Message Thu, Jan 09, 2003 1:09 PM From: Brett Tartaglino To: StockbridgeMA_PlainSchMin Subject: Plain School Committee Minutes 01/09/2003 STOCKBRIDGE PLAIN SCHOOL REUSE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING January 8, 2003 PRESENT:, Tim Geller, Larry Kurber, Joe Ruggio, Clint Schneyer, Jack Spencer, Sue Tracy, Deb McMenamy and George Shippey ABSENT: Tom Arienti, Donald Oakes, Les Rathbun, Rosie Schneyer and Everett L. Jassy Next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 12th, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Jack Spencer presided. Topics of Discussion: Historic Building: Jack Spencer reported that the paperwork to make the Stockbridge Plain School building part of the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Main Street Historic District was completed. Guest Speaker-Peter Lafayette of Berkshire Housing Development Corp.: Peter Lafayette, Berkshire Housing Development Corporation, spoke about the school's adaptability to become housing. Berkshire Housing has been involved with three other school-to-housing conversions in Pittsfield. Peter described three positive aspects of converting a school into housing: 1). Schools generally have a good, solid structure (including thick, well-insulated walls) 2). Schools' layout are typical to housing including hallways and stairwells…few changes would need to be made to the general layout 3). The size of classrooms are typically easy to convert into 2-3 room apartments and generally give off great natural light due to large windows. Peter also observed that the Stockbridge school area is accustomed to high traffic due to school buses, parents picking up children, etc. Surrounding neighbors would most likely not be disturbed by residents coming-and-going if the school was converted into housing. Also Peter stated that there are very few buildings in South County that could be converted into housingcreating very few opportunities for towns to offer housing. Peter also discussed a few challenges of converting a school into housing. He stated that the conversion into housing generally costs as much as building a new building due to the number of odd spaces, etc. that have to be converted. Peter also discussed how the cost to build/convert is just as expensive as the Boston area. However, the rent in this area (The Berkshires) is about half of what one could collect in Boston. This creates a problem/challenge in making the numbers work. Peter suggested that the Town of Stockbridge could put out a request for proposal (a specific proposal-i.e. housing or offices). Peter also recommends that the committee visit the Cameron House in Lenox (this converted building most resembles the Stockbridge Plain School). Misc: Jack Spencer distributed copies of an extract from the Town of Lee's October 23, 2002 Special Town Meeting warrant that presents the subject zoning by-law (Article 8) and the companion addition to the definition section of the zoning by-laws (Article 9). This article creates a zoning overlay district that allows multiple uses in order to develop abandoned buildings including all municipal buildings as well as public and private school structures. Deb McMenamy distributed a draft of “An Act Relative To Certain Funds And Real Property Owned by The Town Of Stockbridge”. This act authorizes the Town of Stockbridge to make use of the funds and real property transferred, assigned, set over and conveyed to the inhabitants of the Town of Stockbridge by the trustees of the Williams Academy in a warranty-deed entitled “Proprietors and Trustees of Williams Academy to Inhabitants to Stockbridge,”…for any purpose that the Town of Stockbridge deems appropriate. The act shall take effect upon its acceptance by a majority of the legal voters of the Town of Stockbridge present and voting at a legal meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.