Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March 2007 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... March 5, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, James Francomano-BRPC, Tom Stokes, Ann Jon-Sculpture Now, Mati Kiin-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Tom Stokes reported on the proposed Community Preservation Committee's funding for FY2008. The Committee voted the following dollars and award winners: Town of Stockbridge - Historic Preservation Reserve for Renovations of Procter Hall - $100,000 Norman Rockwell Museum - Historic Preservation - Preservation of archival of photographs - $25,000 IS 183 - Historic Preservation - Citizens Hall exterior restoration and architectural services - $10,000 Chesterwood - Historic Perservation - to conserve its plaster molds of wreaths on light posts for South Street Bridge - $500 Affordable Housing - Pine Woods - $50,000 Open Space Reserve - $27,000 Lake Management - $25,000 And Administrative budget to be used for general department expenses, and to hire technical expertise or engage other services to advise the Committee - $12,500 The total CPA dollars will be $250,000. George questioned if we will be getting 100% match from the State. Tom stated that he has spoken with Elaine and we can only distribute the funds once we receive them from the State. We are planning to still receive 100%, as more Cities and Towns sign on to the program, our changes of percentage will go down. Tom Stokes asked the Selectmen to support two articles for the Annual Town Meeting warrant. One article would be to have Stockbridge adopt a resolution and join the International Council of Local Environmental Initiative Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. The other article would adopt the U. S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. The Selectmen approved putting the articles on the Town Meeting Warrant for May. James Francomano, Senior Planner at Berkshire Regional Planning Commission came before the Selectmen to discuss preliminary cost estimates and professional services for preparing an ADA Plan for Stockbridge. He explained that in 1990 a law was passed that required each municipality to have an ADA plan. BRPC proposed plan would be to ID facilities, look at the traveled paths factor, and transportation and services. The plan would result in having an ADA coordinator or a committee. They must demonstrate that all buildings meet ADA standards. The Board was interested in plans from other Towns. Mr. Francomano stated that he would give us a sample of an ADA plan. The Board will look into the ADA plan and financial obligations for a future Town meeting, as there is more information to gather. Ann Jon of Sculpture Now came before the Board to discuss location of sculptures on the lawn in front of Town Hall. The Selectmen have concerns that the sculptures will interfere with the annual Memorial Day festivities. Sculptures Now is planning installation between May 12 and 16. The Memorial Day events happen on the front lawn of Town Hall and near the Veteran's Memorial. Ms. Jon stated that there are two sculptures planned for Town Hall. Cris stated that he is concerned as to how high and large the sculptures will be in front of Town Hall. Ms. Jon stated that they had just done the selection and that within two weeks they would take the designs to each sponsor for review. Therefore at this time it is uncertain what size or which sculptures will be proposed for the front lawn. Ann felt that the sculptures would be beneficial to the activities and offered to have volunteers present at the time of our event. Cris stated that logistically the sculptures should not be placed where the tent and cooking would happen, or in the front of Town Hall where the ceremony takes place. George wants to see the plot plan and what sculptures will be placed at Town Hall. Sculpture Now is planning on placing 22 sculptures in Stockbridge from May to the end of October. Deb inquired about placing all the other sculptures and leaving our site for the last. Ann stated that it would be an added expense if they need to come at another time. The Selectmen suggested that Jorja show her where all the activities for Memorial Day happen so she could position the sculptures accordingly. Cris made a motion to authorize the Chairperson of the Five Town Cable Advisory Committee to act on behalf of the Town regarding a public hearing on Cable Television rates concerning basic service tier programming, equipment and installation rates. A second was received by George. The vote was unanimous. Cris made a motion to join the Southern Berkshire County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection for FY08. George seconded the motion. The vote to again join the SBCR Household Hazardous Waste Collection was unanimous. Cris moved to award the bids for the three surplus vehicles of the Highway Department to the high bidders for each vehicle. The winners were as follows: 1984-F250, $436 to Mark Viola; 1988-GMC, $2700 to John Coty; and 1989-F350, $550 to Sayers Auto. A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. With no further business, George made a motion to adjourn. Cris seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: March 6, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey and Jorja Marsden George made a motion to recommend to the Planning Board a zoning change for the Annual Town Meeting in May regarding tent structures. The present tent structures will be grandfathered. Cris seconded the motion. The vote was to recommend the following amendment was unanimous. The amendment reads: A. Adding, in appropriate alphabetical order, a new definition to section 2.2 as follows: TEMPORARY STRUCTURE: Any tent, membrane structure, car port, storage unit, rigid canopy or similar portable or demountable structure, supported in whole or in part by members resting on the ground and lacking a permanent foundation, of a size and design sufficient and appropriate to allow the parking of an automobile therein. B. Adding new section 4.11.B.23 as follows: [B. Accessory Uses] [R-4] [R-2] [R-1] [R-C] [B] [M] 23. Temporary Structures erected for a period of less than 180 days SPP SPP SPP SPP SPP SPP The Selectmen signed the contract for the Highway, Sewer and Water and requested that the union expedite the signing. The Selectmen decided on meeting dates for April and May. The meetings will be April 2 and 23 and May 7. The Baby Town Meeting will be May 14 and the Annual Election and Town Meeting will be held on May 21. With no further business, the meeting adjourned. A true copy, ATTEST: March 8, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Ernie Lowell, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden George made a motion to go into Executive Session at 3:10 to discuss personnel issues. A second was received from Cris. