Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 4, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD JANUARY 4, 2005 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Doug Rose, Eric Plakun, Barbara Cohen Hobbs, Gary Pitney, Bob Bartle ABSENT: Paul Coates, Allan Blau Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Minutes of the December 14th meeting were reviewed and Member Hobbs moved to approve them as submitted. Member Pitney seconded, and the motion carried. At 7:37 p.m. Chairman Rose opened the public hearing for the LPOD Special Permit application of Birnhak at 11 Mahkeenac Road. The property is in the R-2 Zone and is also with the LPOD. Pam Sandler appeared for the applicants and opened by explaining that the Birnhaks were granted a special permit in 2004 for the bed and master bath addition, the second floor renovations and the new deck. The application was to get permission to put a foundation under the existing house and to lower the grade on the parking area. The existing house is on piers, and the applicants felt that if the addition was getting a knee wall foundation that the existing home should as well. The driveway and parking regrade project is to minimize a retaining wall that will have to be constructed on the north side of the property. The project is entirely within the LPOD. Member Plakun asked for the elevations of the regarded areas. Ms. Sandler said that it would drop the elevation four to five feet, and that the excavated soil would be removed from the site. Ms. Sandler further explained that the elevation change was necessary because the new addition comes right up to the hill and no windows could be installed in the new master bedroom. Chairman Rose felt that the applicants had created their own hardship by building an addition in a location that would then require lots of regrading to let in light. The Board and Ms. Sandler came to the agreement to continue the public hearing until February 8th to allow Ms. Sandler to amend her application. The Board requested more information on how the soil remaining on site was being redistributed, exactly how much dirt was being removed, and what the grade of the new driveway will be after the work is done. Kevin Kinne appeared before the Board to review a 6.1.2 Special Permit application for Austen Riggs on Main Street. Member Plakun recused himself from the proceedings. The application is for renovations to a building on Pine St. that does not meet setback requirements. When originally built in the 1800s it was an office, and then it was converted to housing in the 1970s. Austen Riggs would like to make it office space again, and would be moving the current on street parking to a parking area on-site. Plans call for no major exterior renovations; a wall is replacing the existing garage door and the old breezeway between the house and garage will be extended 100 square feet. The project will not threaten maximum lot density. The new entrance to the building will be from the main campus, not the street. Chairman Rose commented that with the parking move, it would actually decrease the intensity of the use at the street. With no further discussion, Member Bartle moved to recommend approval of the application as submitted to the Selectmen because these changes are allowed under Section 6.1.2. Member Hobbs seconded, and the motion carried. Marilyn Nejaime and Carolyn Jeffrey appeared before the Board for an informal discussion regarding the relocation of their business, VIP Travel, to Mrs. Nejaime’s home. They plan on downsizing the business and will use one room of Mrs. Nejaime’s home on Park St. With the nature of the travel business changing, there is little to no foot traffic, and there would be no need for a sign. The current driveway holds four cars, and there is parking on the street as well. Member Plakun felt that this proposal would fall under Section 6.19.4 Type II, Home Occupations, and would require a special permit. Mrs. Nejaime indicated she would start the paperwork immediately because her current space is for sale. Board secretary submitted a draft FY’06 budget for approval. The overall budget is decreasing by $200 this year, with small increases in postage due to a rate increase scheduled for later this year. Member Hobbs moved to approve, Member Bartle seconded, and the motion carried. The Board briefly discussed the draft Historic Demolition bylaw that had been sent to the board members over the holidays. Member Plakun was concerned that as written, virtually every building permit would need to be changed, and that the timeframes were too tight. He suggested inviting Carl Sprague in on Feb. 8th to discuss it. At 8:30 p.m. Member Hobbs moved that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss litigation, Member Bartle seconded, and the Board voted as follows: Rose – yes Bartle – yes Plakun – yes Hobbs – yes Pitney – yes At 8:40 p.m. Member Hobbs moved that the Board leave Executive Session, Member Bartle seconded, and the Board voted as follows: Rose – yes Bartle – yes Plakun – yes Hobbs – yes Pitney – yes With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.