Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 8, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD FEBRUARY 8, 2005 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: All present. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Minutes of the Jan. 25th meeting were reviewed and changes suggested. Member Bartle moved to approve them as amended, Member Hobbs seconded, and the motion carried. At 7:35 p.m. the Board opened the public hearing on the Special Permit application of VIP Travel with Member Bartle reading the legal notice into the record. The application is under Section 6.19.4 Type II Home Occupations. Marilyn Nejaime would like to relocate her travel agency into one room of her home on Park St., which is in the RC Zone. There was no abutter input at all, and the Selectmen recommended approval as submitted. The existing driveway is 125 feet long, with more than enough space for Mrs. Nejaime’s and her sister’s car (her only employee). She explained that the nature of the travel industry is such that there is rarely foot traffic; everything is done online or through the mail now. Member Plakun asked if they would be requesting a sign, and was told no. Mrs. Nejaime said that her business was built, and is sustained, by word of mouth. Member Plakun asked if they felt there was adequate parking, and they said yes. He then asked how wide the driveway was. Mrs. Nejaime said it was one car width wide. Chairman Rose read the required findings to the Board. Member Plakun then moved to approve the Special Permit application for VIP Travel under Section 6.19.4 Type II because it will not be detrimental to the neighborhood, it meets all provisions of the bylaw, and it will not create undue traffic or pedestrian issues, with the condition that the current off street parking is adequate to meet the demand of customers, and that there is no external evidence of a business. Member Pitney seconded, and the vote was recorded as follows: Rose – yes Plakun – yes Bartle – yes Pitney – yes Hobbs – yes Blau – yes Coates – yes The Board then briefly discussed new business. Chairman Rose informed the Board that Town Counsel had promised to have Scott Horsley’s report by this date; when Chairman Rose left his office at 5:30 p.m. it had not arrived yet. He proposed to email it to Board members as soon as he received it. A copy would be forwarded to the Town Clerk, and could be obtained from her as well. It was determined that if the Board did not vote on the Stone Ridge application on Feb. 15th, the next time all seven members would be available was April. At 8:05 p.m. the Board reopened the continued LPOD Special Permit public hearing on Birnhak. In January it was determined that a large amount of fill was proposed to be removed to lower the parking area and provide more window area for the new addition. Pam Sandler agreed to return with a modified plan. She presented a modified plan that drastically reduced the amount of soil to be removed. On the new plan, the current driveway would not be modified at all. The new parking area’s grade is dropping 1 foot, not 5 feet as on the original plan. Instead of the original retaining wall to hold back the hill near the parking area, geowebbing is being used. This will allow for a more natural, sloping hill instead of a severe drop off. There is now no soil being removed for the parking area; any soil being excavated for the foundation is being reused on site. She added that the applicant is aware that the new plan may not allow for any windows in the bedroom as originally planned. Member Plakun went through the LPOD regulations, and it was found that the timing schedule was inadequate. The proposed lot coverage will stay below 10%, and the floor area is also below 10%. After a brief discussion about decision options, Member Plakun moved to approve the Birnhak LPOD Special Permit as amended on February 8, 2005 because it seems to meet all applicable requirements and it will not adversely affect public health, safety or the environment, with the understanding that there will be no application or discharge of pollutants, pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers, and on the condition that the applicant submits a timing schedule consistent with Section 6.5.8 within 7 days. Member Bartle seconded, and the motion was recorded as follows: Rose – yes Plakun – yes Bartle – yes Pitney – yes Hobbs – yes Blau – abstained because absent at start of public hearing Coates – abstained because absent at start of public hearing Mr. John Campetti appeared with a Form A application for Austen Riggs on Main Street. The organization owns 6 lots. It would like to put an addition on a building; currently it would not meet sideyard setbacks. To remedy this, it would like to convey Parcel A to Lot 1 to add acreage and thus allowing for proper setbacks. Chairman Rose read the definition of a subdivision and commented that this seems to just be a boundary line adjustment, not a subdivision of land. Member Coates asked for a clarification of Lot 1 on the plan and was also shown the remaining acreage notation after the conveyance. With no further discussion, Member Pitney moved to approve the Form A application as submitted, Member Blau seconded, and the motion carried 6-0 with Member Plakun abstaining because he is an employee of Austen Riggs. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.