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Cris made a motion to go out of Executive Session at 3:30. A second was received by George. The vote to go out of Executive Session was unanimous. Joe Kellogg will check with Verizon regarding a T1 line and ask the question if one T1 line will work for both Town Offices and the administration of the school. He also discussed wording for the plaque for the lobby of the new Town Offices. The Selectmen felt that it should have the Selectmen's names, Town Administrator, General Contractor, Architect, and Project Manager's names listed. Joe also stated that some of the outside doors at the new offices may be replaced as they are rusted. The proposed listing of articles for the Annual Town meeting was reviewed so that no articles were forgotten. George made a motion to adjourn at 3:45. Cris seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 3:45. A true copy, ATTEST: March 13, 2007 Present: Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Arthur Dutil, Rick Wilcox, Fran Borden and Jorja Marsden. Deb McMenamy was sick. Arthur and Rick came to inform the Selectmen that they wish to step down from being the Emergency Management Director and Deputy Emergency Management Director. The demands are great. They feel that down the road we would be looking at someone 20 hours a week, maybe two days and one night a week. There is training certification and also grants to be applied for on behalf of the Town. It was decided that Arthur and Rick would outline the job to be done and come to a Selectmen's meeting with the outline and see who might be interested. Fran Borden and Arthur Dutil representing Marian Fathers came to present a plan for a Prayer Structure that the Marians would like to build. The Prayer Structure will meet all setbacks and codes. The structure will be located to the right of the chapel where Mercy Sunday takes place, will have a walk-out basement and can be closed for inclement weather or open if the weather was nice. Either way, people could see and hear the mass. They wanted to show plans to the Selectmen prior to the announcement on Mercy Sunday. The Marians plan to do a capital campaign and create a foundation for the project. Cris mention to them that the Town is still putting money aside for the water tank project that the Marian have said that could be installed on the Route 7 side of the Marian's property. With no other business, the meeting adjourned. A true copy, ATTEST: March 15, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Town Counsel Raymond Miyares and Jorja Marsden A motion to go into Executive Session at 12:00 p.m. to discuss personnel, litigation and real estate issues was made by Cris. A seconded was received from George. The vote to go into Executive Session for personnel, litigation and real estate issues was unanimous. A motion to go out of Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 was made by Cris. George seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn the Executive Session and the meeting was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: March 19, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, John Coster-Southern Berkshire Collaborative, Robert Feuer, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle and Jorja Marsden John Coster, Director of the Southern Berkshire Collaborative, informed the Board that they would not be able to rent space in the new Town Office building. The Collaborative does not have any capital funds to fit out the space. They have looked at grants and the carpentry program in Lee but could not fit out their space. John stated that the Collaborative is safe for a year but do not know where they will end up. On another note, John requested the Selectmen look into increasing handicap parking spaces. There is no signage. Deb explained that every spring the markings are redone. Cris explained that when the Town did the streetscape that the handicap parking signs were not installed. John commented that the one near the library had collected snow from the plow. John just wanted the Selectmen to review them for the handicapped and elderly. The Selectmen thanked him and said they would look into it. Robert Feuer came to request an article for the warrant. He stated that he was told that the warrant article deadline had passed. George felt that the public was not aware that the deadline for articles was March 1, or of other important dates for example when a candidate could pickup papers, the last date to submit, when the Baby Town Meeting will be and when the Town Elections and Town Meeting would be. Theses are all important dates. Jorja noted that the Town Clerk had notified the two local papers more than twice about the dates however to this day neither had published anything. Jorja also noted that there is a bylaw that states that the Town Meeting and Town Election will be the third Monday in May. Mr. Feuer requested the Selectmen place the "Resolution" on the Town Meeting warrant for a consensus calling for an article of inquiry about unanswered questions; resolve to give power to the House to impeach the President and Vice President. Bob stated that 38 Vermont cities and towns and Amherst and Northampton will be voting on this. George stated that this is a big issue to the citizens, people want to express their feelings and the citizens have a right to express them. Cris said that there would be a small portion of the Town at the meeting and felt that it would be better off being a ballot question as more people will go to the polls. Bob continued to say that it was important to have a discussion. George said that they want discussion to hear the pros and cons and that Stockbridge has a history of discussing these issues. Deb felt a discussion is good but thought it should be outside the Town Meeting. Cris felt a discussion first out side of Town Meeting and then on the ballot. The Selectmen decided to put the article on the Town Meeting warrant. Cris made a motion to change the order of the articles for Town Meeting as follows: Article 2 - Climate Control; Article 3 - Resolution; and Article 4-Petition Article 911. George seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimous. Cris made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting and to go into Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss personnel issues. A second was made by George. The vote was unanimous. George made a motion at 8:35 to adjourn the Executive Session. A second was received from Cris. The motion to adjourn the Executive Session was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: March 29, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Ernie Lowell, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden Cris made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues at 2:35 p.m. A second was made by George. The vote to go into Executive Session was unanimous. Cris made a motion to go out of Executive Session at 2:45. George seconded the motion. The motion to go out of Executive Session was unanimous. Joe Kellogg brought Artist's renderings of color section for the stucco at the new Town Office building. The gym roof's decking is rotting; therefore there will be a change order to fix the problem. Other change orders to be done will include the Police Station Booking Room restroom which will need dispensers, the floor needs to be fixed where the lockers were, the floor in the Assessor's office is wavey and will have to be repaired. The ceiling in the Senior Center is sagging and will have to have columns installed in the middle of the large room. Other updates for the project consisted of the telephone system, sprinkler system and the insulating of the walls. Ned was concern that there would be no insulation between the offices. He was also concerned with the air quality within the restrooms. The architect has stated that the fans meet code. Deb mentioned to Joe about looking into the kiosk directory as to cost etc. so we could write to Steve Jacques regarding the Mass Tourism Grant that we received. The Selectmen would like to change the purpose of our grant as we now will have public restrooms on Main Street when the new Town Office project is completed. Ned brought up the subject of handicap signage and that actual signs are needed to mark the spaces. Joe stated that we can only do what is code. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: