Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 2007 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... January 8, 2007 Deb McMenamy (chair) called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Other members present: Cris Irsfeld and George Shippey (minutes from George) David Morel, 1 Yokum Road - Stated that the property to be discussed is in business name only. Mr. Morel, attorney David Hellman, and architect Pam Sandler presented: Mr. Morel wishes to construct an addition to his single family home. The Planning Board has approved this project. The Historic Preservation Commission stated that the proposed addition does not constitute a substantial alteration. The findings were noted and read. Motion by George Shippey was seconded by Cris Irsfeld to approve the special permit. National Grid- Pole Relocation Anthony Corsi from the engineering Department of National Grid appeared. Mrs. Margaret Tracy of 49 Main Street, and Dan Symecko of 53 Main Street, abutters were also present. A new driveway has been constructed with the Plain School Project construction, and presently the pole light is in the middle of the driveway. The pole will be moved 34 feet east. Mr. Symecko objected to the location of the new pole and asked why the pole is not being moved to the west. Mrs. Tracy objected to the intensity of the light. Motion by Cris Irsfeld, seceonded by George Shippey: The pole location as recommended by National Grid be approved with the condition that the amber color of the light remain the same as the present light. Unanimous. Motion by George Shippey, seconded by Cris Irsfeld to adjourn at 7:50 pm. Unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: January 9, 2007 Present: Deborah McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Sam Dellea, and Joe Kellogg The Selectmen met with Sam Dellea regarding real estate matters. Joe Kellogg came to update the Selectmen regarding the Town Office project. The Selectmen voted a change order for the project. The change order consisted of the following: 1. change to wall hung lavatories; 2. delete acoustical title ceilings in kitchen; 3. Lighting changes per RFP #5, Revision 3 and additional receptacles in Room 008 and 014; 4. Deletion of the project sign; 5. Deletion of the elevator pit ladder; 6. Deletion of the toilet room countertops; 7. Changes to electrical room as detailed in Architect's response to RFI #25. A true copy, ATTEST: January 16, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Tim Fountain-Cartographics Associates, Michael Blay-Assessor's, Ernie Lowell-IT Department and Jorja Marsden Tim Fountain of Cartographics Associates presented to go over the Town's new digitalized Assessor's Maps. Tim explained and demonstrated what could be done with the data. A true copy, ATTEST: January 18, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Keith Rafftery, Jim McMenamy, Holly Rhind, John Morse, Mary Boyce and Jorja Marsden Cris made a motion to transfer $3,800 from the Reserve Fund to cover the expenses of training for Officer Teutsch and equipment within the Police Department. George seconded the motion. The vote to recommend a Reserve Fund Transfer to the Finance Committee was unanimous. The Finance Committee and the Board of Selectmen reviewed the following FY08 budgets: Town Clerk, Assessors, Tax Collector and Fire Department. A true copy, ATTEST: January 25, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Jean Rousseau, John Morse, Jim McMenamy, Holly Rhind, Mary Boyce, Craig Berger, Keith Raftery, Charles Murray and Jorja Marsden The Finance Committee and Board of Selectmen met with the Sewer and Water Department to go over their budgets. They also met with the Library trustees, Park and Recreation Department and the Building Inspector. A true copy, ATTEST: January 30, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen approved a letter that will be sent to all residents and tax payers regarding guidelines for the Talbot Center. Dates were discussed to meet with the auditor for the annual review. Discussion followed regarding the 10 year old copier. At this time it has produced over 1 million copies, it is hard to get replacement parts and we are continually calling for service. Quotes will be requested on the buy out price and the cost to lease a new copier. It was also decided that Ernie should put the quotes for updates from Cartographics within his budget. Also he will be asked to itemize each line time within his proposed budget for FY08. A true copy, ATTEST: