Thu, Dec 06, 2007 11:18 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_SelMin Subject: August, 2007 August 15, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Peter Curtin-Tree Warden, Joe Kellogg, Project Manger, Cris Irsfeld, and Jorja Marsden Peter Curtin, Tree Warden, was asked appear to the Selectmen regarding the two magnolias and dogwood trees in front of the Plain School. George stated that two of the trees are compromising the foundation. Peter stated that he had an Arborist trim back the trees. He also had Gordon Clark who was at the Berkshire Botanical, and then at Naumkaeg to look at them, and he stated that it is rare for the dogwood to get as large as the ones are in front of the Plain School. Joe Kellogg said the trees are causing the sills to be wet and develop mold therefore, with all the renovations, to eliminate those problems what could be done with the trees. Could they be moved or substantially trimmed. Peter stated he would like to do a root trim. George felt the magnolia trees should be taken down and keep the dogwood and the unanimous. Peter said they are healthy trees and would require a public hearing under the Public Shade Tree Act. He continued by saying that he was not in favor of cutting them down. However, he could prune the trees in the fall maybe 1/3. It was decided to prune the trees in the fall and see what happens in a year. Joe informed the Selectmen that the bee person came and took out some bees from around the front entrance. There are still bees there, however they hope that they will migrate out. George started that Matt Mandel of the Board of Health told him that if the Plain School would be an evaluation location and emergency dispensing center, that there would need to be cell service at the location. Ned Baldwin has been working on cell services for the downtown area. Bobby made a motion to approve a contract with Weston and Sampson for $3,600 for the drinking water State Revolving Fund project to study water pressure and volume in the downtown area of Town. Deb seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Cris Irsfeld went over a letter he has written that he would like to send to taxpayers requesting donations for the renovation of Procter Hall. The Selectmen suggested that he could begin to send out letters and then down the road a small committee would be formed. George thought that we should talk with John Olver again and bring Smitty and Ben Downing on board. George stated he will contact them, when suggested by the Board. Deb made a motion to appoint Peter Saunders, Veterans Agent, to replace Al Adams. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to appoint Peter Saunders, Veteran’s Agent was unanimous. A true copy, ATTEST: August 16, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Chief Wilcox, Ned Baldwin-Building Inspector, Josh O’Gordan-Berkshire Record, Cris Irsfeld, Diane Heady-Reuss, Vernon Reuss, Ronald Muir, Judy Abdalla, Lorraine and Jerry Rodman (Becket) Nick Nadorff, Robert Bujalski, Raymond Blair, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle, Stephanie Muller, Mike and Mark from Delancey Street Foundation and Jorja Marsden Representatives from Delancey Street Foundation came before the selectmen to give an overview of their program. Delancey Street owns the former Norman Rockwell home at 8 South Street. The foundation has a two year program for individuals who have hit bottom and want help to get back on their feet. After completion of a two year program individuals are placed into a one of there five locations (San Francisco, Santa Fe, Brewster, NY, Los Angeles or Greensboro, NC) for an internship in each location. Delancey Street has a moving company with a triple A rating and a café and sell Christmas trees in each location. Each individual has choices to do every day. After the two year program, individuals graduate and some become staff to help others on the program or find employment out side the Delancey Street program. Delancey Street has committed to a function in September for the Norman Rockwell Museum, will be on the House Tour for the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Weekend. Chief Wilcox asked about the success rate. Stephanie stated that the rate is about 80%. The Chief’s concern was that he would be the one dealing with the failure rate. Ned asked what their plans were for the use of the house. Stephanie felt that individuals who have completed the program with artistic talent would be coming to Stockbridge. The Selectmen thanked Stephanie, Mike and Mark for coming to inform everyone what Delancey Street Foundation is and does, and to help eliminate any mistruths. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: August 20, 2007 Present: George Shippey Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Lillian Bender, Ginger Schwartz, Belle Fox-Martin, Mary Boyce, Beth McCormack, Agnes Mulroy, Arlene Emerson, Steve Krog, Ellen Mary Dagostino, Gloria Temple, Louise Dugan, John Lippmann, Garfield Reed, Ronald Koplin, Phil Newy, Karin Passmore and Jorja Marsden Louisa Dugan representing Kinderhook Real Estate for Lisa Buchard came regarding a sign permit request for 9 South Street, the property owned by Richard Rothbard. The Kinderhook Group requested 3 signs. The Planning Board did not recommend approval as they are requesting too many signs. The Selectmen asked Louisa the specific locations for the signs. Louisa was not sure as Lisa Bouchard is the manager and unable to attend the meeting. The Selectmen agreed that their request for 3 signs would not meet the requirements. The Selectmen also wanted clarification of what was in the building as Mr. Rothbard had come before the Selectmen to change the use of the building to be 4 apartments and no office space. It was suggested that the discussion be continued. Representatives from the Council on Aging, Beth McCormack, director, Lillian Bender, Mary Boyce, Belle Fox-Martin and Ginger Schwartz (Diane Sheridan was away) came before the Selectmen to discuss preliminary plans and activities for the new Senior Center at the new Town Offices. The members had taken a tour of the new space and felt that it looks great and will be a wonderful space when it is completed. Possible activities suggested range from playing cards, yoga, classic film series, and computer classes. The flu clinics, transportation to appointments and Brown Bag meal will all continue. The COA would like to send the newsletter out to all seniors in the mail. Agnes Mulroy from Heaton Court felt that the Selectmen might need to think about hiring a part time driver in the future. The Selectmen informed them that they would have to work within this year’s budget. However, they were urged to think about it for next year’s budget. George opened the special permit hearing for Philip Newey and Patricia Boland for property at 2 Willard Hill Road by reading the legal notice. The applicant wishes to add two feet to a mudroom and entry, make the porch larger to allow for breakfast area windows. The property is located in the R-C zone. Application is made under section 6.1.2. Deb asked the lot size. Mr. Newy stated that the property is plus or minus 28,500 square feet, with the building size after the proposed addition would be 2126 square feet. There were no, comments from the abutters. George read the favorable recommendations from the Planning Board. Deb made a motion to approve the 3 foot addition to the building. Bobby seconded the motion. The Selectmen made the following findings: a. The application is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of this Bylaw, and in harmony with its general intent and purpose; and b. is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare at the proposed location; and c. will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood; and d. will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety; and e. will not overload any public water, drainage, or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use of any existing use in the immediate area or in any other area of the town will be unduly subjected to the hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. With the motion being made, seconded, and the finding approved, the application passed unanimously. Garfield Reed, host of open mic, and John Lippmann, owner of the Stockbridge Booksellers came to ask if they could block off Elm Street in front of the bookstore from 6 to 7:30 on September 26. The Selectmen were very concerned with the safety issues. The Chief of Police informed the Selectmen that he was not in favor of closing the street. The Selectmen informed Mr. Reed and Mr. Lippmann that they would not approve their request. Mr. Lippmann asked about a possible street festival where the merchants could be open for business, vendors could be in the street and possibly activities planned. The Selectmen suggested that he talk with the people on Elm Street and work out specific plans with Chief Wilcox and then return to a Selectmen’s meeting. Richard Koplin of 21 Hawthorne Road came before the Selectmen with his concern regarding noise pollution coming from Camp Mahkeenac. Mr. Koplin stated that some places have restrictions on the use of loud speakers, loud music and noisy congregations. Mr. Koplin felt that with all the new technology that the noise could be eliminated or reduced. The Selectmen urged Mr. Koplin to talk with the Camp to try to work it out. The Selectmen had encouraged White Pines residents to talk with Wheatleigh regarding fireworks and they worked it out. Stephen Krog, landscaper, came before the Selectmen to review plans for a special permit with the Planning Board for the Nancy Behrman property at 7 Butler Road. Ms. Behrman wishes to relocate the existing gravel driveway. The application under the Planning Board if made under 6.5, Lake and Pond Overlay. Mr. Krog stated that the present driveway location makes one feel as though they are driving into the house. The driveway would be gravel. They are planning to plant trees to shield the car lights from shining into the house. Bobby made a motion to recommend approval of the application as presented. Deb seconded the motion. The motion to recommend approval to the Planning Board was unanimous. The Selectmen announced that the Town received the second half rebate from the recyclable material from Waste Management and DEP in the amount of $10,875.12. Deb made a motion to adopt “A Resolution in Support of the Mass Recycles Paper! Campaign”. The resolution is as follows: A Resolution in Support of the Mass Recycles Paper! Campaign WHEREAS, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection estimates that the citizens and businesses of Massachusetts throw away 1.5 million tons of paper each year; and WHEREAS, it costs the taxpayers of Massachusetts an estimated $100 million per year to dispose of this paper; and WHEREAS, post-consumer paper is a valuable commodity that, when recycled, generates millions of dollars for cities, towns and businesses; and WHEREAS, recycling paper saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, recycling adds significantly to the Massachusetts economy through the creation of nearly 20,000 recycling industry jobs with a combined annual payroll of $557 million; and WHEREAS, many of the Commonwealth’s citizens and businesses are not aware of the broad spectrum of paper products that can be recycled instead of thrown away. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Stockbridge to: 1. Join Mass Recycle’s “Mass Recycles Paper!” Campaign by endeavoring to educate its citizens about the importance of recycling paper for environmental and economic reasons. 2. Encourage its residents to use the paper recycling services provided to the maximum extent possible. 3. Serve as a role model by recycling waste paper from all of its municipal offices. Bobby seconded the motion. The resolution was passed and adopted by the Board unanimously. With no other business, Bobby made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Deb seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was voted unanimously. A true copy, ATTEST: August 22, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Joe Kellogg-Project Manager and Jorja Marsden The Facilities Manager job description was reviewed. Joe is suggesting leaving the Louis Peyron tree where it is and omitting three parking spaces. He informed the Selectmen that he will be preparing the bids for the vaults and shelving as these two items are not on a state contract. The Selectmen set their meeting dates for September and October. With no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: August 29, 2007 Present: George Shippey, Deb McMenamy, Bobby Flower, Joe Kellogg and Jorja Marsden The Selectmen met with Project Manager, Joe Kellogg, to go over the rental bids which were received. Bids for rental space at the new Town Offices were received from the following: Fitzpatrick Trust, Chamber of Commerce, Riverbrook, Sarah Horne and Dr. Joseph Cooney. Deb recused herself from all discussion relating to rental space for the Fitzpatrick Trust, as she is an employee of Jack Fitzpatrick. Since Sarah Horne requested one of two spaces, Deb recused herself from spaces 001A and 006. Bobby made a motion to rent space 006 to Sarah Horne at $5.00 per square foot for one year. George seconded the motion. The vote was two in favor on space 006 at $5.00 per square foot for one year with one abstention. Bobby made a motion to approve space 001A to Fitzpatrick Trust at $5.00 per square foot for five years with an option for another five years. George seconded the motion. The motion to approve space 001A for the Fitzpatrick Trust was voted two in favor with one abstention. Deb made a motion to approve space 001 for the Chamber of Commerce at $5.00 per square foot for five years. Bobby seconded the motion. The motion to approve space 001 for the Chamber of Commerce was unanimous. Bobby made a motion to approve space 004 at $6.50 per square foot for a two five year lease for Riverbrook. Deb seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously voted. Deb made a motion to approve spaces 0018 and 0019 at $5.00 per square foot to Dr. Joseph Cooney for a lease of two five year terms. Bobby seconded the motion. The motion to rent spaces 0018 and 0019 to Dr. Cooney was unanimous. Joe went over change order #8 which consisted of miscellaneous gypsum board modifications, alarms and access panels at the condensing pumps to installation of the medallion (Town Seal). (A mosaic of the Town was crafted by Kimberly Bradway to fit about the new entrance of the new offices). Deb made a motion to approve change order #8 for $21,192. Bobby seconded the motion. The vote to approve change order #8 was unanimous. Deb made a motion to authorize Jorja to sign an agreement with Verizon allowing for a Centrex phone system at the new Town Offices. Bobby seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously voted. Bobby made a motion to seal the bees around the front door at the Town Offices building and to fix the room. Deb seconded the motion. The motion carried. With no other business the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. A true copy, ATTEST: