Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: December 12, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... December 12, 2005 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Mark Greenberg, Pamela Sandler, Attorney Shawn Leary, Sarah Stiner, Jeremy Crowles and Jorja Marsden The Board of Selectmen opened the special permit hearing for Mark and Vivian Greenberg with the reading of the legal notice which appeared the Berkshire Eagle on November 28th and December 5. The Greenbergs’ wish to add a screened porch onto an existing deck. The property is located in the R-2 zone. Application is made under 6.1.2(A). Architect Pam Sandler explained that the foot print would not change as the screened porch measuring 17 by 12 would be built within the existing deck. Mr. Greenberg stated that they hope to retire to this house, however his wife has a severe problem with vespid stings which almost proved to be fatal. The screened porch would be in her best interest to help avoid possible stings in the future. Cris made a motion to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Board under the Lake and Pond Overlay. George seconded the motion. The vote to recommend was unanimous. Cris made a motion to continue the hearing until the Selectmen received a recommendation from the Planning Board under the Selectmen’s special permit. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Attorney Leary and Sarah Stiner from Creative Building Solutions came to represent the owners of Kampoosa Crossing. Per the request of the Planning Board, the applicant has revised their plans for a two-family dwelling and make it a single family dwelling. Sarah explained that the foundation would be smaller for the new proposed dwelling, would have two bedrooms on the ground floor with a second floor unfinished. There would be a carport on piers in the future however it is not part of the present plans. Attorney Leary stated that the second floor is not a liveable space. George made a motion to recommend approval of the new revised plan for Kampoosa Crossing which amends the plans to be a single family dwelling rather than a two family dwelling, allows for seven rental units and laundry space on the property to the Planning Board. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to recommend approval to the Planning Board was unanimous. A motion to continue the hearing to receive a recommendation from the Planning Board for the Selectmen’s Special Permit was made by George. Cris seconded the motion. The vote to continue was unanimous. Laura Dubester, representative from CET came to inform the Town about the Clean Energy Choice program, a statewide program that provides funding for Town renewable energy projects. The Town has already earned more than $2,500 for a renewable energy project. She explained that if Stockbridge residents participate in National Grid’s “GreenUp” program to support renewable energy through their monthly electric bill, the Town earns matching funds for a public renewable energy project. Laura further stated that Stockbridge is very close to achieving 3% participation which would make the Town eligible to receive a $50.00 bonus per household. The Board of Selectmen endorsed this effort. The Selectmen reviewed a letter from Attorney Philip Heller regarding the property at 10 Grove Road owned by Gregory L. Diskant and Sandra Baron. The property was formerly owned by the Mazzullos’ who had obtained a special permit for the property on February 18, 2003. The Diskant/Barons request the Selectmen to approve construction plans that provide for a 21% ratio of floor area of the residence to the area of the lot which is a 1% and 32.50 square foot increase over that which is allowed for in the zoning bylaws. The Mazzullo’s special permit was granted with 24% habitable floor area. However, the zoning bylaw’s definition of habitable floor area was changed in April of 2003, therefore the bylaw would not apply to the Mazzullo special permit. The Mazzullos sold their property to the Diskant/Barons in 2004. The Special permit condition was that not construction could start until after Labor Day. George made a motion that this is not a significant change. Cris seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Deb announced that the tax bills are out. She commented on the Elderly Fund to assist the elderly and disabled families to apply for aid. Stockbridge citizens have been very helpful and at this time there is approximately $10,000 in the fund. A reminder was given that there is a parking ban on the streets overnight. Any cars found parked overnight on the streets will be towed at the owner’s expense. With no further items on the agenda, Cris made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. George seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: