Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: April 24, 2007 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... Stockbridge Planning Board April 24, 2007 MINUTES Present: Chairman, Doug Rose, Eric Plakun, Robert Bartle, Eugene Talbot, Paul Coates, and Gary Pitney Absent: Barbara Cohen Hobbs Member Bartle made a motion to approve the minutes of April 10, 2007 as written. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 6-0. A public hearing was opened at 7:30 P.M. to consider amending the Zoning Bylaws by adding a new definition to Section 2.2 Temporary Structure and adding a new Section 4.11.B.23 Accessory Uses. Member Bartle made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:40 P.M. This motion was seconded by Member Talbot and was unanimously approved, 6-0. It was suggested that the board consult Town Counsel regarding amending the bylaw to deal with grandfathering temporary structures. Member Bartle made a motion to recommend adoption of the bylaw amendment to Town Meeting. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved. 6-0. Attorney David Hellman represented Bruce Rubin in a request for a special permit under Section 6.5 (LPOD). The application is for the demolition and reconstruction of a single family dwelling and attached one bay garage. The existing lot and structure are within the 150 ft. Lake and Pond Overlay District of Stockbridge Bowl. The property is located at 29 Mahkeenac Terrace in the R-2 zoning district. The property currently consists of a single family dwelling, nonconforming with respect to: frontage, it has approximately 100 feet of frontage rather than the required 250 feet; acreage, it has approximately .38 acres rather than the 2 acres currently required; and with respect to the setback requirements; northerly, easterly, and westerly. The proposed lot coverage will 11%, which is greater than the permitted 10% but still less nonconforming than the existing 11.9% lot coverage. The total floor area ratio to lot size will be 19.9%, which is less than the permissible 20% allowed. The projected completion time for this project is 7 months. There will be no construction closer to the mean high water. There will be no cutting of vegetation within 35 feet of the mean high water. Attorney Hellman stated that during the excavation of the foundation there would be an accumulation of between 90 to 110 cubic yards of soil that they would like to be able to remove from the site. Attorney Hellman stressed that there was no benefit to regrading the site with this soil. Member Plakun stated that maybe the intent of the LPOD bylaw was that no new foundations are built. Attorney Hellman stated they have met all the requirements of submission under Section 6.5.8 and Section 6.5.9. Member Bartle made a motion to close this hearing at 8:10 P.M. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approve, 6-0. Member Coates made a motion to disapprove the application on the basis that there was no information provided of soil infiltration rates and stormwater calculations. Member Plakun requested that the applicant provide examples of projects within the LPOD where piers were replaced with a foundation. This public hearing was continued to May 9, 2007 at 7:45 P.M. The public hearing was opened at 8:10 P.M. to consider amending the Zoning Bylaws by striking from Section 2.2 thereof the definition of Building Height and replacing it with a new definition and adding to Section 5.5 a new footnote. Member Bartle made a motion to close the public hearing at 8:15 P.M. This motion was seconded by Member Coates and was unanimously approved, 6-0. There were no comments or deliberations on the zoning amendment. Member Pitney made a motion to recommend this article to Town Meeting. Member Bartle seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 6-0. The board reviewed permanent sign permit applications for Home Thoughts From Abroad. The business is located at 44 Main Street. Sign A is an existing building directory sign with a space for a sign 36" by 11". Sign B is an existing frame for a small sign 13" by 18". Sign C is for a sign 36" by 16" raised 14 ft above the alley and visible from the street. Sign D is for a 24" by 24" freestanding sign. The board was in agreement that sign D was not in compliance with the bylaws. Member Plakun made a motion to recommend approval of signs A, B, and C which seem to meet the requirements under Section 6.8.3d(2) &(3). Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 6-0. Member Pitney made a motion to adjourn this meeting at 9:00 P.M. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 4-0. Respectfully submitted, Jaimy Messana Stockbridge Planning Board Secretary