Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: New Document Description: Subject/Title: 2003-07-30 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version July 30, 2003 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Richard and Joann Rothbard, Attorney Philip Heller, Anthony May-Chef, Jonathan Stein-Manager, Chris Vleck-Architect, and Jorja Marsden, secretary The meeting was called to discuss Rothbard’s building at 7 South Street. A special permit had been approved with special conditions to have a café at that site. One of the concerns is that a grease vent when installed was protruding over the roof edge. Several options were reviewed so that the pipe would not be an eye sore to the neighbors, and the public. Also, of great concern was that the applicant had not adhered to the special conditions. The kitchen had been revised which if it was, another special permit would be needed. An addition of an induction burner was added, therefore they would be cooking food, not having the prepared off site which was stated at the hearings. Concerns were raised after seeing a sample menu as to the smells coming from the searing, steaming, etc. of the preparation of the foods. The American Craftsman’s Café wish to open on August 1. Mr. Rothbard with Chris Vleck requested that Ned Baldwin issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. The establishment is in need of an alarm system over the cooking area which will sound when there is a fire. Normally, it is controlled by gas, however everything being electric, a special item needs to be installed which will not be available until Monday. The Selectmen stated that they would live the temporary CO up to the building inspector. The Selectmen decided to have the business come back before the Board after the Columbus Day weekend, rather than September to review how everything is going to the satisfactory of the Board and the neighbors. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: