Thu, Aug 23, 2007 7:43 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: June, 18 2007 June 18, 2007 Present: Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Bobby Flower, Sarah Stiner, Roselyn Levitt, Don Stein, Terry Wise, Susan Barkin, Gordon Soules, Sr., Gordon Soules, Jr., Karen Passmore-CTSB and Jorja Marsden Deb opened the meeting by announcing the agenda. First on the agenda was Reserve Fund requests that needed to be voted and given to the Finance Committee who was meeting in the next room. George made a motion to transfer $2,000 to the Assessor’s account to pay for an appraisal done by Bishop & Associates. The appraisal is for the Glendale Power Plant, which is required to update the valuation on the power plant. The Department of Revenue mandates the update of value on this type of property every three years or every revaluation period. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Bobby made a motion to transfer $5,489.27 to reimburse snow and ice expenses for FY2007. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. George made a motion to transfer $1,474.31 to the Veteran’s Benefits account as benefits exceeded the budget due to payments to additional recipients. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Bobby made a motion to transfer $7,329.92 to the Police Overtime account to cover shifts for vacation time and to fill Officer Teutsch’s open shift on Chief’s day off. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Next on the agenda was the reorganization of the Board. Deb made a motion to elect George as the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for the up coming year. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Deb made a motion to elect Bobby secretary of the Board. George seconded the motion. The motion was voted unanimously. George took over the meeting. George read the following list of appointments: Highway Superintendent Clinton E. Schneyer, Jr. for one year – 2008 Veteran’s Agent Al Adams, District Director for one year – 2008 Board of Registrars Margaret N. Tracy for three years – 2010 Berkshire Regional Transit Authority John Cronson for one year – 2008 Zoning Board of Appeals Thomas Schuler for five years – 2012 Berkshire Cty. Reg. Planning Craig Berger, Alternate for one year – 2008 Conservation Commission Joseph DeGiorgis, for three years-2010 James M. Schantz for three years-2010 Steve Shatz for three years-2010 Council On Aging Lillian Bender for three years-2010 Virginia Schwartz for three years-2010 Community Preservation Thomas Stokes for one year – 2008 David McCarthy for one year – 2008 Wire Inspector Nicholoas Fredsall for one year – 2008 Cable Advisory Committee Neil Holden – 2008 Fire Chief Louis Peyron for one year - 2008 Deb made a motion to appoint the list as presented. Bobby seconded the motion. The motion to approve the appointments was unanimous. George opened the special permit for Susan Barkin of 2 Cherry Hill Road by reading the legal notice. Ms. Barkin wished to construct a pergola on top of the existing patio and eliminate the driveway to the left of the house and create a semi-circular driveway to the right of the patio. The property is located in the R-1 zone. Application is made under section 6.1.2. Susan said she is 13’ short of 200 feet of frontage. She wants to eliminate the driveway near Nancy Nirenberg’s home and would like to install it on the other side to form a circular drive. George read the favorable recommendation from the Planning Board. Terry Wise of 6 Cherry Hill Road supported the application. Susan also stated that the site vision where the present drive exits (the drive that is proposed to be eliminated) has poor site vision as you try to exit and if granted she would like to put lawn there. George read the five findings as follows: a. the application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; and b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; and c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; and d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; and e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. Deb made a motion to approve the application to construct a pergola to cover the existing patio and to allow the elimination of the driveway to the left of the house and create a circular driveway on the right side of the property and to adopt the findings as read. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to approve the application and findings as presented was unanimous. Sarah Stiner of Creative Building Solution represented Dana Goedewaagen of 2 Westdale Road for her special permit. George read the legal notice. Dana wishes to demolish and reconstruct a single family home on the existing foundation. The property is located in the R-4 zone. Application is made under section 6.1.2b. Sarah explained that it is just a modest house built in 1956 when 4 acre lots did not exist. They wish to leave the foundation and to build up. The present home has one bedroom and the proposed house will only have one bedroom. Sarah stated that the existing frontage is 75’ – the proposed will be 75’; front setback is 29’ and proposed is 29’; left side is 24’ and proposed is 24’; right side is 26’ and will remain. The height is 13’and the proposed will be 28’. The building exceeds the lot coverage required by zoning. George read the recommendation from the Historic Preservation Commission which stated “…the building is not a significant historic building…there is no impediment under that bylaw to permitting demolition of the building.” The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of this application. Sarah also mentioned that the bedroom doesn’t meet code. The Selectmen made the following findings: a. the application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare as the property has a well and a septic system. Deb made a motion to approve the application as presented. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to approval the Dana Goedewaagen special permit was unanimous. George read the legal notice for the special permit for Gordon Soules at 5 Yale Court. Mr. Soules wishes to construct an open deck on the back of the single family home. The property is located in the R-C zone. Application is made under section 6.1.2. The deck will measure 12’x25’ and will not be anymore non-conforming. The lot coverage will be 21% with the deck. Deb stated that it won’t exceed the maximum lot coverage in an RC zone. Mr. Soules said that abutter Bill French has no problem with the application. George read the favorable recommendation from the Planning Board. The Selectmen made the following findings: a. the application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. Bobby made a motion to allow the construction of the deck under 6.1.2. Deb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Roselyn Levitt and Don Stein of Mahkeenac Heights came to inform the Selectmen that Mrs. Levitt has a problem with run off after the sewers were installed. She says that run off comes down the hill and is undermining her path. The Selectmen will speak to Clint to see if it is caused from the sewer extension or something else. Deb mentioned that Memorial Day was a nice event. George announced Stockbridge Bowl Day on July 7 beginning at 11. Also the second homeowners meeting will be July 14 at 10 at the First Congregational Church. With no other business, Bobby made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. A second was received from Deb. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: June 21, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Peter Socha, Clint Schneyer, Rick Wilcox and Jorja Marsden Peter Socha came before the Selectmen to say that he felt that the amount of dollars that he pays toward his health insurance was private. He felt that the Town’s policy of having proof in writing of the amount paid was unreasonable and felt that the company could just say whether or not it was over $1,000.00. Peter started that he wouldn’t mind his employer making a statement such as he pays over $1000.00 however not the exact amount. The Selectmen agreed that this would be permissible. Peter will have the letter faxed; the Selectmen will sign it and give the letter to the accountant so as to reimburse Nancy the $1000.00. Deb made a motion to go into Executive Session at 12:30 to discuss personal issues. Bobby seconded the motion. Deb made a motion to go out of Executive Session at 1:05. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to go out of Executive Session was unanimous. Clint Schneyer and Chief Richard Wilcox were to discuss the placement of speed bumps on Elm Street. The new bumps have arrived. It was decided to place one closer to the Horse Trough, one near Vlada’s and the BookSellers, and a third near the Drake’s driveway. Rick informed the Board that he has a call into Mass Highway regarding handicap access to the sidewalk from Goodrich Street. The new cruiser will be ready for pick up on Tuesday, June 26. Clint informed the Board that he is waiting for a cost update from the closing of the landfill from Berkshire Engineering. The Selectmen decided to meet June 27 at 8:00 a.m. to meet with Howard Siegal from Bugbuster and also to go over items that need to be attended to with a time table. With no other business, Bobby made a motion to adjourn at 1:55 p.m. A second was made by Deb. The vote to adjourn was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: