Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: results Description: Subject/Title: Voting Results of Special Town Meeting 10/17/2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version SPECIAL TOWN MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2005 The meeting was called to order at 6:50pm and dissolved at 8:50pm. There were 187 voters in attendance. Margaret Tracy and Judy Spencer were the check-in clerks and the Moderator was Gary Johnston. Article 1: I move that the Town vote to transfer from Water Available Surplus a sum of $10,800 for water pipes, fittings and related water expenses, including a survey of Buck Lane. YES – 185 NO – 0 Article 2: I move that the Town vote to transfer from Town Hall Expenses a sum of $8,000 to the Town Hall Janitorial Salary line and a sum of $2,500 to the Employee Insurance line. YES – 185 NO – 0 Article 3: I move that the Town vote to retain ownership of the Plain School. YES – 157 NO – 8 Article 4: I move that the Town vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to take necessary and appropriate steps to renovate the Plain School both for municipal purposes including Town offices and for lease to compatible governmental or private entities. Call the Vote: YES – 150 NO – 4 Vote: YES – 147 NO – 13 Article 5: I move that the Town vote to transfer from Certified Free Cash a sum of $595,000 for the costs of hiring a project manager and preparing architectural plans and for other costs associated with the renovation of the Plain School, and Town Hall. Call the Vote: YES – 150 NO – 4 Vote: YES – 145 NO – 15