Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2004-03-29 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version March 29, 2004 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, David McCarthy and Tom Stokes – Community Preservation, Michael Abdalla – Michael’s Restaurant, Carl Sprague – Historic Preservation Task Force, David Sturma – Tanglewood and Liz Quinn, Jeremy Clowe – CTSB and Jorja Marsden Cris opened the liquor license public hearing for a change in location for Michael’s Restaurant. Michael Abdalla wishes to extend the premise to include a rear outside area to the south of the building measuring approximately 30’x15’ which will be fenced in with a partial roof over the left side of the open area over the doorway. There were concerns from Tri-Town Health with regard to the serving of food etc. within the new space which were met. The Tri-Town based their approval on the following conditions: 1. Signs shall be prominently placed on the door leading to the outside area, stating that no food will be allowed and no smoking will be permitted near the doorway. 2. The door leading to the outside area shall be self-closing. 3. Employees shall not access this area while on duty, but may choose to do so on their break only. The Selectmen asked Mr. Abdalla to speak with the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief as to another exit for emergencies from the fence area. The fence will be a decorative one approximately 6 feet high. Deb made a motion to approve the application with the three conditions outlined by Tri-Town Health, and that Mr. Abdalla come back to the Selectmen in six months to see how the new space is working out. A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. The public hearing for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Tanglewood, at 114 Interlaken Road was opened with the reading of the legal notice. Tanglewood would demolish an existing storage building and construct an accessory structure for storage measuring 36’ x 160’ within the original footprint. The property is in an R-4 zone. Application is made under 6.1.2. The Planning Board recommendation was read into the record. The Planning Board stated that “After determining that the proposed location change indeed makes the new building less nonconforming than the existing on, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval to the Selectmen of the application as submitted under Section 6.1.2. Also read into the record was a memo to the Planning Board from the Conservation Commission. “The Conservation Commission voted unanimously this evening (February 10, 2004) to encourage the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen to expedite the permitting process for the demolition of the current storage shed as requested by Tanglewood. The building is ultimately to be replaced by a new and smaller shed. The present building directly abuts the wetland. The most prudent and safe way to protect that wetland is to allow the demolition to take place while the ground is still frozen, so time is of the essence.” Liz Quinn, an abutter stated that she did not have a problem and also relayed that the owners of the property, Mr. and Mrs. Darling, had not objections. The Board of Selectmen found that with the proposed use: a. The application is less non-conforming and in harmony with its general intent and purpose. b. It is desirable to the public convenience and welfare at the proposed location. c. It will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood. The neighbors were positive with regard to the application. d. It will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. e. It will not overload any public water or sewer system, as the utilities are private. George made a motion to approve the application as presented. A second was received from Deb. The vote was unanimous. Carl Sprague, Chairman of the Historic Preservation Task Force came to suggest two articles for the warrant. Carl continued by stating that the committee has been meeting on a regular basis and had done a study with Massachusetts Historical Commission and done a Town wide survey. Their new goal was to place two articles on the Town Meeting Warrant. The Committee has been working with Town Counsel to come up with a Stockbridge Historical Preservation Bylaw and to update the Demolition Bylaw. Also, the Committee wishes to continue after May, 2004, therefore an article should be written to allow this as the Town Meeting Warrant for 2003 called for a one year committee. The Selectmen stated that since Carl was not able to go before the Planning Board before the close of warrant articles (March 31) that he proceed to see the Planning Board on April 13 and then if there is a Special Town Meeting, the proposed changes could be put on that warrant. An article will be placed on the warrant to continue the Historic Preservation Task Force. Tom Stokes, Chairman of Community Preservation Committee and Selectmen representative, along with David McCarthy, the other representative from the Board of Selectmen came before the Selectmen to discuss the allocations for the Community Preservation Fund for the upcoming Town Meeting. The Committee voted to allocate $100,000.00 for Affordable Housing – The Pine Woods Project, $30,000.00 for Historic Preservation - $23,500 for the Town Hall and $6,500 for the Library and $20,000 for Open Space. The Community Preservation will also have another article on the warrant which will be a non-binding article asking to support its approval of the Community Preservation Committee’s intention to recommend that the Town appropriate Community Preservation Fund revenues for development costs associated with the Pine Woods project for affordable housing at the 2005, 2006, 2007 Annual Town Meetings. The Selectmen all stated their support for the Pine Woods Project. Peter Berle, President of the Stockbridge Land Trust, came to get the Selectmen’s approval of a Conservation Restriction from Construct, Inc. to the Stockbridge Conservation Commission for the frontage at Pine Woods. The Selectmen all signed the Conservation Restriction, which will then go before the Conservation Commission on April 13. After the Selectmen and Conservation Commission sign, Mr. Berle will then send it to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs for a final signature. It was announced that the Town Meeting will be at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club on May 17 at 6:30 p.m. Also, announced was that the Sewer project is underway along Mahkeenac Road, therefore Mahkeenac Road is closed Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. to all but local traffic. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:26 P.M. A true copy, ATTEST: