Message Wed, Jun 18, 2003 10:46 AM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 06/11/2003 STOCKBRIDGE PLAIN SCHOOL REUSE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING June 11, 2003 PRESENT: Tom Arienti, Tim Geller, Larry Kurber, Donald Oakes, Jack Spencer, and Sue Tracy ABSENT: Les Rathbun, Clint Schneyer, Rosie Schneyer, and Everett Jassy Next meeting to be announced. Please note that the July 9th meeting has been canceled and will need to be rescheduled. Jack Spencer presided. Topics of Discussion: Open House: Jack Spencer reported that the open house has been scheduled for Saturday, June 21st at the Stockbridge Plain School. The open house will run from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Tours of the school will be given to interested attendees. Jack asked all available committee members to attend the open house if possible. Jack stated that he would take care of the publicity for the event including an ad in the newspaper, an announcement on the local radio station (WSBS), a television ad on the local channel 11 cable station and postings in places such as the town library and post office. Jack also plans to make some phone calls in order to attract attendees. Survey Response: Jack discussed the response the committee has received from the Stockbridge Re-Use Task Force survey. Jack was able to compile responses from several of the questions found on the survey. He distributed the results of these questions to the committee members. Jack noted that there was an overwhelming response to question number 14: “Building could contain town offices, community center, elderly center, etc”. 230 people responded to this question alone. 104 individuals strongly approved this type of building use. Jack will continue to compile the data from the survey and will have the finished results at the next committee meeting. Tom Arienti suggested that the committee members complete the survey (if they have not done so already) so the committee can get an understanding of the various views of each member. Jack agreed and asked those members to complete the survey for the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.