Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: October, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version October 2, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Elaine Markham and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen met with Elaine to talk about a discrepancy regarding longevity pay for Peter Barenski. A note will be sent to Peter with his next pay period apologizing for the longevity misunderstanding. Peter was entitled to more longevity pay then what was originally given to him. Other items discussed were the shortage within the Compactor budget for coverage of man power when the compactor is in operation, and if we might have to close it a day or two prior to next year's budget. A motion to adjourn was made by George. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: October 5, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Robert Crosky-Clerk of the Works, Joe Kellogg-Project Manager, Ken Jodrie-Architect, Christine from Ken's office and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen looked at color samples for the Plain School Town Office Conversation Project. Also discussed was a change order. Cris made a motion to approve Change Order #1 which consists of a change in copper, additional asbestos abatement and substitution of faucets. George seconded the motion. The motion to approve Change Order #1 was unanimous. With no other business the meeting adjourned. A true copy, ATTEST: October 16, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Bruce Finn-RLI, Michael Makes-Tierney, Marty Ringy-Denig Design Associates, Pat Flinn, Bruce Kaden-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Pat Flinn representing St. Joseph's Church on Elm Street came before the Board with a sign permit application. The Planning Board has reviewed the application and recommends approval of the application under the Dover Amendment. The application is for one free-standing sign, mounted on a wooden post approximately 7 feet high and 6 square feet. The sign will state the name, year the church was built and the time of services on a wooden plate. Cris made the motion to approve the sign. George seconded the motion. The Selectmen unanimously approved the sign. Prior to opening the public hearings for the Red Lion Inn, Deb made the following statement "I have determined that this Board would be barred from exercising its power to consider the Special Permit application presently pending before it if the one of the members who has made disclosures under the State Ethics Law were to withdraw from this hearing, because her withdrawal would deprive the Board of the number of members required to take a valid affirmative vote. I therefore invoke the "Rule of Necessity" to allow this member to participate in this hearing and, after its conclusion, to vote on the Special Permit application And I, Deb McMenamy, need to disclose that I work for Country Curtians and therefore could have a possible conflict of interest in any business pertaining to the Red Lion Inn." Deb opened the public hearings for the Red Lion Inn by reading the legal notices for both hearings. The Red Lion Inn wishes to replace the Lion's Den canopy and construct foundations and also to construct a new canopy and foundation for the existing entry into the Coutyard Dining Area. The Red Lion Inn is in the business district and the applications are made under section 6.1.2 of the Zoning Bylaws. Bruce Finn, General Manager of the Red Lion Inn stated that with the major renovations to the frontage, they would like to change the Lion's Den awning which was added to the building in approximately 1970. The Red Lion Inn would like to replace the canvas awning with a structure made of wood, columns to be 9" in diameter matching the existing porch columns. The roof will be pitched and comprised of a slate roof with the wording "The Lion's Den" along the face. Mr. Finn continued by stating that the Courtyard archway would resemble the new Lion's Den entrance and the column on the porch. The two new archways are within the setbacks. Deb read for the record the recommendation of the Planning Board for the Lion's Den canopy. "The Planning Board was concerned with safety in the location of the new canopy below the existing open porch and possibility of children climbing onto the roof of the canopy. The Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval of this application provided the Red Lion Inn consider safety issues." Mr. Finn felt that changing the canopy wouldn't make a difference and that the Red Lion Inn staff would monitor the situation. He also stated that the Courtyard canopy would be an outline for people passing by that there is a restaurant officiated with the RLI. The walkway to the Courtyard will be lined with bricks as in the front. George made a motion to approve the special permit for the Red Lion Inn, Roaring LLC, under 6.1.2 of zoning bylaws for a new Lion's Den canopy. Cris made a second to George's motion. The Selectmen voted the following findings: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. The special permit for the Lion's Den Canopy was approved unanimously. George made a motion to continue the public hearing for the Courtyard until November 6, 2006. The Red Lion Inn will go before the ZBA for permission to build within the setback and also for menu boards showing the menus for each restaurant location on their premise. The Selectmen made the following announcements: Thank you Millie Christopher for her dedicated service as Meal Site Director at Heaton Court. Cartographics Associates, Inc. will review property lines and acreage on Friday, November 3 from 9 am until 8 pm and Saturday, November 4 from 8 am until 1 pm. The Recycling Committee is comprised of Jim Balfanz, Laura Dubester, Ruth Maurillo, Rudy Hoeltzel, Peter Curtin, Mary Boyce, Highway Superintendent Clint Schneyer, Chief Richard Wilcox, Selectmen Deb McMenamy and Jorja Marsden. Cris Irsfeld stated that he agreed with everyone on the list with the exception of Ruth Maurillo. The Stockbridge Historical Preservation Committee consists of Carl Sprague, Peter Williams, Sue Bonak, Tom Race, Gary Johnston, Eileen Taft, and Pam Sandler. Cris made a motion to appoint the Stockbridge Historic Preservation Committee as Special Municipal employees. George seconded the motion. The motion to make the Historic Preservation Committee special municipal was unanimous. The Selectmen thanked Kripalu for their generous payment in-lieu of taxes in the amount of $15,000. The Selectmen