Message Tue, Apr 15, 2003 3:33 PM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 04/09/03 STOCKBRIDGE PLAIN SCHOOL REUSE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING April 9, 2003 PRESENT: Tim Geller, Larry Kurber, Joe Ruggio, Rosie Schneyer, Jack Spencer, Sue Tracy, Deb McMenamy, and George Shippey ABSENT: Tom Arienti, Donald Oakes, Les Rathbun, Clint Schneyer, and Everett L. Jassy Next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 14th, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Jack Spencer presided. Topics of Discussion: Survey Returns: Jack Spencer reported that the committee has received a good rate of return on the Stockbridge Re-Use Task Force surveys. Approximately 70 surveys have been returned to the committee so far. Surveys can be returned to the Stockbridge town hall and the library. Great Barrington Reuse Committee: Jack reported that he has invited Richard Melluzzo, head of the Great Barrington Reuse Committee, to attend our next meeting in May. Richard plans to tell the committee about some of the experiences that the Great Barrington committee has underwent so far. Jack also reported that the Great Barrington Reuse Committee has decided to leave the Housatonic school to the school district. Open House and Public Meeting(s): Jack proposed to hold an open house in mid June at the Stockbridge Plain School-tentative date of June 21st (the first Saturday after school is out). Jack suggested promoting this event by calling the phone numbers on the reuse surveys that townspeople have returned to the committee. Jack also proposed distributing an informational sheet about the Stockbridge reuse committee at the annual town meeting on May 19th (including information the committee has gathered and promoting the open house in June). Jack suggested holding a public meeting(s) after the open house-possibly at the Plain School. Misc.: Larry Kurber distributed an article from the Boston Globe regarding the effects of the high-priced real-estate market. Larry also distributed a sales report of condominiums and similar residences for 2001 and 2002 in both Lenox and Stockbridge. Larry said that this report gives a good indication of the sales value in Stockbridge. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.