Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Ernie Lowell Description: Subject/Title: 2003-04-14 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version April 14, 2003 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Dave Gale-ATT, Keith Coppins-MetroTower, Brian Grossman-ATT, Thierry Colson-ATT, Simon Brighenti-T-Mobile, J. T. Buchar, ASTI, Joseph Forfa, David Maxson, Amy and Virginia Loveless, Gary Johnston, Mike Kulig-White Engineering, Marla Rea and Jorja Marsden Keith Coppins, Metro-Tower, for 15 West Stockbridge Road requested a continuation until April 28 as the information that was requested of him at the last meeting had just been received by him. A motion to continue was made by George. A second was received by Deb. The vote was unanimous. Simon Brightenti, T-Mobile, stated that he has an appointment with the Planning Board on April 22, 2003. He met with the Conservation Commission regarding jurisdiction of the Scenic Mountain Act. He stated that questions were raised as to the view, color and Mr. Maxson’s report. A question from Conservation Commission of a higher height was reviewed as a possibility for additional carriers and also colors. Simon developed what a tower would look like with different colors for the tower. Another balloon test was done at 180’ however the application at this time is 150’. It was noted that even at 180’ the balloon was only visible just at the entrance to the Club. The base and compound could be constructed so as to accommodate a 180’ tower in the future. The 180’ would definitely be better for all the carriers. The Selectmen continued the hearing until April 28, to receive the recommendations of the Planning Board. Deb read a thank you letter to the Police Department from Mort Cavanaugh and family for the medical assistance given Mrs. Cavanaugh, “their response was immediate and their actions were truly professional.” The special permit for the Fetcher’s continued until tonight was opened. The recommendation from the Planning Board was read into the record. The Planning Board approved the application as it met all applicable standards under Section 6.1.2c of the bylaws. Cris read the following findings for this special permit which was created by Attorney Hellman. The findings are as follows: The proposed use is in compliance with all provisions and requirements of the ZBL and is in harmony with their general intent and purpose, because the demolition and reconstruction is a permitted use by special permit and is in harmony with the general intent to allow for scrutinized reconstructions of prior nonconforming uses. The proposed use is desirable to the public convenience or welfare in that the site is also already being used for the same purpose and the change will enhance the visual appearance of the property, and no trees are being removed between the lake and the reconstructed house, and this project will increase the tax revenues for the Town. The proposed use will not be detrimental to adjacent uses or to the established or future character of the neighborhood because it will beautify the neighborhood significantly and is in keeping with the general appearance of the buildings in it vicinity and on the Stockbridge Bowl in general. The proposed change will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. Once again, this site is already being used for the same purpose as proposed and the traffic pattern will not change. The proposed change will not overload any public water, drainage or sewer system or any other municipal facility to such an extent that the proposed use or any existing use will be unduly subjected to hazards affecting public health, safety or general welfare. The premises is served by a private water supply and existing passing septic; there is no addition of bedrooms, and the area is designated for town sewer installation in the foreseeable future. The reconstruction will not be in greater nonconformity with open space, yard, height, and off-street parking requirements or any other requirement of ZBL as the lot coverage, front, side and rear yard setbacks, height and parking requirements are within the allowances permitted by the ZBL and as to the setback from the Stockbridge Bowl, the proposed structure is less nonconforming (i.e. not in greater nonconformity) than the existing structure; and furthermore the proposed reconstruction will not be more detrimental than the pre-existing non-conforming structure or use to the neighborhood in that it will be an improvement to the neighborhood to have a beautiful new structure to replace the existing failing structure. A motion was made by George to accept the findings as presented. A second was received from Deb. The vote to accept the findings was unanimous. George made a motion to accept the application with the condition that no construction will be between July 1 and Labor Day, no construction on Sundays in the fall, winter and spring months. All construction work can start before 9:00 a.m. A second was received from Deb. The vote to approve the application with the conditions was unanimous. Mike Kulig, White Engineering and Marla Rea of 18 Pine Street came to request an easement through the Youth Building property for drainage from their property and to connect to the sewer. Water for the property will be connected from Pine Street. The Selectmen will check with Clint Schneyer, Highway Superintendent regarding this. It was noted that Mr. Vernon Reuss an abutter to the Youth Building property, has agreed for the Reas to acquire an easement across his property to be connected to the requested proposed easement at the Youth Building. The Selectmen stated concerns they have received from the neighbors, Mr. Valenti and the Markovitz’s. A letter received today from the Markovitz’s was read into the record. Mr. Markovitz stated that an easement on his property would not be feasible. The Lt. Governor at a meeting in Great Barrington, Friday stated that the Town’s mitigation dollars would be $50,000 not $287,000 as first thought. Cris is outraged. Deb stated that the school is getting the short end of the deal, this is miserable for the school district. George stated that the school looses as far as Stockbridge is concerned as we had pledged most of our mitigation dollars to the school. With no other business the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: