Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 23, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... January 23, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Mary and John Hart, Dan Weston, Scott Muir, Tom Farley and Jorja Marsden. Cris was out of Town on family business. Dan Weston and Scott Muir, the two remaining EMT’s in Stockbridge came to ask the Selectmen’s help in recruiting more EMTs in Town. One of the factors in the shortage is that they have not had or will not be holding any EMT classes in Berkshire County, and all classes must be affiliated with a school or college. The Town does have coverage through the Lee Ambulance and the Police Department. However there are only two EMTs from Stockbridge; whereas in the past there has been seven to nine. People are not volunteering as in the past. Also, the number of Stockbridge residents that work in Town is very few as most are employed outside of Stockbridge. Deb suggested that possibly contacting the member of the Community Emergency Response Team may produce some volunteers. The Louis DiGrigoli and James Walker property at 12 South Street special permit hearing was continued until Tuesday, February 21 as Cris was out of Town on family business. George and Deb discussed unifying the zoning districts within the Cottage Era Estate Bylaw. George made a motion to recommend the following zoning bylaw revision to the Planning Board to be acted upon at the Annual Town Meeting. ARTICLE XXX: To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws as follows: (a) Striking the definition of Cottage Era Estate from Section 2.2 and substituting the following: COTTAGE ERA ESTATE - A single Lot in the R-4 or R-2 Districts consisting of no less than 80 contiguous acres, having a principal one-family dwelling dating from “America’s Gilded Age” of approximately 1870-1920. (b) Striking section 4.11.A.36 therefrom and substituting the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES DISTRICTS R-4 R-2 R-1 R-C B M 36. Adaptive re-use or rehabilitation of the SPS SPS NO NO NO NO principal buildings, associated outbuildings and structures, amenities or grounds of a Cottage Era Estate and the construction of improvements at a Cottage Era Estate, subject to the requirements of section 6.6. (c) Striking section 6.6.1 therefrom and substituting the following: The purpose of this section is to authorize the Board of Selectmen to permit, by Special Permit, the adaptive re-use or rehabilitation of certain Cottage Era Estates in the R-4 and R-2 Districts, while encouraging the preservation, restoration or improvement of the original features and character of their principal buildings, associated outbuildings and structures, open spaces, views, landscape features, gardens and recreational facilities. Any Special Permit issued pursuant to this section may authorize new construction, provided that such construction is harmonious with such original features of the Cottage Era Estate. or to take any other action in relation thereto. A second was made by Deb. The vote to recommend the change was unanimous. John and Mary Hart came to the Selectmen’s meeting to discuss the Assessor’s Office. They feel that the office needs to be scrutinized and needs to be accountable. The Assessor’s office should explain why individual taxes on their properties rise prior to sending out the tax bills. The Hart’s tax bill jumped within six months and they felt that did not get a satisfactory answer to WHY. The Assessor’s stated that they follow the rules of the State. Tom Farley showed his support and agreed with the Harts. George suggested that he write down his questions and bring them in so that the Selectmen could speak with the Assessors. It was noted that the problem is not just Stockbridge but for the whole State. Mr. Hart stated that he was going to be meeting with Representative Smitty Pignatelli regarding this problem. It was announced that Community Preservation Committee will be holding a public hearing on Thursday, January 26 at 6:30 p.m. Request for Proposals for funding are available in the Selectmen’s Office during regular business hours. Also announced was the Retirement Party for Sergeant Louis Peyron on January 28, 2006. Tickets are still available at $30.00 a piece by calling 298-5530. Deb announced that she, George, Joe Kellogg and Jorja would be going to the State House in Boston on Wednesday for a hearing before the Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government as part of clearing the existing deed restriction for the Plain School. George read a thank you letter from Department of Social Service-Pittsfield Area for the donation of toys for needy children at Christmas. Town employees and Board members were asked to donated food items for the food pantry and toys for needy children when they signed up for the Town Christmas party. With no other items on the agenda, George made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Deb seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: