Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Planning Board Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: October 26, 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD OCTOBER 26, 2004 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: All present. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Minutes of the October 12th meeting were reviewed and Member Hobbs moved to approve them as submitted. Member Pitney seconded, and the motion carried 6-0, with one abstention. Chairman Rose distributed Town Counsel’s opinion on the issue of the upcoming sewer hookups around Stockbridge Bowl. The Board had asked for his input on whether this project fell under a “municipal activity” as exempt from requiring a LPOD Special Permit. Town Counsel believed it was not a land use activity, and not a municipal activity, and in his opinion it was exempt. The Board will forward a copy of his opinion to White Engineering, the project manager for the homeowners’ hookups. The Board continued its review of the Form A application of St. Paul’s Church, originally submitted on October 12. At that meeting, the Board found that the plan lacked required information, and refused to accept it as a complete plan. The new plan included the required information, namely the approximate acreage and frontage of the Plant’s land after the plot is conveyed to the church. With no further discussion, Member Bartle moved to approve the Form A Application for St. Paul’s Church as resubmitted, Member Hobbs seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. Stone Ridge Associates representatives Darrin Harris and Robert Leveque appeared for the completeness review of the Definitive Subdivision Plan. A new application and plan was resubmitted on October 25th with the missing information discovered during the initial review of the application in early October. Member Plakun moved to consider the application of Stone Ridge Associates submitted on October 25th as a complete application. Member Blau seconded. Member Coates asked to see the changes on the plans, to verify that they had actually been made. Mr. Harris quickly showed the Board the required information. With no further discussion, the role call vote proceeded as follows: Rose – yes Blau – yes Plakun – yes Bartle – yes Hobbs – yes Pitney – yes Coates – yes Chairman Rose then reopened the Stone Ridge Associates LPOD Special Permit public hearing, continued from October 12th due to the lack of a full Board to review it. In discussions with the applicant and Town Counsel, an agreement had been reached to have a combined public hearing presentation on both the LPOD and the Subdivision on November 23rd. Member Coates moved to continue the LPOD public hearing to November 23rd, Member Hobbs seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Rose then opened the public hearing on the proposed Subdivision Regulation amendments. As much as the Board feels these amendments are important and timely, it would make more sense to continue the public hearing for input until after the Stone Ridge application is voted on. Member Blau moved to continue the public hearing until January 25, 2005, which is a regularly scheduled meeting. Member Hobbs seconded, and the motion carried. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.