Message Mon, Nov 25, 2002 2:06 PM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 10/15/2002 October 15, 2002 PRESENT: Jack Spencer, Sue Tracy, Tom Arienti, Les Rathbun, Donald Oakes, Joe Ruggio, Tim Geller, Rosemary Schneyer, Larry Kurber and Deb McMenamy ABSENT: Clinton Schneyer and Everett L. Jassy Next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 30th, 2002 at 4:30 p.m. at the Stockbridge Plain School - a tour will be given to committee members Deb McMenamy presided. Topics of Discussion: Members introduced themselves and described their interest in the committee. A motion to nominate Jack Spencer for Chairperson with Les Rathbun for Assistant Chairperson was made by Les Rathbun, seconded by Tom Arienti. A motion to nominate Sue Tracy for Recording Secretary was made by Jack Spencer, seconded by Rosemary Schneyer. All motions were voted to be accepted. Jack Spencer suggested that the committee plan their next meeting to tour the Stockbridge Plain School and all committee members agreed. Jack asked a few members to research areas of the school: Joe Ruggio will further research the deed to the school, Rosemary Schneyer plans to speak with and collect any pertinent information from Barbara Allen (curator of the historical collection at the Stockbridge Library), Tom Arienti will look into the zoning of the school building, Larry Kurber will check to see if the school is on the historic building list, Tim Geller will search the internet for other reuse examples, Deb McMenamy will look into creating a link on the Town of Stockbridge web site to post minutes, and Donald Oakes will look into how the committee should address the public - for example: surveys, web site, listen to opinions in person, open meetings up to the public at the end of each session…etc. The committee members discussed the direction of the committee: the possibility of creating a timeline, what types of decisions need to be made and what expectations the selectmen have from the committee. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.