Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: May 10, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD MAY 10, 2005 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: All present. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Rose publicly thanked Member Bartle for taking minutes at the April 26th meeting, as the board secretary was out of town. Minutes of that meeting were reviewed and changes suggested. Member Bartle moved to approve them as amended, Member Plakun seconded, and the motion carried. Chairman Rose read to the board additional material that had been submitted for the Osprey Lane subdivision that had been approved at the April 26th meeting. The applicant is working with Town Counsel on an appropriate performance guarantee for infrastructure work. At 7:35 p.m. Chairman Rose opened the public hearing on the Definitive Subdivision Plan application of Haldor Reinholt for land on Mahkeenac Rd. He then immediately recused himself, as did Member Hobbs, because they are both abutters to the property. Member Bartle read the public hearing notice into the record. At issue with the application was the fact that the applicant was initially reluctant to pay for the independent consultant the Board had chosen to do a peer review. Lori Robbins, who represented Mr. Reinholt, asked if another consultant, maybe from Springfield, could be used. It seemed that Scott Horsley, the Board’s choice, had submitted an expensive estimate, in the applicant’s opinion. After a brief discussion, several Board members agreed that since they had worked with Mr. Horsley before, they were more comfortable using him again instead of a new consultant. The Board also agreed that this should not go out to bid, as it would take more time than subdivision law allows for a decision. Mr. Reinholt agreed to work with Mr. Horsley, and also agreed in writing to extend the 90-day deadline to 90 days from the date of this meeting. The public hearing was then continued until July 26, 2005 at 7:35 p.m. At 8:15 p.m. Chairman Rose opened the public hearing for the multifamily development special permit application of the Shei’rah Foundation at 26 East St. Member Bartle read the public hearing notice into the record. Ms. Robbins explained that the lot in question had two existing buildings, one a single family and one two family. There is no permit or certificate of occupancy for the two family dwelling. The Foundation wants to sell this lot, and can’t until the issue is cleared up. Member Plakun asked if the special permit is for a two family or a three family in the building, and Ms. Robbins said the Foundation wanted permission to make it a three family. As the Board reviewed the application it found that the lot size was too small under the provisions of the multifamily special permit. In addition, Town Counsel has determined that the Foundation should go for a variance from the ZBA for the dimensional requirements first, and then come to the Planning Board for this special permit. A short discussion ensued about an applicant coming to the Board asking for permission to allow an illegal use after the fact, and indeed extending the density of the use on a small lot. As the Board started to debate the language of a motion on this application, Ms. Robbins brought up the fact that there was a mistake in the public hearing notice; this would require re-advertising the public hearing, and make these deliberations moot. Public hearing was continued until June 28th so the notice could be re-advertised. [Since this meeting, Ms. Robbins has withdrawn this application without prejudice and will reapply under a different section of the bylaws before May 23.] With no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.