Message Thu, Mar 20, 2003 2:24 PM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 03/12/2003 STOCKBRIDGE PLAIN SCHOOL REUSE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING March 12, 2003 PRESENT: Tom Arienti, Tim Geller, Larry Kurber, Les Rathbun, Joe Ruggio, Rosie Schneyer, Jack Spencer, Sue Tracy, and Deb McMenamy ABSENT: Donald Oakes, Clint Schneyer, and Everett L. Jassy Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 9th, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Jack Spencer presided. Topics of Discussion: Great Barrington Reuse Committee: Jack Spencer reported that the Great Barrington Reuse Committee is roughly 2 months(+) ahead of the Stockbridge Committee. Jack spoke with Richard Melluzzo who is a member G.B.'s committee regarding their recent open house. Melluzzo felt that they received a good response. Most recently, developers came to look at the school in Great Barrington. Jack plans to follow-up with Melluzzo regarding this visit. Community Preservation Act: Tim Geller reported that he spoke with Linda Jackson regarding the Community Preservation Act. Tim informed the committee that the Community Preservation Act does not have the money to aid in consulting. Real Estate Marketing: Larry Kurber introduced guest Shep Evans to the committee. Shep has worked in real estate in Stockbridge for many years. Shep reported that historically there has been no overwhelming need for office space in Stockbridge. Shep has received no recent inquires for office space. In Shep's experience, there is a huge demand for low-income housing and a huge demand for reasonably-priced housing (to buy) in the town. Shep warned the committee of trying to market housing on Main Street in Stockbridge-the noise of traffic may make it a hard sell. Survey: Tom Arienti recommended conducting a survey similar to the towns of Great Barrington and Housatonic. Tom suggested that we use their survey as a model (with some minor editing). The committee can use a combination of ways to distribute the survey. Joe Ruggio suggested that we stuff the survey in with the tax bills (per the selectmen's agreement). The committee can also post the survey on the town web site and leave the survey out in public places like the town library, town hall and post office. Jack asked committee members to send any suggested changes of the Great Barrington and Housatonic survey directly to him. National Trust for Historical Preservation: Joe Ruggio reported that he spoke with a representative from the Northeast regional office regarding a use feasibility study. The town could receive a possible $500-$5,000 grant for this study. Joe plans to follow-up with the representative regarding this option. Misc.: The committee members discussed ideas for use of the building. Each member expressed their individual opinion. The overall consensus resulted in a mixed use of the building. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.