Message Mon, Dec 23, 2002 8:43 AM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 12/11/02 STOCKBRIDGE PLAIN SCHOOL REUSE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING December 11, 2002 PRESENT: Tom Arienti, Tim Geller, Larry Kurber, Donald Oakes, Jack Spencer, Sue Tracy, Deb McMenamy and George Shippey ABSENT: Les Rathbun, Joe Ruggio, Clint Schneyer, Rosie Schneyer and Everett L. Jassy Next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 8th, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Jack Spencer presided. Topics of Discussion: Web Site: Sue Tracy confirmed that a link for the Reuse Committee was setup on the Town of Stockbridge web site ( All committee members' names and meeting minutes are posted on this site. Zoning: After having taken a tour through the Plain School, Tom Arienti described the building from an architect's perspective. Tom described the building as an “unprotected” wood building that appears to be in “good shape” with a lot of square feet. Tom also discussed the zoning bylaws. Tom reported that the current zoning of the school, residential, will not allow for a mixed use of the building. A “use variance” would be necessary to change the zoning bylaws- however, The Board of Appeals can not grant “use variances”. If the committee recommends the school for commercial use, then the Town of Stockbridge needs to change the zoning of the school building from a residential zone to a business zone. Visits: Several members of the committee toured a renovated school building in the town of Monson. The school building was renovated into municipal offices. One million dollars was allocated to the renovation of the school building in order to make it functional for municipal purposes. The major changes made to the building included the replacement of windows and heat/air modernization. Renovations necessary for handicap accessibility along with small electrical work were also performed. Several members of the committee also visited a former American Legion Lodge that had been converted into the Town Hall in Adams. Adams hired an architecture firm called “Preservation Partnership”. They received 3.2 million dollars from the town to renovate this new building and the old municipal building. The town rented space in the old Town Hall to businesses such as the Credit Union and were also able to rent storage space in the basement. Jack Spencer recommended that the committee members should next visit schools, like the Stockbridge Plain School, that have been converted into housing. Tim Geller distributed a list of examples of schools converted into housing. Tim recommended speaking with Peter Lafayette from Berkshire Housing Development. Tim plans to invite Peter to the next committee meeting. Misc: Jack Spencer distributed copies of the Stockbridge Plain School FY2002 total expenditures. This report included expenditures such as electrical, plumbing, heating, water/sewer and annual floor cleaning services. Deb McMenamy reported that the Act of Legislation that will override the school's deed restrictions has been filed. This act will exempt the Town of Stockbridge from the school's present deed restrictions (that the site must solely be used as a school). Jack Spencer asked committee members to consider when professional help will be needed. At what point do committee members receive advice from consultants? This will be a topic of discussion at the next Reuse Committee meeting.