Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: December 13, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 2005 MINUTES PRESENT: All present. 1. Meeting called to order @ 7:30 p.m. 2. Minutes of 11/8/05 unanimously approved as submitted by the Secretary. 3. LPOD SP PUBLIC HEARING – APPLICATION OF GREENBERG (34 Lake Drive). Public hearing opened. Applicant represented by Pam Sandler AIA. Applicant seeks LPOD SP on reconstruction / enclosure of existing outdoor deck area & recommendation on §6.1.2 approval. After closure of hearing on application (Prof. Berkman – abutter – present, voicing no objection), Mbr. Plakun moves to approve LPOD SP with provisos & findings from §§6.3.6 & 6.5.6, and additionally no excavation or discharge of wastewater, etc. per §6.5.5; Mbr. Hobbs seconds; motion carries unanimously. Mbr. Plakun further moves to recommend approval of application under §6.1.2; Mbr Hobbs seconds; motion carries unanimously. 4. LPOD SP PUBLIC HEARING – CONT'D – KAMPOOSA CLEARING (East Street). Public hearing reopened. Applicant represented by Shawn Leary, Esq. Applicant withdraws request for two-family renovation to former single-family dwelling & proposes to change paving material from asphalt to gravel. After closure of hearing on application (no abutters present), Mbr. Plakun moves to recommend §6.1.2(c) & §4.4 approval, provided that use is not extended beyond single family use for reconstructed dwelling. Mbr. Hobbs seconds; motion carries unanimously (Mbrs. Coates & Rose not participating). Mbr. Plakun further moves to approve LPOD SP with provisos & findings from §§6.3.6 & 6.5.6, and additionally no excavation or discharge of wastewater, etc. per §6.5.5; Mbr. Hobbs seconds; motion carries unanimously. 5. DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING – CONT'D – APPLICATION OF REINHOLT (Mahkeenac Road). Public hearing reopened. Applicant represented by Lori Robbins, Esq. Consultant's concerns addressed by applicant to satisfaction of SPB. Name changed on subdivision plans to "Indian Meadows". After closure of public hearing (no abutters present), Mbr. Bartle moves to approve subdivision, as amended and revised, with waivers recommended in application. Mbr. Blau seconds; motion carries (Mbrs. Pitney, Bartle, Plakun & Blau – YEA; Mbr. Coates – NAY; Mbrs. Hobbs & Rose not participating). Mylar plan of subdivision endorsed. 6. MISCELLANEOUS NEW BUSINESS – Allan Wallach appears to request direction on non-conforming lot (substandard area) purchased in Mahkeenac Heights. Board recommends matter be taken before Zoning Board for variance on lot size, as lot area dimensional matters are not within SPB jurisdiction. 7. BUDGET – SPB unanimously recommends across-the-board increases in budget of ten per cent (10%) for FY 2006. 8. SECRETARY – SPB unanimously delegates to Mbr. Rose task of recommendation of applicants to Selectmen. 9. CPC REPRESENTATIVE – Mbr. Rose volunteers as nominee for a second consecutive term. Unanimously approved. 10. MEETING ADJOURNED c.9:10 p.m.