Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: April 12, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... STOCKBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD APRIL 12, 2005 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Doug Rose, Eric Plakun, Barbara Cohen Hobbs, Paul Coates, and Bob Bartle ABSENT: Gary Pitney, and Allan Blau Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. While waiting for Member Plakun to arrive, Member Hobbs moved to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, Member Coates seconded, and the Board voted as follows: Rose – yes Hobbs – yes Coates – yes Bartle – yes At 7:35 p.m. Member Hobbs moved to leave Executive Session and continue it later in the meeting, Member Coates seconded, and the Board voted as follows: Rose – yes Hobbs – yes Coates – yes Bartle – yes Minutes of the March 29th meeting were reviewed and Member Coated moved to approve them as submitted, Member Hobbs seconded, and the motion carried. Kevin Kinne, Steven Mack and Chauncey Collins appeared for a review of the Austen Riggs special permit to construct a new community center on its campus. Member Plakun recused himself from the review of this application. Mr. Kinne began by giving an overview presentation on the organization’s long-range master plan. He showed existing conditions and then explained the phases planned. Member Coates asked what “long-range” was in terms of these plans, and was told it would 10 years, if at all, for phase 3 to be addressed. The first phase is the new community center and work on the Elms House that has already been approved. There is funding in place already for this work. The second phase would be to establish the Erickson Institute on the property, which would include classes, workshops, events, etc. Additional parking would be needed to accommodate visitors for this. Mr. Kinne explained that new parking is eventually planned for the edges of the property because Austen Riggs is trying to create a green space area at the center and rear of the property. Member Hobbs asked how tall the highest point of the new community center would be. Mr. Kinne said it would be 34’; the special permit for height is because the existing Inn building is already at 39’ so any work to a preexisting non-conforming building requires a special permit. Other special permit sections Austen Riggs is applying under is Health Care Facility. Member Coates asked why the organization is applying for a permit for something that is already permitted and ongoing. Mr. Kinne said that they just wanted to be very thorough so there would be no chance for appeal. The plans also call for renovations to a screened in porch on the Inn; the new porch will not be higher than the existing one. The final portion of the application is for a special permit to allow shared parking across lot lines. The property is split into two parcels and a reconfigured parking area straddles that lot line. There is no change to the number of spaces, which currently numbers 140. Member Hobbs asked how many cars are on campus now, and was told between 120 – 130. The property is served by town water and sewer. With the renovations, there could be a few additional beds, but they (and the community center) will only generate 340 more gallons of volume per day. Member Bartle asked about trees being cut on the front of the property to accommodate the new building. Mr. Mack said that three trees near the back of the Inn would be removed, but an extensive planting plan will help shield the building from the street. The Board was assured that the trees lining the driveway would not be cut down. With no further discussion, Member Coates moved to recommend approval to the Selectmen of the application as submitted, Member Hobbs seconded, and the vote was recorded as follows: Rose – yes Coates – yes Hobbs – yes Bartle – present Plakun – recused After the applicant left, Member Plakun urged Planning Board members to attend the public hearing with the Selectmen on April 25th to voice their personal opinions about the aesthetics of the building design. At 8:15 p.m. Member Hobbs moved to go back into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, Member Bartle seconded and the Board voted as follows: Rose – yes Hobbs – yes Plakun – yes Bartle – yes Coates – yes At 8:20 p.m. Member Hobbs moved to leave Executive Session, Member Bartle seconded and the Board voted as follows: Rose – yes Hobbs – yes Plakun – yes Bartle – yes Coates – yes With no further business, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.