Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: August, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version August 3, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Clint Schneyer, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen met with Clint to go over ongoing projects and the status of the little harvester. Joe Kellogg asked the Selectmen to vote on a new phone system for the new Town Offices. Cris made a motion to accept Valley Communications proposal for $12,288. A second was made by George. The vote was unanimous. Joe stated that Robert Crosky has contacted a kitchen equipment specialist to look at the equipment in the kitchen. Monitoring of the Hazardous Material within the Plain School may have to be done while the work is being done, therefore we may have to hire a monitor. A true copy, ATTEST: August 4, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Tim Geller-Construct, Stefan Green-Construct Architect, Terry Flynn-Fire Department, Ned Baldwin-Building Inspector and Fire Department, Joe Tracy-Fire Department, Louis Peyron-Fire Chief, Marilyn Wightman-Construct, Michael Makes-Tierney, Bob Wilson-Wilson Electric, Tim Shepard-Stockbridge Housing, Representative from Lee Audio and Jorja Marsden The meeting was called to see what could be done with the numerous Fire Alarms that have been going off at Pine Woods, 3 West Stockbridge Road. It was decided that each tenant is an individual unit and not a complex as in the case of Heaton Court. Therefore, the main panel will be disconnected and the smoke detector will suffice as they do in private homes, with the occupants contacting the fire department if needed. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: August 10, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Gary Kleinerman. Clark Rowell, Karen Williams and Linda Hunt joined the meeting and Jorja Marsden Gary Kleinerman of the Stockbridge Bowl Association came before the Selectmen to discuss the draw down. The Conservation Commission as part of the order of conditions for the Bowl draw down requests that the gauge at the dam be checked twice a day from October 15 to December 15. The Conservation Commission felt that it should be the responsibility of the Water Department. George and Gary will go before the Water and Sewer Commissioners to see if it is possible for the Water Department to check the gauge. The Selectmen commended the first annual Stockbridge Bowl Day. It was a great success and everyone enjoyed the boat rides and the celebration. Some discussion transpired regarding the harvesting of the Lake and the condition of the outlet. Cris stated that the Highway Department has been working on the outlet and especially removing the log from in front of the dam. Clark Rowell, Vice President of Unibank Fiscal advisory Services, Karen Williams, Treasurer and Linda Hunt, Town Clerk came to sign documents relating to the bonding for the Plain School Town Office Conversion Project. Cris made a motion to accept as printed in the document dated August 17, that all actions taken by the Town Treasurer relating to bond are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted and held in escrow until August 17. A second was made by George. The vote was unanimous. A question arose regarding longevity for the Highway, Sewer and Water employees. Peter Barenski felt that his longevity had a discrepancy. A motion was made by Cris and seconded by George to give Peter another $100.00 in longevity pay. The vote was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: August 17, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden Joe Kellogg, Project Manager for the new Town Office project, came to update the Selectmen on the progress being made on the building. Joe stated he has been taking pictures of everything so that we will have a history from start to finish of the project. The architects and Joe are working on the RFP for the cupola and slate roof for the building. In reviewing the cupola, it was formed from scrap wood fastened with pieces of gutter material; this will need to be completely restored. The cradle holding the bell is rotted and will have to be replaced. The parking lot to the east will be moved in 8 feet to avoid the tree line. Joe also stated that he had received a call from National Grid who stated that the rebate they offered of $90,000 will be dropped to $67,000. Joe is arguing that point and has a call into Tom Smith from National Grid. A true copy, ATTEST: August 21, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Frances Antoniazzi, Jane Huggins, Joan Selva, Antonnette Consolini, Therea Vincent, Elena Sprague, Susan Merrill, Ed Dartford, Jack Faxon, Sheila Faxon, Ruth Maurillo, Ken Maurillo, Sean Jennings, Lily Jennings, Joseph Jennings, L. Kundell, Paul Lippmann, Mary Flynn, Will Whitehorn-Berk. Record, Helen Pigott, Mary Johnson, Mary Errichetto, Lisa Koldys, Jacqueline Hawkins, Tom Stokes, Garrett Sarley-Kripalu, David Hellman, Cathy Wilkerson, Angie Shenrock, Barbara Silverstein, Arnold Silverstein, Helene Cooper, Shirley Beauchane, Darlene Wellington, Bill Bona, Mary Hoeltzel, Linda Barbadoro, Nick Swann, Alexandra Swann, Laura Dubester, Ray Drumm, Carole Owens, Shirley Miller, Jennifer Quetti, Joan Embree, Marjorie Kingston, John Kingston, Joe Ruggio, Lila Ruggio, Peter Curtin, Rowena Scarrow, Pat Valiasilo, Linda Hunt, Missy Curtin, Eugene Talbot, Shirley Talbot, Mary Boyce, Ronald Muir, Phil Laban, Carol Laban, Bill Holmes, Helen Lanoue, Alicia Irsfeld, Mike Picenak, Karin Passmore-CTSB, Derek Gentile-Berk. Eagle, and Jorja Marsden Deb opened the continuation of the public hearing for Kripalu's special permit. The public hearing was continued so as to receive a recommendation from the Planning Board. Deb read from the minutes of the July 25 Planning Board minutes, which stated as follows: "Attorney David Hellman represented Kripalu Yoga Fellowship in a request for a Special Permit Section 6.2.8 and 6.1.2 from the Board of Selectmen. The property is located at 57 Interlaken Road in the R4 zoning district. The proposal is the expansion of a pre-existing, non-conforming use in a residential zoning district. The project is part of the master plan for the property. They are proposing the addition of 80 rooms to the 350 existing rooms. The reason for the expansion is the addition of private guest rooms with private bathrooms and to make the property more competitive to generate additional income. The proposed building will be 49 feet high. They are also proposing to move the existing parking area out of the buffer zone. Member Bartle made a motion to recommend approval of this expansion under Section 6.3.8 and 6.1.2 for Kripalu Yoga Fellowship to the permitting authority the Board of Selectmen. Member Hobbs seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 5-0." Attorney Hellman stated that Kripalu has filed a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission. The first meeting was held August 8; a site visit is scheduled for August 24, with a continuation of the Conservation Commission hearing scheduled for September 12. Cris was concerned with lighting from Kripalu and hoped that everyone would agree to planting large trees along the drive and around the parking lots to hide the lights from vehicles and the lights from the building. Mary Flynn wanted to follow-up on the consideration of a Conservation Restriction on the lake front property. Garrett stated that there were no plans for a Conservation Restriction at this time but that there were no plans for development other than the proposed new building before the Selectmen. Tom Stokes, abutter, said that Kripalu was an excellent neighbor. He stated that the Planning Board voted on a narrow issue and not the esthetics. Attorney Hellman explained that a full presentation was given to the Planning Board. John Hart asked if Kripalu gave out diplomas. Garrett explained that they give out Certificates of Completion for the programs. The Selectmen made the following Special Permit findings as prepared by Attorney Hellman: 1.) The proposed use is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of the ZBL and is in harmony with their general intent and purpose, because the use of the facility is a permitted use as of right in all zoning districts of the Town and the extension for scrutinized extensions of prior nonconforming structures. Additionally, the proposed addition is in compliance with the height requirements of the ZBL and Town counsel has advised the Selectboard that no variance is required. 2.) The proposed use is desirable to the public convenience or welfare in that the site is also already being used for the same purpose and without the expansion of the facility as proposed there shall be insufficient revenues to maintain and improve the existing massive main building on the premises which will lead to the massive main building becoming a detriment to the Town of Stockbridge. 3.) The proposed use will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood because it will be constructed in such fashion as available to the Applicant as of right. 4.) The proposed change will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. The applicant has submitted an extensive traffic study and parking plan indicating the traffic pattern will not change in any significant manner and the parking is in compliance with the number of spaces required for the facility. 5.) The proposed change will not overload any public water, drainage or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use or any existing use will be unduly subjected to hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. The premises is served primarily by two large wells on the premises and also receives water from the Town of Lenox. It is anticipated that the proposed facility will receive all its water requirements from the existing wells on the premises. The premises has its own on-site sewage treatment and efforts are under way with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to upgrade the facility, independently of this application. Additionally, the applicant shall be engaged in some work within the buffer zone that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. This permit is therefore subject to the applicant receiving an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission with respect to the proposed site work. 6.) The construction of the proposed facility will not be in greater nonconformity with open space, yard, height, and off-street parking requirements or any other requirement of the ZBL as has been demonstrated by the plans submitted by the applicant. 7.) The proposed facility will not be more detrimental than the pre-existing non-conforming structure or use to the neighborhood in that it will be substantially hidden from view sheds off the premises, will allow for the revenues to maintain and improve the existing massive structure which is in need of maintenance, and hopefully allow for the applicant to thereafter address the appearance of the existing massive structure. Cris made a motion to approve the application as amended under 6.1.2 and 6.3.8 with the condition that the applicant obtain an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission as to any site work for the premises under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. George seconded the motion. The vote to approve Kripalu's Special Permit as amended under 6.1.2 and 6.3.8 with the condition that they obtain an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission was unanimous. Deb began discussion regarding the closing of the Swap Shop. Deb read from a prepared statement regarding blatant false statements and allegations in regard to the closing of the Swap Shop. She stated that the Selectmen's meetings are not "secret meetings" as they are posted 48 hours in advance; it was a request from Chief Wilcox to close the Swap Shop; and the Selectmen tried to arrange a separate meeting for the Townspeople interested in the reasons for the closing. However, Ms. Maurillo declined saying that she had already notified people to come on August 21. Cris publicly stated that he did not appreciate comments made by certain Townspeople toward his family, especially to his daughter, Alicia. George read into the record a letter from Bill Iacobacci correcting an article that Alan Chartock wrote to the Berkshire Eagle paying homage to Arlo Guthrie; Eugene Talbot suggested a Swap Shop- the next Board acted on it; the Center was always to be "self-policing" and the hiring of local teens in the summer. Much discussion followed about how the Swap Shop worked for everyone. People enjoyed meeting people; taking items they could use and bringing items for all to share. Concerns that it got out of hand by people leaving items not worthy of taking and no supervision. Deb announced that there was a very important person not present, Chief Wilcox. He had a previous engagement and could not be available. Deb suggests that the Selectmen continue the meeting until August 23 at the Stockbridge Sportsmen's Club so that everyone could hear from Chief Wilcox. Cris made a motion to continue the Selectmen's meeting until Wednesday, August 23 after the Special Town Meeting. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to continue the meeting to August 23 after the Special Town Meeting. Tom Stokes suggested forming a committee to make regulations for the Swap Shop as was done for the creation of the regulations of Stockbridge Bowl. Considering Tom's suggestion, Cris made a motion, seconded by George to withdraw Cris's motion to continue the meeting until August 23. The vote to withdraw the motion was unanimous. Tom Stokes also stated that if there was not enough money in the budget to hire some full time help possibly people could donate money for the operation. Helen Lanoue stated that she would donate $1000. Arnold Silverstein stated that people need a resolution and didn't want to continue. Ed Dartford suggested researching the Talbot Center and how it could work. Deb stated that it was never the intention to permanently close the Center. Mrs. Maurillo presented to the Selectmen a petition signed by approximately 650 people. The petition stated: "We, the undersigned citizens of Stockbridge, respectfully petition our Selectmen: 1.) We ask you to reconsider your recent decision to permanently close the Talbot Recycling Center which was built and established for that purpose. 2.) We request that a volunteer committee be formed to address the acknowledged problems that previously developed. Such as illegal dumping and safety issues. With input from the Stockbridge Police Department, this committee would report back to you with recommended remedies and rules and the center could be reopened on a trial basis. We, the citizens, believe that sharing with each other and concern for the environment represent the best of the spirit of our community. Our collective willingness to work together with you, the transfer station employees and the police to make this project viable and successful demonstrates our commitment and good will. Thank you for you consideration." George made a motion to continue the Selectmen's meeting until Wednesday, August 23 at the Stockbridge Sportsmen's Club after the Special Town Meeting. Cris seconded the motion. The motion to continue the Selectmen's meeting was voted unanimously. George made a motion to adjourn at 8:50. Cris seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: August 23, 2006 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Chief Richard Wilcox, Peter Curtin, Richard Fey, EllenMary Lagostino, Ray Drumm, Shirley Talbot, Eugene Talbot, Ed Dartford, Bill Vogt, Joe Ruggio, Lila Ruggio, John Hart, Laura Dubester, Alan Silverstein, Joyce Hovey, Mary Johnson, Jeannette Goflin, Helen Pigott, Keith Raftery, John Spencer, Marie Raftery, Sheila Martin, Jane Huggins, Louise Kane, Helene Cooper, Jaqui Kilner, Vivan Kilner, Mary Errichetto, Lisa Koldys, Ruth Maurillo, Ken Maurillo, Jacqueline Hawkins, Pat Flinn, Anna Pilling, Gregory Pilling, John Morse, Aleva Henderson, Robert Henderson, Holly Rhind, Craig Moffatt, Steve Blanchard, Shirley Blanchard, Chris Dutil, Arthur Dutil, Neil Holden, Patrick Flynn, Jim Balfanz, Cornelius Obanhein, Frances Antoniazzi, Rowena and Howard Scarrow, Mary Flynn, Missy Curtin,Linda Hunt, Bruce Kaden-CTSB, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle and Jorja Marsden Deb opened the continuation of the Selectmen's meeting from August 21, 2006. She called on Chief Wilcox. The Chief has spoken to a lot of people in Town who all have different opinions. Therefore he recommends appointing a committee and work out resolution. Deb informed the people gathered that the Board has not met to discuss the opinions from Monday night but will listen and take their thoughts under advisement. Ms. Maurilllo stated that she would like to see the Swap Shop open and suggests paying someone with benefits to oversee the whole Swap Shop-Recycling Area. Deb stated that we do not have the budget to be able to have the Center manned for the scheduled hours for this budget season. The Town will have to budget for full time employment for next fiscal year. Much discussion developed as to the opening of the Swap Shop and forming a committee. George made a motion for the Selectmen to appoint a committee to address the functions of recycling center/swap shop at the Town Transfer Station which would include the Police Chief, the Highway Superintendent and a representative from the Board of Selectmen and members of the community. Cris seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Sheila Faxon stated that Ruth Maurillo has worked very hard at the Swap Shop and collecting signatures and should be placed on the committee. Deb reiterated that the Selectmen would appoint the committee. Gene Talbot asked why the Police Chief as there is better uses for him-what is the issue of safety. Deb repeated the motion and asked if there were any volunteers to please contact Jorja. George made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. A second was received from Cris. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: