Thu, Dec 06, 2007 11:20 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: October, 2007 October 1, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Joann Barzottini, Attorney Albert Cimini, Luis Zambrano, Christine Murcia, Nick Diller-CTSB, and Jorja Marsden Joann Barzottini who owns a therapeutic massage business is requesting a sign permit for her facility at 1 Maple Street. The sign will be hung under another sign already in space. The sign will be burgundy with white letters. Deb made a motion to approve the sign permit for Joann Barzottini at 1 Maple Street. Bobby seconded the motion. The sign permit was approved unanimously. George read the legal notice for the liquor license transfer from Alan Weinman, d/b/a Glendale River Grille to Luis Zambrano, d/b/a VIVA at 14 Glendale Road. Mr. Zambrano and Ms. Murcia purchased the property and plan to open a Spanish restaurant. His experience spans from Wheatley to Getney Farm. The plan is to open 11a.m. to 10 p.m., serving six days a week in season and five days during the off season. Attorney Cimini stated that Al Weinman will remain on as manager until the official liquor license is approved. Bobby made a motion to approve the transfer of the liquor license. Deb seconded the motion. The vote to approve the transfer was unanimous. Bobby made a motion to award the bid for five new two hour fire with impact and burglary rated record safes to BBE Office Interiors of 122 North Street, Pittsfield in the amount of $13,675.00. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The Board honored Anthony Campetti for his designation of Operator of the Year 2006 from the Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association, Inc. Deb stated that the new Town Offices are looking fabulous, a state of the art building. She can’t wait for everyone to see it. Deb made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: October 3, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clint Schneyer, Arthur Schwartz, and Jorja Marsden Clint informed the Selectmen that the DEP has extended the permit to cap the landfill until the spring. Mahkeenac Heights has been done and the department will now work on the drainage runoff onto the Levitt property. The yews will be taken out from in front of the new Town Offices, and he is waiting to hear back regarding filling the gas line at the building. Bobby stated that there are at least 10 kids getting off the school bus on East Main Street and that the sidewalks should be plowed when the snow comes. Clint said that the sidewalk is not wide enough to plow. He stated that MassHighway will be working on drainage on that street and that the sidewalks may become wider during that upgrade. However, in the mean time, the snow should be picked up and removed. Discussion followed on the recommendations of the Recycling Committee. The Selectmen decided not to move the attendants booth, not to change the traffic pattern and not to place safety railings around the demolition/bulk containers as it would impede dumping in that area. All signs will be ordered per the proposal; all the new disposal fees were approved; and fluorescent bulbs will be collected at no fee. All bulk fees for recyclables for the billable accounts will go to $5.00 per load. Arthur Schwartz, architect for the Fitzpatrick Trust, came with plans for the office space rented by the Trust. Deb recused herself from all discussion on this topic as she is employed by Jack Fitzpatrick. Mr. Schwartz stated that the Trust will panel the room, put down a wooden floor and add a bathroom to the space. The Trust would like to convert one of the windows in the space into a doorway with a canopy. A request was made to have a handicapped space outside the new entrance designated for the Trust. Concern was raised regarding connecting the bathroom to the building’s sewer system since it would require connection in some fashion within the space that has been completed by the Town. Also of concern was the request for designated parking. The Selectmen felt that the designated parking would set a bad precedent. It was the general concession that the plan was okay. Clint stated that he would measure how far down the sewer line is in the front of the building so that the plumbing for the bathroom in the Trust space could go out the front of the building and connect directly into the sewer. The Selectmen will speak with Joe Kellogg regarding the Trusts request. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: October 10, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Gary Kleinerman, Chris Raymond, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden Gary Kleinerman and Chris Raymond came to the Selectmen to discuss the diversion pipe for the outlet of Stockbridge Bowl. Gary stated that the harvesting of the lake went well and that the drawdown will begin soon. Mike Gorsky from DEP spoke at Laurel Hill Day and after that he toured the lake. Mr. Gorskey felt that grants could be obtained to help with the diversion pipe permits and installation. Richard Seltzer, a Stockbridge Bowl resident, set up a meeting with Jane Pierce-DEP, a representative from ENSR-the firm which has been doing our permits for the harvesting, and drawdown, and a representative from Berkshire Regional Planning who would write and work on the grant with the Town and Stockbridge Bowl Association. If we were successful in receiving the grant it could be worth approximately 60% of the total amount needed to be raised. The proposed cost for installing the diversion drain is approximately $750,000. Gary and Cris gave a draft financial proposal as follows: DEP approximately 60% of the cost or $450,000, Tenneco Fund-approximately $70,000, CPA set aside $25,000 and will ask for another $25,000, Town Funding of $104,000 and their Capital Campaign of $30,000 with Stockbridge Bowl Fund requests of $90,000. It was thought that possibly a warrant article for the upcoming Town Meeting to release the funds from the Stockbridge Bowl Fund would be timely so as to spend the Town’s share of the cost of the project from the fund. Also, Gary asked if the Selectmen would consider putting $10,000 or $20,000 into the Stockbridge Bowl Fund yearly rather than the $5,000 that has been done for the past several years. The Selectmen suggested that Gary and the Association might talk with the Finance Committee early in the budget season and to bring them up to date on the project. Also, ENSR has issued a contract for additional services for locating gas lines crossing the Bowl outlet. The Selectmen agreed to the additional scope of work and will have George sign the document to be sent back to ENSR. Deb recused herself from the discussion regarding the Fitzpatrick Trust rental in the new Town Offices. Joe stated that if the sewer for the rental could go out the front of the building that it would be preferable as our work done within the hallway would have been finished prior to the start of the renovations for the rental. The water pipe could be connected as the piping is all above a drop ceiling and the panel could be removed for the connection. The canopy purposed over the doorway into the rental unit needs to be very strong as the ice comes off the roof in that location. Any signage would be placed on the door. Joe informed the Selectmen that the parking lot and walkway in front have changed somewhat in configuration. He suggested that the Paul McShane bench which was donated by a class when it was a school, be placed along this section. The ground level in front will be changed so the second step will be the first and the pitch of the dirt will be away from the building. The well driller for the geothermal has not been around. This ha caused great concern as it is starting to get cold. Work continues as the floors are being sanded and security system has been programmed. The outside doors which were thought to be okay are rotted. With no other business the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: October 17, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clinton Schneyer, Linda Hunt, Lou and Bill Campbell, Louie Peyron and Jorja Marsden Clint informed the Selectmen that the landfill work will stop now and resume in the spring. The two drains at the new Town Offices site have been broken and must be fixed in order to work properly. The issue with wetlands being created in the Naumkaeg field was discussed. Ditches within the field were dug to catch any runoff; however the cows grazing within the field have filled in the ditches. Therefore Naumkaeg should create the ditches to catch and divert the runoff from the neighbors’ homes. The Cemetery Commission met next. It was decided that the Commission must establish firm policies with regard to burials, monuments, hedges and future expansions. This would require a bylaw change. Also discussed was the possibility of creating a columbarium, similar to the one at St. Paul’s Church. Fire Chief Louis Peyron came before the Selectmen to inform them that the dry hydrants on Park Street are silted in and not operable. He suggested that the piping be extended out into the middle of the river so to alleviate this problem in the future. It was decided that the engineer should be contacted that designed them so to see what could be done to fix the problem, and help with the permission from the Conservation Commission. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: October 18, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Peter Kolodziej-Tri-Town Health, Kerry Sullivan-Representative Smitty Pignatelli’s office, Raymond and Myra Whalen, Pam Sandler, Greg and Paula Gimblette, Mark and Robin White, Helen Hall, Bill and Lou Campbell, Peg Konove, Fiona Gangell, Clint Schneyer and Jorja Marsden At the request of the residents on Goodrich Street a meeting was called on the Street to look and discuss the beaver situation. There is a beaver dam under the culvert which Clint has been advised by the Conservation Commission, and has instructed his crew to remove slowly. The beavers have created a problem for everyone on the street as their properties are being flooded by dams that the beaver have built. Kerry Sullivan informed us that MassHighway has a contract with Beaver Solutions that the Town may be able to be included for this situation. She has also contacted Mass Wildlife. Peter Kolodziej has declared an emergency therefore trapping could begin. It was decided that an assessment should be done of the area. Kerry stated that she would have Mass Wildlife contact the Town. Clint was instructed to remove the dam in the culvert promptly. A true copy, ATTEST: October 24, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Attorney Philip Heller, Christian Boysen, Bob Sullivan, David Wubel, Rob Hoogs and Jorja Marsden Representatives of the Stockbridge Equestrian Resort gave an overview of the project that is planned at the former DeSisto School property at 37 Interlaken Road. They have been meeting with direct abutters and have listened to them, their concerns and thoughts, and incorporated some the concerns within their plans. They would like to hold a public meeting sometime in the future to discuss the plans. Attorney Philip Heller discussed the zoning of the property. A true copy, ATTEST: October 31, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Clint Schneyer and Tom Stokes Clint gave his weekly update to the Selectmen. Tom Stokes came to give the Selectmen an update of the Community Preservation Committee’s involvement with the Stockbridge Industrial Park. The property is for sale and some ideas for the property could include monies from the CPA fund. A true copy, ATTEST: