Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Ernie Lowell Description: Subject/Title: 2003-03-31 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... March 31, 2003 Present: Cris Irsfeld, Deb McMenamy, George Shippey, Joe Ruggio, Charles Tenney, Sharon Terry, R. J. McDonald, Attorney David Hellman, Thomas Stokes, Derek Gentile-Berkshire Eagle, David McCarthy, Jeff and Metta Burpee, Shari and Ben Northrup, Jorja Marsden Sharon Terry came to inform the Town about a Federal grant that Fairview Hospital with Berkshire County Board of Health received to establish a Medical Reserve Corps. The Medical Reserve Corp provides health professionals and other an organized mechanism through which they can volunteer their time and skills to strengthen their communities by preparing for and responding to large scale emergencies. Deb McMenamy has volunteered to organize the group in Stockbridge. Volunteers were asked to call Town Hall if they would like to volunteer. George asked about the liability for medical personnel. Sharon stated that the State is working on this. Cris emphasized that there would be a place for everyone not just medical volunteers. Sharon was asked to come back to our meeting on April 14 at 7:00 p.m. Residents of Devon Road, Charles Tenney, Mr. and Mrs. Burfee and Mr. and Mrs. Northrup, came to ask permission to look into having the Town of Lee furnish them water. For years, the water table has not been very good, the pressure is low each day. The line is approximately ½ mile from the Town line. Cris stated that he has been in contact with Ken LeBeir from the Town of Lee to see if it would be permissible for this extension. Mr. LeBeir will be doing flow testing etc. and will report back to the Town. Mr. Tenney thought that it would be appropriate for the properties owners to pay for the material, and that the Highway Department could install the material, has had been done in the Furnace District section of Town. After consulting with the Highway Superintendent, Clinton Schneyer, the Selectmen stated that it would be up to the people on Devon to divide the cost (material and labor for installation) of the extension among all the properties to be extended. The Selectmen will check with Town Counsel regarding the amendment to the municipal agreement that we have with Lee to see if we need to have a warrant article on the Annual Town Meeting. Tom Stokes and David McCarthy, the Selectmen’s representatives to the Community Preservation Committee, came to present the committees final report for proposals. Tom and David thanked the members, especially Michael Blay, Assessor’s representative who was very helpful. The budget for the Community Preservation including a 100% match from the State will be $129,362. The proposals are as follows: $50,000-Affordable Housing, $50,000-Historic Preservation, and $25,000 for Open Space with the balance to be held over. The special permit application for Debra Fetcher was opened with the reading of the legal notice. Ms. Fetcher would like to demolish the existing structures (including the dwelling, shed and garage) provide a foundation, basement, and crawl space, construct a new dwelling and add an additional story to create a two-story dwelling thereon. The property is in an R-2 zone. Application is made under 6.1.2. It was noted that the applicant would be going to the Conservation Commission and Planning Board on April 8. The percent of coverage will go from 5.8 to 8.8 and will be a two an a half story house. Letters of support were read into the record from Christine Jackson, Gary Kleinerman, and Alice Kandell. Dr. Eli Einbinder requested that a provision be placed on the permit that there be no noise producing work done on a Saturday and Sunday, and on weekdays not before 9:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. Dr. Einbinder also stated that he did not wish to interfere with their plans, but felt that the guidelines he proposed if not made would cause considerable misery for their close neighbors. Mr. McDonald stated that he thought that work would not be started until September. The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved a recommendation to the Planning Board to approve the application under the Lake and Pond Overlay. A motion was made by George to continue the hearing for the recommendation of the Planning Board. A second was received from Deb. The vote to continue was unanimous. Ira Bender, Treasurer, for the last six years died suddenly on March 26. He is sorely missed by everyone. Ira did a great job as Treasurer and will be tremendously missed by the Town Hall Family. With no other business the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. A true copy, ATTEST: