for Pine Woods. It was noted that people working in Stockbridge have a preference also. There are 30 units, some mixed income, extreme low and mid low and some can earn up to 80% of mid level. Kim explained that they hope to fill the 2 and 3 bedroom units starting in October, with the 1 bedroom being complete by December/January. The weather will play a part in the October date. Deb had a chance to go into one of the units. She said it was very attractive, thoughtfully built and constructed. Peter Berle of Stockbridge Land Trust came with a Conservation Restriction for the Kaiser property on the corner of Route 7 and Rattlesnake Mountain Road. The property has two dwellings, one facing Route 7 and another on Rattlesnake Mountain Road. The Conservation Restriction is for approximately 13+ acres outside an envelope for both dwellings. The Conservation Restriction will help protect the entrance to Stockbridge coming South into Town. The State has blessed the document. The Selectmen feel that it is a good idea; however, they need to review the document with Town Counsel. Peter will be notified. Peter mentioned the Annual Meeting of the Land Trust will be October 8. The Land Trust is looking to create a bike path from Pine Woods to Church Street. The Selectmen mentioned the Special Town Meeting on October 17 at 6:30 which will deal with the fate of the Plain School, and funding for architectural drawings for Town Offices and Town Hall. The last date to register is October 7 from 6 to 8. The Berkshire Eagle article after the September 12 Public Hearing had several errors. 1. The Berkshire Hills Regional School District is considering their options, and have not committed to the Plain School. 2. The cost to turn the Town Hall building back to a hall would be about $1.6 million, not $3.3 million as stated. Cris congratulated the Police Department on the great job they did with traffic for the Josh Billings race. George thanked the Highway Department for their work on the driveway to Bullard Woods and the Access Ramp at the lake. It was done and complete prior to the race. Deb encouraged the public to walk the Mary V. Flynn Trail. Cris moved that the meeting adjourn at 7:45. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to adjourn. A True Copy: ATTEST all