Message Mon, Feb 24, 2003 10:21 AM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 02/12/03 STOCKBRIDGE PLAIN SCHOOL REUSE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING February 12, 2003 PRESENT: Tom Arienti, Tim Geller, Larry Kurber, Les Rathbun, Joe Ruggio, Clint Schneyer, Jack Spencer, Sue Tracy, Deb McMenamy and George Shippey ABSENT: Donald Oakes, Rosie Schneyer and Everett L. Jassy Next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 12th, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Jack Spencer presided. Topics of Discussion: Cameron House Visit: Several members of the committee visited the Cameron House located in Lenox. This building was previously an elementary school that has been developed into a privately-owned assisted living space. The Cameron House holds 44 units and is currently at an occupancy rate below 65%. This low occupancy rate may be due to infrequent referrals from Berkshire Medical Center. The general opinion from the group that visited the Cameron House was that the quality of transformation into an assisted living space was average but not outstanding. The members agreed that this was a good example of how a school can be developed into a living space however the members could not envision developing the Stockbridge Plain School building into a successful assisted living space. National Register of Historical Places: Jack Spencer reported that the Stockbridge Plain School building is listed in The National Register of Historic Places. This list includes individual buildings, sites, structures, and objects, as well as districts, “important” in American history, culture, architecture, or archaeology. This list: 1. Recognizes that the area is important to the history of the community, state or nation, 2. Allows the owners of income-producing properties certain federal tax incentives for renovation, 3. Provides limited protection from adverse effects by federally funded, licensed, or assisted projects and 4. In no way limits the owner's use of the property unless public funding is used-if your property is listed in the National Register you may do anything with it you wish. Jack noted the advantage of receiving a tax credit if the building is converted into a profit-making property. Renovations to Town Hall: Jack Spencer distributed copies of the proposed renovation plans for the Stockbridge Town Hall. Jack wanted the members to be able to refer to these plans if the committee decides to recommend moving the town offices to the Stockbridge Plain School building. Professional Help: Jack posed the question to the committee: “Have we reached a point where we need professional help?” Jack suggested that the committee look for a professional who could help with the marketability of the building. Larry Kurber will look into finding professionals who may be interested in helping with this area. The committee will make a decision if this help will be necessary at the next meeting. Misc: Jack Spencer wanted members of the committee to be aware that there are advantages and disadvantages in a public vs. private ownership. Jack distributed a suggested time line to the committee members. An open house for the Stockbridge school building is proposed for June. Jack asked Deb McMenamy and Les Rathbun to begin thinking of ideas on how to attract the public to tour the building. Jack also distributed a copy of Great Barrington's School Building Re-Use Task Force Survey for Searles/Bryant and Housatonic. Jack asked Tom Arienti to look over the survey and report to the committee next month the pluses and minuses of conducting a survey in Stockbridge. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.