Thu, Aug 23, 2007 7:39 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: May 21, 2007 May 7, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Arthur Dutil-Emergency Management Director, Chief Richard Wilcox-Assistant Director, Jim Balfanz-Chairman of the Transfer Station Review Committee, Amy Carey and Vivian Orlowski-BCBOH, Garthe Davies and Ruth Pierce-Home Thoughts From Abroad, Abby Childes-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Deb and George began the meeting with a salute to Cris. Cris is not seeking re-election and this will be the last meeting prior to the Annual Town Meeting. Cris thanked and praised all the Selectmen that he has worked with, Bob Wallace, Gene Talbot, Marty Terrien, Deb and George and especially the Town. He has enjoyed working to keep Stockbridge the fabulous place this it is and looks forward to the future. Arthur Dutil and Chief Wilcox came to formally inform the Board that they offer their official resignation as Director and Assistant Director for Emergency Management in Stockbridge. They encouraged volunteers to come forward and they will assist in the transition. Deb announced Arthur will be the speaker at the Memorial Day Ceremony. A prayer ceremony at the cemeteries will start the festivities of the day, followed by the parade marching down Main Street to Town Hall, the ceremony in front of Town Hall and then the potluck community picnic on the front lawn of Town Hall. Hot dogs and soda will be provided. Jim Balfanz, chairman of the Transfer Station Review Committee gave the final report of the committee. Jim mentioned that Stockbridge was chartered exactly 270 years ago today. A special recognition to Rudi Hoeltzel was in order for detailed financial information, signage development and thoughtfulness. Jim thanked the hard work of the committee who met almost every week since September. Jim mentioned the volunteers who faced extreme weather conditions to keep the Talbot Center opened on Monday, Thursday and Saturdays each week during the winter. Jim highlighted recommendations in the report which are subject to the Selectmen’s approval. The following are the recommendations that have been developed by the Committee: 1. continue to identify opportunities to operate the Transfer Station more efficiently and collecting hazardous and hard to manage waste convenient and affordable to residents. 2. outline policy of issuing and a placement of stickers. 3. the attendant’s building should be moved for more control of recycling area and the Swap Shop. 4. new signage purchased and installed. 5. ongoing educational program 6. recommended annual fee for compactor stickers, disposal fees possible revision of major “billable accounts” and going out for competitive bids for hauling. 7. Implementing safety recommendations. 8. review returnable bottles and cans for non-profit organizations. 9. recommendations for the success of the Talbot Center re: volunteer coordinator, only open when volunteers available, taking items for resale or too much not allowing for others to have an opportunity. Jim also, thanked Jaime Callahaine from CET for his advice regarding the Center and Bill Elvorti of Becket who shared his success with Pay-as-you-throw. The Selectmen thanked Jim and the Committee for all their hard work and will look into the recommendations. Garthe Davies and Ruth Pierce came regarding the proposed signs for their business-“Home Thoughts From Abroad.” The shop located at 44 Main Street behind the Seven Arts Ship will sell “food to footwear, jams to jewelry, teas to toys” all reflections of the British Isles. They are proposing four signs – 1. at the shop entrance; 2. overhang at corner of building and 3. affixed to the front side of the building. A fourth would be a sandwich board near the curbing. The Planning Board recommended approval of 1, 2, and 3, however, denied the fourth sign – the sandwich board. The Selectmen approved the three signs and explained that the fourth is not legal and could not be approved. Davies and Pierce quested that others along Main Street have sandwich board signs. The Selectmen told them they are illegal and that the businesses are continually being told to not put the sandwich boards up. Amy Carey and Vivian Orlowski of Berkshire County Board of Health came to discuss Public Health Emergency Planning. The Boards of Health are working on plans to vaccinate or distribute medication to at least 80% of the population within 48 hours; ensure delegation of authority, leadership, workforce and records protection in the event of an emergency and a plan for all hazards for Public Health and a pandemic flu plan. They gave the Selectmen a disk with a template for municipal “Continuity of Operations Plan”. They will continue to work with the Stockbridge Board of Health and the Tri-Town. Cris commented how beautiful everything looks and that the town is ready for summer. The following important dates were announced: Baby Town Meeting – May 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall Annual Town Elections – May 21 from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall Annual Town Meeting – May 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stockbridge Sportsmen’s Club Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony at noon – march down Main Street to Town Hall for ceremony followed by a potluck picnic to follow with hot dogs and soda provided. Cris made a motion to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. George seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: May 14, 2007 - Baby Town Meeting May 15, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, Cris Irsfeld, George Shippey, Michael Blay, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden The special permit request for Dana Goedewaagen of 2 Westdale Road was opened. A letter had been received requesting the application be allowed to be withdrawn without prejudice. Cris made a motion to allow the application to be withdrawn without prejudice. George seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to allow the application to be withdrawn without prejudice. The Selectmen met with Michael Blay, Principal Assessor, to talk with him regarding the funding of the Senior Work-Off Program. Michael stated that there is enough money within the Overlay Account to pay for the program. It was decided that to qualify you must be 65 years or over and there will be a limit of $600.00 per household per fiscal year. Rules and regulation examples from both Lee and Lenox were reviewed. It was decided to type them with our information for the Selectmen’s review. The Selectmen requested that Ann Jon of Sculpture Now give the Town a copy of the organizations liability policy. Since two Selectmen will be out of Town after Memorial Day, Cris made the following motion: “Pursuant to Chapter 41, Section 23A of the General Laws, I move that the Town Administrator be authorized to act by and for the members of the Board of Selectmen during the period of May 29, 2007 to June 13, 2007 in any matter relating to the administration of the affairs of the Town that would ordinarily require the approval of a majority of the Board provided that this authorization shall be in effect only if a quorum of the Board is unable to meet.” A second was received from George. The vote was unanimous. Joe came with updates regarding the Town Offices. Riverbrook is interested in space. The Department of Mental Retardation toured the rental space and has indicated that the space would be fine. Crocker Roofers are preparing to start the roof. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: May 21, 2007 - Annual Town Meeting