Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: April 26, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD APRIL 26, 2005 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Doug Rose, Eric Plakun, Gary Pitney, Paul Coates, Bob Bartle and Allan Blau ABSENT: Barbara Cohen Hobbs Meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. Minutes of the April 12th meeting were reviewed, and Member Plakun moved to approve them as submitted. Member Blau seconded, and the motion carried. At 7:35 p.m. the Board opened the public hearing on the Definitive Subdivision Plan for property owned by Hirshberg on Route 183. Mr. Hirshberg proposes a three-lot subdivision, with one lot to remain his with an existing house. Mr. David Hellman appeared on behalf of his client, along with representatives from B.E.K. Engineers. Mr. Hellman began his presentation by submitting modified subdivision plans. At the suggestion of the Board, he had notified the town’s 911 agency about the name of the proposed road, and the town denied the original name of “Fox Lane.” New plans include the name “Osprey Lane”, which has been approved by 911. Mr. Hellman also submitted letters from the Fire Chief and Police Chief that stated the proposed road will not create access issues for emergency personnel or equipment. Police Chief Wilcox also requested that a stop sign requirement and a clear line of sight be maintained at the intersection of Route 183, which Mr. Hellman said the applicant would agree to. Mr. Hellman submitted a “Declaration of Trust” regarding maintenance of the subdivision road, which will be a covenant to the deeds of Hirshberg and future lot owners. The application asks for two waivers from the subdivision regulations: 1) the width of the traveled way be reduced from 24’ to 16’; and 2) replacing granite lot monuments with iron rods or pipe. Member Plakun was concerned about development on the west side of Stockbridge Bowl and discussion ensued regarding the ability to develop other lots near Hirshberg’s. Member Plakun suggested a conversation with Town Counsel might be appropriate regarding density, which could be addressed in upcoming subdivision revisions. With no further discussion, Member Plakun moved to close the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. Member Coates seconded, and the vote was recorded as follows: Rose – yes Plakun – yes Coates – yes Pitney – yes Blau – yes Bartle – yes Member Plakun wanted more information about the impact of potential growth on the west side of Stockbridge Bowl before voting on the waivers. Member Blau moved to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan of Osprey Lane as modified with the requested waivers of road width and marker material, pending receipt of a list of the number of lots located on the west side of the lake east of route 183 with acreage of 8 or more acres. Member Bartle seconded, and the voted was recorded as follows: Rose – yes Plakun – yes Coates – no Pitney – yes Blau – yes Bartle – yes Lori Robbins appeared before the Board to informally ask some questions prior to the public hearing for her clients, the Shei-rah Foundation. The Board directed her to Town Counsel. At 8:45 p.m. Member Plakun moved to adjourn, Member Blau seconded, and the motion carried.