commend Kripalu for working with the Town and the neighbors regarding their recent special permit application. The current administrations at Kripalu, Garrett Sarley in particular, have been great ambassadors. Kripalu has reached out to the neighbors and the Town. Kripalu has a presence on Laurel Hill and the Stockbridge Bowl Association and continue to work with the Selectmen regarding their property. The Selectmen announced that the construction site at the former Plain School is very active and asked everyone to have patience with the construction site as they put in new water lines, new driveway, and landscaping within the property. We have made arrangements with the school bus company to stop prior to the site or near the park above the site until the major work is done. We ask people walking to use the other side of the street in that location. George commented on the activities taking place this past weekend - the horse drawn coaches were magnificent, and the crowds walking around the Harvest Festival at the Berkshire Botanical Garden. Deb and Cris also stated that the Annual Antique Fire apparatus show was at the Train Station on Sunday. It is a wonderful event that each year draws more Antique equipment and people. The Selectmen also announced that speed humps will be placed on Elm Street within the next two weeks. Pat Flinn also stated that the Heritage Walk along the Housatonic from Connecticut into Massachusetts was also well attended over Columbus Day Weekend. George made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. A second was received by George. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: October 17, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden. Cris was attending a MPO meeting at Berkshire Regional Planning headquarters. Joe Kellogg went over the proposed lease regarding the School District occupying the second floor of the Plain School Town Office conversation project. The roof and cupola bid information has been published. The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: October 18, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Nadine Kennedy, Union Negotiator, Tony Campetti and Jorja Marsden Cris made a motion to go into Executive Session regarding personnel issues. George seconded the motion. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes and George - yes. Cris made a motion to go out of Executive Session and adjourn the meeting. A seconded was received from George. The vote to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes, and George - yes. A true copy, ATTEST: October 19, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Chief Richard Wilcox and Jorja Marsden George made a motion to go into Executive Session regarding personnel issues. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes and George - yes. George made a motion to go out of Executive Session and adjourn the meeting. A seconded was received from Cris. The vote to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes, and George - yes. A true copy, ATTEST: October 23, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Michael Stanton, Bruce Stringer, Brian Shaw, Attorney Patrick Bryant and Jorja Marsden Cris made a motion to go into Executive Session regarding personnel issues. George seconded the motion. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes and George - yes. Cris made a motion to go out of Executive Session and adjourn the meeting. A seconded was received from George. The vote to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes, and George - yes. A true copy, ATTEST: October 26, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Garrett Sarley-Kripalu and Jorja Marsden. Joe Kellogg, Elaine Markham and Karen Williams joined the meeting The Selectmen met with Garrett Sarley from Kripalu to thank Garrett and Kripalu for their contribution in-lieu of taxes. Discussion followed on a concern from someone regarding the lower driveway and possible dangers that could happen with the added traffic from the new addition. It was decided to speak with the Chief of Police regarding the driveway and traffic on Route 183. Kripalu is looking to change their mailing address to Stockbridge. The change will be an added expense for them as it is not just stationary but advertising etc. that would have to happen. Even though Kripalu physically in Stockbridge, people feel that it is in Lenox. Mr. Sarley also stated that Kripalu would like to be a leader in payments in-lieu of taxes therefore they expect to increase their payment again next year. Joe Kellogg presented the final lease agreement with the Berkshire Hills Regional school District. George made a motion to approve the lease with the Berkshire Hills Regional School District as presented. A second was made by Cris. The vote to accept the lease agreement was unanimous. The lease was signed by the Selectmen and witnessed by Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden. Joe presented possible bathroom divider colors for the project. The Selectmen chose a complimentary color that would go with the walls and floors. Discussion followed around a letter received from Attorney Richard Seltzer, Stockbridge Bowl Association and the Tenneco gift for the diversion pipe. At the time the Selectmen accepted the amount to fund the pipe, it was not stipulated that the interest would stay with the gift until such time as the diversion pipe was installed. Therefore the interest has been going to the General Fund. Attorney Seltzer on behalf of the Stockbridge Bowl Association does not agree and feels it should have been kept with the fund. Karen and Elaine pointed out that they do not agree with Attorney Seltzer as MGL is very specific regarding this type of gift. George made a motion to adjourn. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: October 31, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Planning Board members - Doug Rose, Paul Coates, Bob Bartle, Eric Plakun, Barbara Cohen-Hobbs, Gary Pitney, and Jaimy Messana and Attorney Raymond Miyares and Jorja Marsden Cris made a motion for the Board of Selectmen to go into Executive Session for the purpose to discuss litigation. A second was made by George. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes and George - yes. Cris made a motion to go out of Executive Session and adjourn the meeting. A seconded was received from George. The vote to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting was unanimous. Deb - yes, Cris - yes, and George - yes. A true copy, ATTEST: