Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Select Board Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: June, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version June 6, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Arthur Dutil, Naren Kelso-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Arthur Dutil, Emergency Management Director, came to present to the Selectmen a Natural Hazardous Mitigation Plan for the Town. The initial plan was drawn by Berkshire Regional Planning, and updated by a local committee. The people working on the update were: Arthur Dutil, Chief Richard Wilcox, Chief Louis Peyron, Clint Schneyer, Kristin Garner, Ernie Lowell and Jorja. Arthur explained to the Selectmen that Stockbridge has few risks thanks to Conservation and Zoning, and no building within the floodplains. George made a motion to accept the updated plan. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to approve the Natural Hazardous Mitigation Plan was unanimous. Cris made a motion to appoint the following for 2005: Highway Superintendent Clinton E. Schneyer, Jr. for one year – 2006 Accountant Elaine Markham for three years-2008 Veteran’s Agent Al Adams, District Director for one year – 2006 Board of Registrars Nancy Wilcox for three years – 2008 Berkshire Regional Transit Authority John Cronson for one year – 2006 Zoning Board of Appeals James Murray for five years – 2010 Berkshire Cty. Reg. Planning Craig Berger, Alternate for one year – 2006 Conservation Commission John Hart for three years-2008 Cathy Plakun for three years- 2008 Community Preservation Thomas Stokes for one year – 2006 David McCarthy for one year – 2006 Wire Inspector Nicholaos Fredsall for one year – 2006 Cable Advisory Committee J. Cristopher Irsfeld – 2006 Neil Holden – 2006 David Lane – 2006 Historical Committee Peter Williams for three years Special Police Kimberly Shaw for three years Elizabeth McCormick for three years Christopher Marsden for three years Paul Petrescu for three years George seconded the motion. The vote for the appointments was unanimous. The following announcements were made: Special Town Meeting 6:30 p.m. on June 20 at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club. A thank you was extended to Austen Riggs for a donation of $15,000 in lieu of taxes. The Town is showing support for Matt Osak, a Stockbridge resident serving in Iraq. Anyone wishing to bring items for a care package is welcomed. The collection will be taken until June 15 when everything will be shipped to Matt and his platoon. Cris thanked the Fire Department for their quick response to 8 Church Street. Our volunteers left their job and saved the building. Memorial Day events were great, well attended and enjoyed by all. Thank you to the volunteers who organized and worked on the day. Cris made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. A second was received from George. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: June 9, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Gregg Henegar, Attorney Nicholas Parsenios and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen met with the property owner Gregg Henegar regarding a right-of-way across his property on Interlaken Crossroad. A survey has been done and it is clear Mr. Henegar owns the property and the Town has a right-of-way over his property to service the Stockbridge Bowl dam. It has come to be a concern as people from outside the Town have been using the property. After much discussion, the meeting was continued to a later date. A true copy, ATTEST: June 9, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg, Jack Spencer, David McCarthy, Jack Spencer, Chuck Gillette, Jim McMenamy, and Jorja Marsden Joe presented a tentative schedule, possible uses and space needs for the Plain School. On the scheduling is a public hearing tentatively scheduled for September. Jack Spencer suggested that it be held at the Plain School. It was decided that this was a good idea and that a tour would precede the meeting. The discussion proceeded regarding A. on the Proposed Topics of Discussion-Should Plain School be mixed use, i.e. office and housing, either affordable or otherwise; pro’s and con’s; feasibility; legality. The next meeting was scheduled for June 23. A true copy, ATTEST: June 10, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Donald Schneyer, Thomas Schuler, and Peter Socha-Sewer and Water Commissioner, Joe Kellogg and Jack Jols-Weston and Sampson and Jorja Marsden Discussion began with the extra ordinary amount of ledge that Ludlow Construction encountered during the sewer expansion project. Negotiations began as cost overruns were mounting. After negotiations were finished with Ludlow, it was decided that the town would pay $98.00 for every added yard over 2300 as long as the Town paid Ludlow now. The meeting was called to review the Weston and Samson construction services contract and the level of effort required to finish the sewer construction project. The treatment plant inspection is almost complete, the pipeline inspection will continue to July or longer. There still remains inspection of the pump station installation and start-up. The principle issue is the need to request an increase in contract value. After much discussion, both boards agreed that Weston and Sampson would reduce the number of hours of inspections, and engage in less costly inspectional services. It was agreed that Weston and Sampson could come back to the Boards and review the financial status of the project. It was also agreed that both Boards would send positive letters of recommendation to any inquiry from future clients of Weston and Sampson. A true copy, ATTEST: June 20, 2005 Special Town Meeting June 22, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Gregg Henegar, Karen Leopardi, Attorney Nicholas Parsenios and Jorja Marsden The Henegars’ (Gregg and Karen) stated that they will remove the second gate, put a gate closer to the dam large enough for heavy equipment to get through and signage that will say Private Property. The Selectmen admitted that when the dam was going to be repaired that they thought the property was their property. Clint will take down the second gate. A true copy, ATTEST: June 22, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Jack Spencer, David McCarthy, Chuck Gillette, Jim McMenamy, Joe Kellog and Jorja Marsden Tonight’s topic is “How much space in Plain School should be devoted to Town use? How much space is really needed? Space needs analysis; prime tenant versus several small tenants, reserve space for future needs; provide resource to community in form of affordable space, gymnasium for recreation, community use, senior center; should space be rented out at real cost or subsidized? Occupancy by either BHRSD or USPS? Management of building. A space needs was done by Ken Jodrie of Caola and Bienek for the Town Offices. A space needs plan was reviewed that showed that the Town Offices could fit on one floor with Council on Aging and Police in other sections. Also storage would be on a different floor. The elevator with these plans would go to the second floor not the third or fourth. Management of the building was discussed as to hire a property manger or a firm. Joe will speak to Peter Lafayette regarding this. The next meeting will be July 14. A true copy, ATTEST: