Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: April 10, 2007 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Stockbridge Planning Board April 10, 2007 MINUTES Present: Chairman, Doug Rose, Barbara Cohen Hobbs, Eugene Talbot, and Gary Pitney Absent: Robert Bartle, Eric Plakun, and Paul Coates Member Hobbs made a motion to approve the minutes of March 27, 2007 as written. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 4-0. Berkshire Country Day School is applying for a sign permit for a 574 permanent sign with a 105 detachable sign to be hung underneath. This sign is for a single business under Section 6.8.3.d.1. Member Hobbs made a motion to recommend approval of the sign to the Board of Selectmen under Section 6.8.2.b with the condition that the sign mounted on the bottom of the permanent sign is to be used on occasion and not to exceed a period of more than one week at a time under Section 6.8.2.d. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 4-0. Attorney David Hellman represented Sherwood L. and Judith A. Gorbach in a request for a special permit under Section 6.5 (LPOD). The application is for an addition and renovation to a existing single family home. The existing lot and structure are within the 150 ft. Lake and Pond Overlay District of Stockbridge Bowl. The proposal is to add an addition to the kitchen on the "road side" of the house and replace an existing deck with an enclosed one story sunroom on the lake side of the house. The property is located at 23 Mahkeenac Terrace in the R-2 zoning district. The lot is nonconforming with respect to footage, it has approximately 68 feet of frontage rather than the requirement, which is 250 feet, and acreage it has approximately .35 acres rather than 2 acre requirement. The structure is nonconforming in respect to setback requirements on the north, east and westerly side of the existing dwelling. The proposed lot coverage will be 9.9%, less than the 10% lot coverage permitted and the total floor area ratio to lot size will be approximately 14.5% less the permissible 20% allowed. They also propose to reconfigure the existing gravel parking area to allow easier access to the new proposed addition. The project is proposed to be built in two stages. Construction of the new spa room with foundation drain will commence in Spring 2007 with estimated completion time 4.5 months. The construction of the new kitchen addition, remodel interior and reconfigure parking driveway will commence in the Fall 2007 with estimated completion time 6 months. The project would involve regrading the site with the 60 cubic yards of fill accumulated from the foundation excavation as a requirement of the LPOD bylaw. Mark Volk, Foresight Land Services stated that there would be a lot less environmental damage and impact to the site if they were allowed to remove the fill off the site. Member Hobbs made a motion to close this public hearing at 8:10 P.M. Member Talbot seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 4-0. Member Talbot made a motion to adopt the findings and approve the Special Permit for Sherwood L and Judith A, Gorbach under Section 6.5 with the condition that the applicant can remove the materials from the site from the foundation excavation and subject to receipt of an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission. Member Hobbs seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 4-0. Member Pitney made a motion to adjourn this meeting at 8:30 P.M. Member Hobbs seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved, 4-0. Respectfully submitted, Jaimy Messana Stockbridge Planning Board Secretary